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File: 6882a2388964980⋯.jpg (228.58 KB, 1214x668, 607:334, nwoavengers.jpg)

0daa06  No.357312 [Last 50 Posts]

Free speech's avengers have been assembled

Jewish media is shitting themselves

The age of Elon will be short lived

Suspensions aren't super powers

Ye24 is endgame

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2e0403  No.357326


hahaha you don't get ANY PUSSY

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2e0403  No.357327







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2e0403  No.357328

File: 12363e9d3ca934d⋯.jpg (488.15 KB, 1963x1080, 1963:1080, Picsart_22_12_03_14_04_40_….jpg)


gee……… I "wonder" why women laugh in your face

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2e0403  No.357329


so……. it's YETANOTHERLONELY WEEKEND, with no pussy, no blowjobs, no companionship….

not even a platonic casual friendship with a female

It's just you and your stupid video games and empty little image board chat rooms

and the masturbation

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2e0403  No.357330

File: b8bad6fc02dd045⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2400x1074, 400:179, Picsart_22_12_03_14_10_12_….png)


your superhero movie reference is SO GAY

You've got all the "masculinity" of a 5 year old girl

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2e0403  No.357331


lol @ the stupid things you focus on

because you have too much empty time on your hands


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2e0403  No.357332

File: 60fce8187b21982⋯.jpg (402.31 KB, 1963x1080, 1963:1080, Picsart_22_12_03_14_17_22_….jpg)


you are SO STUPID, that you don't even realize :




you are your own worst problem

the reason women won't fuck you is YOUR SISSY ANGER

yet your sissy anger is a REACTION to your sexual rejection

you're a bitch

you're a punching bag

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2e0403  No.357333

File: 7de0c560942c31f⋯.png (795.12 KB, 931x791, 133:113, Screenshot_20221203_142213….png)



another weekend with no pussy

then next week, another 5 days with no pussy…

and another lonely weekend

and another

and another

videogames…. chatroom culture…. porn….


and another month goes by

and another year

and another

and another

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2e0403  No.357334


even losers and ugly douchebags get laid

even low class broke inbred hillbilly trailerpark white trash, criminals, greasy niggers, bums, and filthy spics GET PUSSY

even wimpy leftists GET PUSSY, dude

but not YOU

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2e0403  No.357335

File: 8164a71cc3905c6⋯.png (793.77 KB, 856x1079, 856:1079, Screenshot_20221203_142252….png)




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2e0403  No.357336

All of your ridiculous Trend following right wing anger simply acts as a spotlight which shines on the real problems happening beneath the surface :

Your inner weaknesses

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9391f0  No.357337


Of course it's completely predictable you would naturally gravitate towards the angry right wing platform..

Because they are all hiding something inside

And I know what you're hiding :

You seek to control others because you can't manage your own personal life

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055272  No.357338


You're angry but you are also effeminate

You're not a tough guy. You are actually a passive aggressive little bitch who spent his life playing video games like a little girl

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055272  No.357339


You fantasize like a child, always imagine yourself in some kind of position of bravado

But you've never been in a fist fight in your entire life.. you don't know how to fight

All you know is video games and masturbation.. failure and sheltered isolation hiding in mommy's spare bedroom your entire life

But you don't know how to fight with your fists

You wouldn't last two punches in a fist fight

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d8f0a0  No.357340


O B V I O U S L Y :

You didn't become a passive aggressive effeminate video game chat room culture masturbation sissy boy by being a high school football jock

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2fe623  No.357341

File: ed9f56e1299358d⋯.png (899.33 KB, 1080x2020, 54:101, Screenshot_20221203_143709….png)

12-year-old black kid could beat the brakes off your weak little ass

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ab67ba  No.357342

File: c76bfb488e3118f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1241, 1080:1241, Screenshot_20221203_144805….png)


any 12 year old black GIRL could beat your ass unconscious into the pavement

. easily

And you couldn't do a goddamn thing to stop her, because you are a weak little punching bag

They grew up learning how to fight on the the streets while you learned cheat codes to Super Mario bros, you weak little sissy boy

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d0926a  No.357343


unlike this guy, you've never had your nose broken before….

and trust me….

when you DO finally get your nose broken, you are going to drop to your knees andoffer to suck cock to please make the beating stop


I've had my nose broken several times. That's my favorite part of the fight

but not you………..

because you're effeminate

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e59965  No.357344

File: 302a668eaf0d3a9⋯.png (507.8 KB, 850x1027, 850:1027, Screenshot_20221203_145148….png)


As soon as your nose gets broken

You will start begging for them to please don't hit you again

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7a0340  No.357345



Any 11 year old black kid, whether a boy or a girl, could EASILY beat your ass into an emergency room without breaking a sweat

no problem………

Have you ever seen black kids fight? I think you might be surprised how fast they would break your nose, and although you would beg them to please stop hitting you, black kids are FAST and they would continue punching you and punching you in the face and Temple until you were laying on the sidewalk and they would start kicking you in the fucking face LIKE THE BTCH YOU ARE

