The level of rank incompetence that Southwest Airlines demonstrates here is also widely demonstrated by banks, government offices, utility companies and many other service providers. But many people miss the reasons behind it all. One of the primary reasons is that the covid vaccine is removing competent, experienced people from the work force by killing or injuring them.
In fact, as Ed Dowd reveals, the vaccine did the most damage among those who are employed. 2021 was a very dangerous year to have a job, it turns out, as the Biden regime forced employers across the country to mandate vaccines for all their workers. Many workers complied with the jab mandates and have since died or become disabled as a result. The fact that 7,500 additional Americans are suffering this fate every day points to not merely an economic recession or depression, but a decivilization outcome that risks ending western civilization as we know it, forcing the vaccine survivors into an existence they hardly recognize.
Ed Dowd calls this the “glacial Mad Max” scenario: It’s going to get very bad but not all at once. The slow, steady erosion of the pillars of civilization will become increasingly apparent over time as another 2.7 million people are killed or disabled by the vaccines each year. And that’s based on current rates of mortality and disability… rates that may become significantly worse among those who continue to take the mRNA jabs that obliterate their immune systems and caused their bodies to generate mysterious fibrous clots (which are not simply blood clots, by the way).
“Globalization is over,” Dowd declares in the interview (below). And that means the era of cheap, easy stuff is also coming to an end. The world we once knew, where we could visit a local Walmart or Target store and pick up foreign-made goods on the cheap, is over. From here, things are going to become a lot more expensive and less available. Rather than a global expansion into long, complex supply chains and economies of scale, we are living through the early stages of a global contraction and the collapse of globalism itself. The world is about to become a lot more local, with all the global supply chain efficiencies vanishing in short order.
And this is colliding with the fact that the U.S. work culture is practically non-existent among younger Americans. They have grown up never expecting to actually produce anything. They are consumers, after all, not factory workers or creators of anything real (your favorite celebrity NFT or crypto coin doesn’t count). Thus, at a time when globalization is collapsing and when Americans are going to have to grow, manufacture and process things at the local level, there’s hardly any local work knowledge remaining that could accomplish such a transition.
Those who know how to do anything — the working class of America — are being systematically annihilated by the jabs, leaving behind the non-working welfare class who possess no practical skills and believe they are deserving of never-ending universal basic income subsidies so they can continue to be consumers. Their world is about to come to a frustrating end, and America as a whole is going to witness the ravages of the reversal of the globalization miracle that made goods affordable, readily available and easily replaced.