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File: 077e78508329b27⋯.png (359.69 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, THE_ORIGINAL_ROSWELL_ALIEN….png)

dd660c  No.360393

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e7775d  No.360423

LOL @ you not realizing FOX TV proved this was just a scene from a cheap B rated film back I'm the 1990s

you REALLY are stupid as fuvk

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e7775d  No.360425

I guess you were "too busy being smart" to realize you chose THE MOST OFTEN DEBUNKED FAKE-ASS FOOTAGE in the entire UFO conspiracy theory universe, huh?

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e7775d  No.360426

lol @ how stupid you looked @ "the ORIGINAL Roswell Autopsy Film"


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e7775d  No.360427

as opposed to "THE UNORIGINAL Roswell Autopsy Films"…. right?

right, DIPSHIT?

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e7775d  No.360428

File: faac181e5ca4e79⋯.jpg (409.27 KB, 865x804, 865:804, Screenshot_20230121_062757.jpg)


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9d0a59  No.360429

He posts this shit everywhere, every site he visits, and then takes off to another site.

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e7775d  No.360430

File: ce7ca2835a06276⋯.jpg (358.72 KB, 992x603, 992:603, Screenshot_20230121_062829.jpg)

you areTHEleast educated idiot who ever came to 8kun

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e7775d  No.360431


I don't think it's a HE


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e7775d  No.360432

I think it's either ASHLEY NICHOLE SCNEIDER or an EXTREEEEEMELY Effeminate Male

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e7775d  No.360433



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9d0a59  No.360434


Very few who come to 8kun are educated or know a damn thing about the real world. It's a bunch of misfit ideologues, about as separated from reality as our politicians are.

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