All of your video game superhero movie fantasies would be out the window, and you would be receiving a healthy dose of reality

You're much more like a woman than you are a man

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229773  No.357346


You're like a woman who fantasizes instead of a man who accomplishes

You can't even find a woman on this planet who thinks you're even vaguely moderately cool by the farthest stretch of the imagination

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072831  No.357347


Your boring prepackaged unoriginal contrived trendy political stance means absolutely nothing to anybody

Nobody cares about your opinions

Not me.. not anybody else on this board

Not any hot women.. not even any ugly women care about your opinions

Not even your mother, and she's the one paying all your bills, because if you don't have enough balls to fuck and you don't have enough balls to fight, then obviously you don't have balls enough to get a goddamn job like a man

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072831  No.357348

File: b7f198d99a56f2a⋯.jpg (429.73 KB, 1963x1080, 1963:1080, Picsart_22_12_03_15_03_59_….jpg)


You can't support yourself, you can't even pay your own fucking Wi-Fi bill

You are a fucking pussy



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072831  No.357349




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072831  No.357350


you complain about promiscuous women all the time

You can often be found griping about women having sex with losers, niggers, kikes…

But if women are so promiscuous,


Why aren't any women being promiscuous with you?

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072831  No.357351


Since you are obviously too afraid to answer my question…….

Would you prefer I answer the question for you?

Obviously, you simply aren't good enough for them

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072831  No.357352


It's not a great mystery….

It's not rocket science….

There's nothing Quantum about it….



It's so simple

The reason no woman will fuck you is because : no woman wants to have sex with you

Obviously you're simply not worthy

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7e5b48  No.357353


All of those guys you complain about women having sex with?

All of the niggers and losers and Jews and scumbags and drug addict guys you complain about

Apparently, women consider them a better catch than you

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7e5b48  No.357354


Plus, the fact that you are inherently a coward doesn't make things any better

You simply don't have the balls to be assertive

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7e5b48  No.357355


You didn't become a chatroom culture superhero movie sci-fi anime video game sissy boy faggot by "having balls"

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b9605d  No.357356



Why don't you show us how tough you are?

I challenge you to make a video of yourself approaching any 12-year-old black child and calling them a NIGGER

Because that would be hilarious watching you get your nose broken for the first time

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279669  No.357357


In your little video game fantasy world, I'm sure you're quite the tough guy

I bet you're a ninja and a magical Enchanted elf in a wizard enchanted forest or something gay like that

But in reality, the only person you've ever been able to manipulate was your mother

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c2b863  No.357358


And as your mother continued against her own better judgment, allowing you to sink deeper and deeper into your sheltered isolated Video Game World instead of socializing like the other children, she slowly began to realize you're not very much of a man after all

Your mother knows the truth

Your mother has seen your tiny little penis before

Your mother knows you're never going to be a real man

So for the past 10 years, while she played along and patronized you with your little fantasies, convinced she thought you were a big boy.. she's actually viewed you as more of a daughter than a son

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0a9bf7  No.357359


Something tells me you would jump at an opportunity to suck another guy's penis

It's not like you have any experience with females

And it's not like you're going to get any sexual offers from a woman

So basically you've been practicing for homosexuality your entire life

Playing sissy boy video games and avoiding contact with girls

Preferring the company of other closet homosexual males in image boards

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c66959  No.357360


NOTHING about your existence has been a practice session for heterosexuality, that's for sure

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6053ec  No.357361


I'd imagine you've thrown more than your fair share of temper tantrums in your childhood and even into your adulthood

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6053ec  No.357362


Because you are a passive aggressive Sissy who's only version of masculinity seems to be manipulating his mommy into buying him another video game

Or else he'll throw another temper tantrum

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0943b4  No.357363


I've got an even better idea :


I will give you my address here in atlanta, and you can come visit me and beat my ass.

I promise I will even give you the first punch for free

I will keep my hands behind my back and stick my face forward and let you punch me as hard as you possibly can for free…

After that first free shot, I should be unconscious and you can keep beating me up after that….

then everybody can see how tough you are

And of course, if I am not knocked unconscious after that First Punch, you are aware I'm going to bludgeon you, sodomize you and pimp you out to some Mexicans until you pay me $5,000 cash from your prostitution money…

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0a9bf7  No.357364



As your life continue to move forward, you are going to discover that you have become more and more and more of a punching bag for the rest of the world

You will never conquer your lowly status

You will never achieve anything more than being a public urinal

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40da67  No.357365


I would gladly pay money to watch you have your face kicked in by a little kid

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085af4  No.357366


Let me know if there's a synagogue near your house, because I would gladly pay an 11-year-old Jewish girl to break your nose and kick you in the face until your jaw was broken from your skull

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a8af47  No.357367


I'm pretty sure if I spoke with your mother I could convince her to cut you off and let you learn how to become a man

I guarantee you I could make her understand that continuing to enable you is the worst thing she could ever do

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a8af47  No.357368


May I please have your mother's phone number?

