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6c320c  No.360389

Sneaky geniuses

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6c320c  No.360390

File: 842dd4dd64d34d6⋯.jpg (102.9 KB, 828x552, 3:2, Picsart_23_01_20_16_30_34_….jpg)

They were almost smooth criminals like Jerry when he watched Tucker Carlson and thought he knew how many people stole the election in 2020

I'm guessing they stole the 2018 elections also?

And they stole the 2022 elections?

Did they force George Santos into being a drag queen?

Did they force Jerry into signing up for EBT?

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6c320c  No.360391



really…. he's NOT stupid

he's just WRONG

about a lot of things

he makes s better


than he does a bigot

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6c320c  No.360392

that's why I'm so confused by Jerry

how could someone as smart and experienced, a psychonaut LSD DMT Journeyman….

become an angry control freak bigoted Trump supporting Qanon Pro-Jan 6 MAGA MORON?

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