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File: e498849cb0d9c3e⋯.jpeg (112.73 KB, 696x556, 174:139, US_Space_Force_Spacecraft.jpeg)

b891d1  No.357890

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9727f1  No.357891

LOL you're such a gullible fool

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569cd8  No.357892

All it takes is a poorly executed Photoshop and you get all excited, thinking you have top secret information

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12a8c4  No.357893

File: 4b362c5ea1bc06d⋯.jpg (286.56 KB, 1054x911, 1054:911, Screenshot_20221217_160044….jpg)

All it takes is a poorly executed Photoshop and you get all excited, thinking you have top secret information

well….. I was in my second year in the Air Force back in 2019 when I was recruited to join the U.S. Space Force, and I'm a Communications engineer stationed near Nellis Air Force Base

and last night I snapped this photograph of one of our newest spacecraft Landing after running a reconnaissance mission in outer space

My Photoshop evidences even cheaper than yours, so by your own standards, that makes me much more qualified

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12a8c4  No.357894

I am piloting a proprietary black budget spacecraft as I type this post..

I'm not allowed to show you photographs of the spacecraft, but I am allowed to take selfies

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84c9d8  No.357895

I am piloting a proprietary black budget spacecraft as I type this post..

I'm not allowed to show you photographs of the spacecraft, but I am allowed to take selfies

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12a8c4  No.357896

File: 4756b1571576460⋯.jpg (194.2 KB, 960x1568, 30:49, Picsart_22_12_08_17_55_46_….jpg)

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12a8c4  No.357897

File: cf639046d699bef⋯.jpg (43.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pbwzXmpN8P4HyNjhqelI_2_lsx….jpg)

File: 7d68e599d16f9f7⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NYfEQRpM5PDJCXvSo2D7_4_652….jpg)

File: df24cf8782d2fb6⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NYfEQRpM5PDJCXvSo2D7_3_6pn….jpg)

You wouldn't believe the wild bizarre women we meet up here in the outer stratosphere.. they're not exactly human, and the best part is we're allowed to interrogate them with our penises

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4affd4  No.357898

File: 2bbe4a13ed22a0a⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, s_l1600.jpg)


Someone photoshops an ocarina and you idiots lose your fucking minds.

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bd5f77  No.357901

File: e822e7679a3f673⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1626x1080, 271:180, Picsart_22_12_17_21_48_28_….png)

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bd5f77  No.357902

File: b4e81fccaaab58a⋯.jpg (251.78 KB, 1099x1080, 1099:1080, Picsart_22_12_18_01_08_23_….jpg)


HINT : most people who get probedDON'T go back for more

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bd5f77  No.357913

nobody has to Force their way into your Space

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bd5f77  No.357914

File: bf983f9f8ef9432⋯.jpg (211.68 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_diaper_change_1_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357915

File: 63d9fdc724cb17c⋯.jpg (205.29 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_Nascar_driv….jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357916

File: a61aeee0bd9d483⋯.jpg (238.68 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_Top_Gun_gre….jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357917

File: e1bc288d9c96733⋯.jpg (239.44 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_trench_coat….jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357918

File: f164d94f45d236b⋯.jpg (222.13 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_poopy_diaper_9_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357919

File: 731c7665afa83bf⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1958, 540:979, Picsart_22_12_18_15_52_22_….png)

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bd5f77  No.357920

File: 8cc9e69dea42111⋯.jpg (177.45 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Retarded_trading_card.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357921

File: cdb78cfcc64eefc⋯.jpg (211.65 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_trench_coat….jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357922

File: 86dda9b2a10f4cd⋯.jpg (223.28 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_astronaut_1….jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357923

File: a7bb4dc91fecad9⋯.jpg (229.78 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_poopy_diaper_8_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357924

File: 0ebcb3dc309beb0⋯.jpg (247.57 KB, 512x512, 1:1, faggot.jpg)

File: 5a8123c95849259⋯.jpg (277.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, sugar_smacks.jpg)

File: 687d6c67a96fcce⋯.jpg (246.78 KB, 512x512, 1:1, cockroaches.jpg)

File: 9929746a98715dc⋯.jpg (256.41 KB, 512x512, 1:1, cock_sucker.jpg)

File: fa0d8583f5ef66b⋯.jpg (227.94 KB, 512x512, 1:1, cock_sucker_3_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357925

File: fd316a666169a1c⋯.jpg (232.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_trench_coat….jpg)

File: f219e974d803a86⋯.jpg (230.65 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_poopy_diaper_1_.jpg)

File: b4c1c9f3ff91c43⋯.jpg (247.26 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_crybaby_3_.jpg)

File: b4ec5c463ac8af0⋯.jpg (202.89 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_diaper_change_4_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357926

File: f411c8f68171036⋯.jpg (209.29 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_poop_diaper.jpg)

File: f6c6652f6fd632c⋯.jpg (222.81 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_diaper_change_7_.jpg)

File: 5a3ca2110ac5dc0⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_diaper_change.jpg)

File: 18731bd4c5ae316⋯.jpg (221.97 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_diaper_change_3_.jpg)

File: 54d3424c4873648⋯.jpg (200.04 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_crybaby_4_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357927

File: c16eb597ace5156⋯.jpg (135.92 KB, 512x512, 1:1, stupid_Trump_in_high_chair….jpg)

File: a9e05f71c7fc690⋯.jpg (140.6 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Trump_is_a_little_toddler_….jpg)

File: 5701b69d23e5c92⋯.jpg (163.38 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trumps_Retarded_trading_ca….jpg)

File: 8e66a1e1b68a7cf⋯.jpg (233.37 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_Top_Gun_gre….jpg)

File: d95c086e2b5b898⋯.jpg (227.94 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_Top_Gun_gre….jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357928

File: a61aeee0bd9d483⋯.jpg (238.68 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_Top_Gun_gre….jpg)

File: 2ff1fd13548ef1e⋯.jpg (251.34 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_retarded_Cowboy_trad….jpg)

File: 71dd5a4647bb025⋯.jpg (231.05 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_poopy_diaper_4_.jpg)

File: fa48a5c1646d419⋯.jpg (200.13 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_diaper_change_5_.jpg)

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bd5f77  No.357929

File: 0666f387672c795⋯.jpg (232.05 KB, 512x512, 1:1, trump_stupid_superhero_1_.jpg)

File: cb900ce09b62e84⋯.jpg (227.77 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8kun_poopy_diaper_10_.jpg)

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ed64a5  No.358237


Fucking kill yourself you goddamned retarded COCKSUCKING fucking cunt of a kike. Dude you obsess so hard I mean I can see the fantasy in your head of sucking his orange until you asphyxiate on his cum. You suck you're unfunny you're a worthless kike cuntwads please make something funny, this is utterly shit. No. Blow your faggot brains out and cease

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ed64a5  No.358238




You know fucking shit about the ethereals my slant eyed shit skin boy with too much time to fantasize about your imminent shit hole fucking by an orange octoroon we all fucking hate. You're an ignorant faggot, when you get sucked into the nexus and get eaten I'll be there choking my chicken over your corpse

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ed64a5  No.358240



We get it you skin and rape infants. Gosh that old feeling of wanting to pop through your screen and kill you, out right maime and murder you without mercy is back

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