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File: 89f12a5c73e97ba⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 162524382_868142851077346_….mp4)

994771  No.359369

Who dosen't want to be Elvis ?

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000000  No.359388


This did actually make me stop and think.

Yeezy got his balls in a vise when he did the grey cardigan sweater thing, or whatever that was.

At any rate the man know how to produce good audio.


Off the top of your head: name one producer, engineer or mastering engineer who worked with Elvis the pelvis.

Some anal retentive oldfags might be able to do this.

Me? I'm just not quite that informed.

What's with all the Elvis reference on this board?

methinks a troll hath taken up abode 'mongst ye.

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