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File: 9e5a9b1e5bb7660⋯.jpg (353.15 KB, 1137x1588, 1137:1588, Clipboard.jpg)

7816c7  No.357151

Notorious American Nazi arrested at Auschwitz is accused of abusing US troops and telling black soldier to 'stay away from white women' in viral video shot at a mall in Poland

The horrific video, posted to Twitter on Wednesday, showed a man hurling racial and homophobic comments at a group of men in U.S. Army uniforms as they walked through a mall in Poland

The video, which surfaced on YouTuber Jamesons Travels account and on Twitter, has been credited to Jon Minadeo Jr. who was arrested in September after demonstrating in front of the Auschwitz-Birkenau 

Recording himself abusing the soldiers, the man behind the camera says 'keep Poland white' before warning the servicemen, including one who was black, to 'stay away from those white women' 

The black soldier was immediately comforted by his fellow serviceman in the wake of the vitriol 

'You're in a white country now, we don't worship niggers and Mexicans' the man said to the US soldiers

'You're not welcome here, guys,' the horrific man yelled before the video eventually ended 

Continuing the vile abuse at the Polish mall, the man behind the camera asked 'what do you think about your health secretary being a fucking kike tranny' referencing transgender Health Secretary Rachel Leland Levi



theonedarkie dontdarkensitsowntowels

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7816c7  No.357153

File: 5ae7642bcf1b1b6⋯.jpg (366.04 KB, 1279x2174, 1279:2174, Clipboard.jpg)

The nazi,Jon Minadeo Jr. is a spic

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9a6d8a  No.357160


we should give him honourary Polish citizenship

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082a70  No.357256

File: e5d4e1cffe0eae7⋯.png (2.1 MB, 2177x1080, 2177:1080, Picsart_22_12_01_15_11_04_….png)


You left out the most important part of the entire story :


You've never been in a fist fight in your entire soft weak sheltered little life

You didn't become a lazy unemployed excuse making condescending overcompensating inexperienced sheltered internet computer video game introvert by being a jock in high school, or by going into nightclubs and starting bar brawls with your friends….

You didn't become an adult male who survives on meager government assisted welfare payments by being the type of person that puts effort into anything….

People like you always look for the easy way out, so you're not the types who've ever stepped up face to face with another man and engaged in good old-fashioned nose breaking..

You've never punched a man in the face in your entire life, and if another man punched you in the, instead of fighting back, you would start pleading to negotiate your way out of the next punch…

Same goes for your little "sissyhitler wannabe" make believe neo-Nazi Idol

Just a couple of cowards

That's why he didn't say anything that truly would have triggered a fight from the soldier…

Notice that nothing he said was actually inflammatory or truly offensive to the point where the average person would want to punch you in the face about it

In all actuality, what the make believe Neo-Nazi said was quite tame and cliche.. very G-rated stuff

Of course the soldiers didn't beat him up

His taunts were decidedly kindergarten at best

"Nana Nana Boo Boo!"

Would you punch a five-year-old for giving his best Pre-K try at insulting you?

If you're little make believe Hitler had balls, he would have said something truly inflammatory

Instead, he got to create his little imaginary moment in the Sun, where he hoped people would see the see the video and perceive him as having accomplished something great

Basically, he made this stupid scenario for somebody just like you :

Somebody with no real fisticuffs experience who would perceive wannabe mussolini as BEING A BADASS

But he's no badass, because he was very careful to avoid REAL inflammatory statements

He skirted by it because HE CANT FIGHT

Do you think those US soldiers are being forced to play video games during their training?

Fuck no. Those soldiers can beat the fuck out of a man, because they have been doing hard physical training, not sitting on their ass facing a computer

Any one of those soldiers could beat the shit out of little sissy Hitler boy

Even the smallest most diminutive US soldier could easily put sissy Hitler into an emergency room, because that's what they are trained to do…

My father was a drill instructor for the United States Marines, and I have a lot of personal experience on this particular topic…

Although my father was totally cool and magnanimous, he was also a complete fucking animal when it came to fighting

Just like these soldiers here, my father was fully capable of controlling himself

But if my father decided it was time to fight, everybody better get the fuck out of the why because he would beat the ever living dog shit out of somebody, no matter how big they were…

I could tell you first hand stories about my father beating men into the concrete, quite literally into the goddamn pavement of the street..

Like the guy who almost ran us off the road back when I was a little kid, so my father caught up with him and veered him off the road…

My father pulled him out of his car and punched him in the face like 10 times all the all the way to the pavement, where Dad kept punching him in the face over and over.. I was just a little kid and there was this guy laying in the street with blood pouring out of his fucking face and I was so proud of my dad…

Why don't you little sissy wants to be neo-Nazi overcompensating computer geek introverted weirdos ever just tell the truth?

