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File: f66f0ccb5d72e58⋯.png (590.87 KB, 1533x1080, 511:360, Picsart_22_12_06_10_20_43_….png)

47db32  No.357754

I am predicting that Marshmallow Sally will become the Taco Bell employee of the year in 2023

Or maybe Burger King.. or McDonald's

One thing's for sure.. he's not going to be collecting any more welfare benefits next year

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47db32  No.357756

You know the "Burn In Hell Business" has gone to hell when the Antichrist survives on welfare disability benefits

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47db32  No.357757

plus…. exactly HOW does The ANTICHRIST get approved for EBT food stamps when he eats lost souls instead of food?

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47db32  No.357758

( I'm beginning to think he's not really the real Antichrist )

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47db32  No.357759

Plus.. maybe it's just me, but I always imagined the Antichrist would have A CHIN

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47db32  No.357760

File: 96d37d5b435e01d⋯.png (720.52 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221206_183602….png)

I wonder if they have any qualified cosmetic surgeons in hell that could give the Antichrist a chin implant for a more masculine look

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