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ee5905  No.357744

In January, I'm going to begin the process of having Marshmallow Sally's welfare benefits terminated, for defrauding the US government….

Everybody already knows he's 35 years old, hiding in his mother's spare bedroom, after she made him apply for SSI psycho welfare benefits…

Everybody knows he doesn't have a girlfriend, never has, never will, and spends every holiday season embarrassingly alone while his relatives shrug their shoulders, long since having accepted the fact that he's a closet homosexual…

Everybody knows he doesn't have any money, no car, can't pay rent, and eats off an EBT food stamp card…

But he's defaulting the United States taxpayers…

And the Department of Human Services and doesn't play games when it comes to committing fraud against the US government.

So for christmas, I'm going to help marshmallow Sally find a fast food job somewhere

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ab3552  No.357751

Dear Fat Soft Weak Lazy Punk-Ass Bitch Marshmallow Sally….

I told you I was going to single-handedly destroy your little shit hole

And that's exactly what I did

And now I'm going to have your welfare benefits terminated

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ab3552  No.357752

You were a goddamn fool, a complete novice to assume I was bluffing about destroying your fun in here.

And you would be an even bigger fool to assume I'm not going to have your welfare benefits terminated, you worthless sniveling fat soft lazy bitch.

If you're ever man enough to go face to face with me, feel free to come to Atlanta where I will beat you within an inch of your worthless life…

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ab3552  No.357755

But until that day comes I'm afraid you're going to have to settle for my consolation Christmas present :

An upcoming career at Taco Bell

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