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File: 6bb738acdaf9abf⋯.jpg (276.95 KB, 1000x930, 100:93, eagle_odom.jpg)

51eda9  No.358874

The laws of physics are far more exotic than some would have you believe.

This appears to be a quantum holographic hyperdimensional astral plane consciousness field with mind over matter physics, parallel dimensions, and other universes.

Aliens and intelligence agencies possess this technology.

There are extraterrestrials, plasma aliens, and native hyperdimensionals.

Mind over matter physics includes teleportation, manifestation, astral projection, telekinesis, remote viewing, non-local multiple existence, telepathy, and zero-point energy.

The Gateway Process and Dr. Steven Greer document these laws of physics.

>The Gateway Process Physics Manual




A Navy SEAL named Don disclosed some supporting information in 2013.

He describes black projects, aliens, astral projection, synthetic telepathy, synthetic dimensions, and targeted individuals.

>Don's Navy SEALs Release


Around the same time, a neuroweapons expert, Dr. Robert Duncan, came forward and described the synthetic telepathy technology.

>The Matrix Deciphered, Dr. Robert Duncan, 2010


>Cybernetics Lecture


A former Marine named Kyle Odom was attacked by this technology.

>Odom Manifesto


I was attacked in 2016 by the same technology.

>Odom's War by Anonymous


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2a9033  No.358879

File: a0bc563273f89ea⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 894x232, 447:116, Screenshot_20230101_012305.jpg)

"around the same time…"

what time was it ?….



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2a9033  No.358880

5:00 ??……

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2a9033  No.358881

12:30 ?

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2a9033  No.358882

no ?……..

what time was it?

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2a9033  No.358883

7:15 PM?

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2a9033  No.358884

was it AM or PM?

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2a9033  No.358885

8:00 AM ?…….. NO?

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2a9033  No.358886

8: 01??.?.?

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2a9033  No.358887

8:02 ?

8:03 ?

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2a9033  No.358888

9:25 ?

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2a9033  No.358889

9:25 AM ?

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2a9033  No.358890

9:25 PM?

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2a9033  No.358892


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