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f6bd0c  No.359823

The Global Currency Reset Will Begin In The USA, Whether Ugly Or Beauty Way Not Yet Known

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=39

I am sure many of you have heard about the Global Currency Reset event for very long time.

All kind of pandemic war or physical weapon war is all about this one as well.

The official deadline have been set for this event as well (May 2023).

It was set by super entities/beings who gave this society “technology machine”.

Behind the scene and the secret affair between big groups across the global, they are fighting for this one and are try to find the best possible solution.

But no matter what happen, the public Global Currency Reset(GCR) event will begin/kick off in the United States Of Americas in 2023.

There are 2 options at the moment:

Option 1: Default/bankrupt the USD and replace with the new one.

Option 2: Keep the USD but must have solution to go along.

Option 1 is what the world are heading to.

While option 2 is not yet appeared.

Because of option 1 is not yet perfect that is why the GCR not yet begin.

Here the “perfect” metric is get accept by top leaders of the world in both public and secret societies.

Option 2 is exist and I am holding it.

Option 2 will get accepted by all nations and that secret super entities within 7 days as well.

Because it reflect the truth of all creation.

I am not going to share it while I still have personal family issue that related to finance/wealth.

I am sharing this message because if option 1 is implementing, it will be occur in ugly way.

Also giving the final to the Americans leaders and people to make their wise decision to listen and support me.

If they do not willing to spend the soon-to-be-worthless US dollar (USD) to seek any potential better solution, then they are deserve to gone.

Feel free to share this to all American people and US GOV.

Want to contact directly with me, then use TELEGRAM, channel “ajoychat” or “ajoytalk”.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=39

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