If I broke your nose, you would suck my dick to make me stop.. because you can't fight

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0b0118  No.357257


I'm truly not surprised that somebody with no experience like you would find this to be an impressive incident

You seem to be suggesting that the soldiers were somehow intimidated by him


These guys volunteered to risk their lives tooth and nail if required, and are willing to go Toe to Toe with anybody, having signed the dotted line, willing to fight to the death with terrorists or enemy combatants, if necessary…

These guys are willing to be parachuted into the middle of the Taliban if that's what's required of them.. if they were afraid, they would have never signed up

And you think they are afraid of one little sissy make believe Hitler emotionally unstable moron?

Did you actually think they were afraid of the loudmouth idiot trying to go viral with his ridiculous childish taunts?

Did you actually feel some kind of "Vicarious Victory" by watching this stupid embarrassing moment?

Did you relate to the sissy Hitler in the video?

It doesn't take a United States soldier to balance the scales with people like you and your imaginary Heroes.. any 14 year old black kid off the streets could beat you within an inch of your life, without using a gun or any weapon whatsoever

In fact, it doesn't even have to be a boy.. any 14-year-old black girl from the hood

can EASILY beat the brakes off you…

because black folk have to learn how to fight when they're young, Plus they are already naturally more physical and athletic than white people…

When they grow up in the hood, they are not afraid to fight…

I've seen some very young black kids fight like professional MMA fighters, no shit…. I'm asking about SAVAGE fighting… horrifying, to be perfectly honest about it… it quite literally scared the shit out of me, because these kids are fucking brutal!!!

so it would be highly unrealistic of you to pretend like you're unaware and that any 13 or 14 year old black kid, whether it's a boy or a girl, would beat you unconscious with their bare hands and you wouldn't be able to do a goddamn thing about it…

So if you want me to believe in your superiority, don't try blowing smoke up my ass about you being able to defend yourself

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768ac0  No.357258


….I want to believe that I can trust you to be honest, especially when it comes to your superiority over other races…

That's why Integrity is essential across the board, so I can have trust in you

And that's where the question of honesty comes in….

Because if you're going to tell me you're capable of Defending yourself against the 14 year old black girl, then you're lying…

Everybody already knows a 14 year old black girl from the hood would beat you down like a bitch, and you wouldn't have an opportunity to fight back…

So you might as well just be honest about it

And if you're going lie to me, and tell me you wouldn't be afraid of a 14-year-old black girl, then I can't trust anything else you ever say

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0864e3  No.357259


….. hold on a second.. I just realized something

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0edde8  No.357298

File: e96d4c4ad255107⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Picsart_22_12_02_14_57_48_….png)


if you admitted that any 14 year old black girl can defeat you……

I guess there goes your entire superiority Theory?

At least you can still say you're THE BEST at collecting government assistance welfare benefits

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0edde8  No.357299

You wouldn't even have the balls to stand up to one of YOUR embarrassing Canadian military members

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a95ea7  No.357300

File: 51f558aadece242⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1840, 27:46, Picsart_22_12_02_15_05_27_….png)

and they're the biggest sissies on earth

fucking clowns

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a95ea7  No.357301


here in America, we have a name for Lazy Welfare Bums:

we call them NIGGERS

What do they call you in canada?

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a95ea7  No.357302

File: 76cea1dcf70ab7a⋯.jpg (136.54 KB, 1137x663, 379:221, Picsart_22_12_02_15_12_14_….jpg)


Feel free to tell me exactly WHICH ONE of these soldiers appears "afraid" of the attention-seeking loudmouth coward…


Feel free to tell me which one of these guys couldn't break your nose in one punch and force you to suck their dick to make them stop punching you in the face…


you ain't built like that

You Ain't About That Life

Go play another video game, little girl

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a95ea7  No.357303


in summary :

today we learned that you are a Canadian welfare mooch, who doesn't have the balls to support himself, let alone to defend himself in a fist fight…

you have no woman to verify your alleged masculinity

so you sit on your soft ass, surfing the internet, seeking examples of cowards pretending to be "badass", and you fixate on them, somehow thinking it reflects your "online badassness"

in other words, you're basically a 7 year old hermaphrodite

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a95ea7  No.357304

File: 489c42de7a33d7a⋯.jpg (172.57 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 489c42de7a33d7ad28869f1b32….jpg)



Next time you want to pretend to be tough and intimidating online, why not do what everybody else does, and simply post Halloween decorations?

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a95ea7  No.357305


and don't get me wrong, (scrotum)….

because I LIKE YOU

I really do

all I'm saying is you're NOT a fighter

you're a softieboy

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a95ea7  No.357306

so it comes across really weird when YOU post rubbish like this

it makes you seem like a little child

easy impressed by nothing

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a95ea7  No.357307

notice how the cowardly Mexican Hitler sissy never said the word NIGGER….

lol because he's a coward….

he knows if he says NIGGER, he will go to an emergency room…

so he uses sissyboy taunts…

I used to have a video uploaded on my YouTube channel, where I walked right up to a black dude, and told him HE WAS A STUPID FUCKING MONKEYLIPPED NIGGER APE directly to his face

100% TRUE ……..