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a8af47  No.357369


Because after I speak with your mother, you're going to have no choice but to go get a job and start paying your own bills and wiping your own ass for a change

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dcc940  No.357371



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9006dc  No.357372


lol @ you being so jealous of Jewish people and their track record of success

You have every reason to be jealous

It's not like the world doesn't understand the source of your jealousy and the validity of your anger

Of course you're angry

You have every reason to be angry

You are a life failure and of course you're angry at the rest of the world

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420066  No.357373

And just like every Angry female…..

You're going to throw a little temper tantrum and pout

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420066  No.357374

The little sissy girl and her intimidating little temper tantrums

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420066  No.357375

Life is a frustrating prison for a week cowardly life failure

A prisoner of your own inability to control the world around you

And it's not like there's any woman who's going to let you take out your frustrations under the bed covers

Nobody cares about your little problems

So you throw another little sissy boy temper tantrum

Manipulate your mother into one more day of wiping your ass

Play another video game

Fantasize about being intimidating

And masturbate yourself to sleep watching interracial cuck porn

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fab517  No.357376


You're exactly the type of all around douchebucket loser who would be into interracial cuck porn


Have you ever noticed how the only men who fixate on 'CUCKOLD' are MEN EHO NEVER GET ANY PUSSY?

Married men never even think about the topic.. Never

Men with girlfriends never ever give it a second thought


You're the only losers who even use the word in your vocabulary. Normal well-adjusted sexually accomplished males never use that word in their vocabulary

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fab517  No.357377


You're the perfect candidate to sit there masturbating in your mother's spare bedroom, hoping she doesn't hear the floor squeak, while you fantasize about being forced to watch a black guy have sex with your girl….

Because the fact that you PRETEND TO BE SUPERIOR based on your race proves that you have an unresolved issue deep inside of you

And all the distraction techniques on Earth can't hide your little weak-ass unresolved inner issues from your childhood

We already know you've always been inadequate.. this inadequacy of yours didn't just appear recently.. you've always been inadequate

You haven't accomplished Jack fucking shit

You're basically ALGAE….

Pond scum actually has a purpose on this planet…..

But not you.. at least not so far

So far it's just video games cystic acne and futile masturbation

You're nothing but a bitch.. you're certainly not a man

So there's every reason to believe while you masturbate to cuckold pornography, of course your fantasizing it's a black guy banging your wife, even though you've never even had a girlfriend

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fab517  No.357378


And of course since you've never had a girlfriend, never accomplished anything worthwhile, and can't even support yourself financially….

OF COURSE you're going to jump on the sissy boy online chat room culture anger bandwagon

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fab517  No.357379

File: 3b56fcbb23258ab⋯.png (362.26 KB, 899x717, 899:717, Screenshot_20221203_101537….png)


And obviously you've got every reason to be angry…..LITTLEDICK

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fab517  No.357380

THATS the real reason you are effeminate

Yes the video games turned you into a soft little sissy

Yes the superhero movies turned you into a fantasizing little girl full of romantic ideas in your head

But the real reason you are so effeminate

Is your tiny little penis

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f1c488  No.357381



( pay attention and learn something, little man )


unlike you, I'm not angry at the world

unlike you, I get tons of pussy

Unlike you, I don't blame others


You've got little man syndrome, because you've got a tiny penis

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f1c488  No.357382


What is Small Man Syndrome? Small Man Syndrome refers to a condition where a man feels inadequate because of his short height and may try to overcompensate it with overly aggressive behaviour. The syndrome is often referred to as Napoleon Complex in reference to the famous military leader.

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f1c488  No.357383


You've got no dick

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f1c488  No.357384


At least not enough of a dick to attract even the most desperate fat woman

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5d59eb  No.357385


You can't fuck and you can't fight

You wouldn't know where to begin with either one

You're a little girl

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97f8ef  No.357386

You lost in 2018

You lost again in 2020 like a bitch

The most embarrassing pathetic loss the world has ever seen, just like a fucking bitch

Then you lost again in 2022, and now the world realizes how pathetic you are

And suddenly you're willing to lick a nigger's asshole based on your foolish belief you're somehow going to magically become a winner in 2 years?

You can't even get any pussy


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9bb7c1  No.357481


lol @ you being marginalized in life


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61aa4c  No.357854


When will Ye open up a Happycaust Celebration day Memorial. We need to celebrate all the good things that happened in the Age of Blessings and Love known as the Happycaust.

God Bless the Black And White joy of freedom, and god bless the Constitution.

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679f13  No.358247


Stop posting with multiple accounts you fucking faggot

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679f13  No.358248


Where do you live? I want to shoot your brains out on your screen with my .38….tui ammo too, special plus p…all 5 slugs and promise you faggot you'll shut your Jew fucken mouth forever

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