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File: 48c1254551279e6⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_01_03_10_57_22_….jpg)

d1dcbe  No.359147


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4e5cd7  No.359148

File: fc660e0fa003cee⋯.webm (4.87 MB, 960x720, 4:3, rav_sadin_subtitles.webm)


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d879b6  No.359149


You're weak and not intelligent enough to take control from the jews

Notice I didn't say take control BACK from the jews

Because to take control back, that would mean you used to have control

You've never controlled anything

You don't even have a fucking job, you lazy sack of shit

That's why you're so inferior

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d879b6  No.359150


The unemployed adult male who sits on his lazy ass all day, sedentary effeminate sack of human garbage.. who continually tries to convince himself of his superiority

well….. apparently, there's not a woman on this planet who agrees with you

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