ASK JERRY… I'm pretty sure Jerry saw it…. YouTube removed the video eventually, but you could see the entire incident clear as day…. I walked up to a thug nigger (a lot younger and bigger than me) and I told him SEVERAL TIMES that he was a worthless nigger


he wasn't sure WHAT to do…

he nervously went to his cat and zipped away


if you DID, you wouldn't be fascinated by the Mexican Hitler coward

you wouldn't be an online WANNABE

you'd be out there calling black men NIGGERS to their face, like me

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a95ea7  No.357308

by the way, I was ready to fight that nigger


THAT is courage

fuck you and your Mexican boyfriend

go get a job, little boy

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a95ea7  No.357309

I'm not being mean

all I'm saying is I am braver than you

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a95ea7  No.357310

it's not your fault……

that I'm better than you

my superiority over you

is 50% genetics

so it's only 50% your own fault

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a95ea7  No.357311

and no, just because I'm braver than you

doesn't make me superior to you…


I'm superior for a lot of reasons, and my bravery isn't even in the top 10

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a95ea7  No.357313


by the way…..

exactly why areYOUfixated on interracial sex?

it seems odd…..

you're NOT getting any pussy

not insulting you, dude

it's a simple fact

you're not getting pussy….

so why do YOU care about other people's sex lives?

you're not even in the bleachers, kid

so don't worry about the players on the field….


well, unlike you… I have the perspective of A MAN WHO HAS NEVER HAD A PUSSY DRYSPELL….

I have always had a sexual companion

always…. since I was 16 and I'm 60

so if my perspective matters more than yours (and it does) simply because you're not fucking any women….

then here goes :


I have never cared about other people's sex lives…. why would I?….

that's THEIR problem, not mine

I'm busy getting my dick sucked and enjoying the current intimate relationship with any one of the 700 women I've emptied my testicles into (and NEVER wore a rubber, bitches)

I'm busy with women

lots of them

I get to pick & choose

I can't fuck all 4 billion

but I get to decide which ones

and 98% of women aren't desirable anyway

so who cares?…… YOU care

because OBVIOUSLY the only men who have time to sit around and fixate on "who women prefer to fuck" are guys that masturbate themselves to sleep

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a95ea7  No.357314

File: c349927d94f5477⋯.png (905.02 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221202_155718….png)


and maybe if you stopped focusing on your resentment and blame-shifting, and started GETTING PUSSY, then evenYOUwould get to pick and choose

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a95ea7  No.357315



Mexican Hitler GETS NO PUSSY

that's where all his anger is sourced

which is peculiar

because his (effeminate) inner rage

is not only CAUSED by his inability to get pussy

but also simultaneously THE REASON NO WOMAN LIKES HIM

kinda the same situation you're dealing with

it's your adorable little Catch-22

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a95ea7  No.357316

I'd be more than happy to teach you how to get pussy, (scrotum)

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a95ea7  No.357317


that you'll insist that you

already know how to get pussy….

you've tried that line already………..

but if you knew how, YOUD BE DOING IT

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a95ea7  No.357318

so……… lemme know

and I'll give you pointers

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a95ea7  No.357319

first pointer :

stop acting like YOU….

YOU = not good enough

act more like ME

ME = gets pussy

in fact, act EXACTLY LIKE ME

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a95ea7  No.357320

next lesson :


that's why girls don't like you these days


it makes you look weak… uninformed

hating a specific subset of humanity almost makes it appear as if you somehow think certain humans deserve to live

lol why would you think THAT?

if you're one of those idiots who thinks "white" people have an intrinsic value, then feel free to PROVE IT

if these allegedly "superior" whites are anything like YOU, then maybe that's not something you'd want to mention…



and women won't fuck a delusional sack of garbage who fools himself into believing he matters

if you want pussy, you must HATE ALL HUMANS, INCLUDING YOURSELF

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a95ea7  No.357321

next lesson :



do NOT speak your mind




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a95ea7  No.357322

and finally :


no woman is out there right now saying to herself, "I wish I could find a guy who doesn't have any desire for something better, who settles for 3rd best, and plays videogames instead of holding down a JOB"

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21f9c0  No.357325


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502124  No.357858

File: d74059c1330a4f2⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, z22924074AMP_Polscy_neonaz….jpg)


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571ab0  No.358243


Wow found the crypto yid hooknose propagandist. stop spacing sentences out like a fucking PowerPoint bulletin board.

Fuck off and gas yourself

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571ab0  No.358244


Yes no so we have to suffer your inane, shit stomp level wisdom spouted off as truth? Fuck you COCKSUCKER. Wtf happened to this board sad sad sad

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571ab0  No.358245


hahahahahahahaha you've never even swiped your hand on a snatch by accident outside a woman's pants hahahahahahah GTFO cunt

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