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File: 5a679bbcee7c069⋯.jpg (336.01 KB, 710x950, 71:95, The_New_World_Order_Elites.jpg)

2f768a  No.358538

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88239c  No.358563

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204430  No.358567


You're not even intelligent enough to tell me who the humans are supposed to be in that horribly executed illustration

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204430  No.358568

You're a dumbass

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28c7de  No.358631


your inferiority complex is well deserved

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28c7de  No.358632


tell us about your MOMMY

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28c7de  No.358633

File: 2093336340e4840⋯.jpg (308.05 KB, 1280x1222, 640:611, 20221229_121957.jpg)

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28c7de  No.358634

File: e3bcd5a112622fc⋯.jpg (279.49 KB, 1280x1222, 640:611, 20221229_120444.jpg)

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28c7de  No.358635

File: aa5e6af2f39f5d3⋯.jpg (284.9 KB, 1280x1222, 640:611, 20221229_114557.jpg)

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28c7de  No.358636

File: 32e86a4add32e96⋯.jpg (290.61 KB, 776x875, 776:875, Screenshot_20221229_115601.jpg)

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28c7de  No.358637

File: 2fb10efc4cf544f⋯.jpg (300.53 KB, 1280x1222, 640:611, 20221229_123618.jpg)


at least you got ONE THING right

you'll never be elite

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28c7de  No.358638


I noticed that you forgot to inude MY ADDRESS, little guy

and I'm DEFINITELY elite, compared to YOU

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28c7de  No.358639


I'm a total fuck-up

but YOU make me seem like Howard Hughes

You're SO bland and unaccomplished, that YOU ACTUALLY MADENIGGERSSEEM SUPERIOR

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28c7de  No.358640


why didn't you include my address, peon?

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28c7de  No.358641

File: 7649369984f48d7⋯.png (980.33 KB, 1152x780, 96:65, Picsart_22_12_29_13_06_48_….png)


you claim to know the personal home addresses of the world's 'elite'……

but you don't know MY address, peon…

680 Amster Green


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28c7de  No.358642


update your list….

little fuckboi

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28c7de  No.358643

and don't bother adding your address….

you didn't make the list AGAIN

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a20a5c  No.358646


Thats a nice house what do you do for a living are you a mohel?

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b533d7  No.358647



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b533d7  No.358648


I sold that house already, and they're turning it into a National Landmark / Museum

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968e5a  No.359501

no idea if it's real, but bump for justice

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