You left out the most important part of the entire story :
You've never been in a fist fight in your entire soft weak sheltered little life
You didn't become a lazy unemployed excuse making condescending overcompensating inexperienced sheltered internet computer video game introvert by being a jock in high school, or by going into nightclubs and starting bar brawls with your friends….
You didn't become an adult male who survives on meager government assisted welfare payments by being the type of person that puts effort into anything….
People like you always look for the easy way out, so you're not the types who've ever stepped up face to face with another man and engaged in good old-fashioned nose breaking..
You've never punched a man in the face in your entire life, and if another man punched you in the, instead of fighting back, you would start pleading to negotiate your way out of the next punch…
Same goes for your little "sissyhitler wannabe" make believe neo-Nazi Idol
Just a couple of cowards
That's why he didn't say anything that truly would have triggered a fight from the soldier…
Notice that nothing he said was actually inflammatory or truly offensive to the point where the average person would want to punch you in the face about it
In all actuality, what the make believe Neo-Nazi said was quite tame and cliche.. very G-rated stuff
Of course the soldiers didn't beat him up
His taunts were decidedly kindergarten at best
"Nana Nana Boo Boo!"
Would you punch a five-year-old for giving his best Pre-K try at insulting you?
If you're little make believe Hitler had balls, he would have said something truly inflammatory
Instead, he got to create his little imaginary moment in the Sun, where he hoped people would see the see the video and perceive him as having accomplished something great
Basically, he made this stupid scenario for somebody just like you :
Somebody with no real fisticuffs experience who would perceive wannabe mussolini as BEING A BADASS
But he's no badass, because he was very careful to avoid REAL inflammatory statements
He skirted by it because HE CANT FIGHT
Do you think those US soldiers are being forced to play video games during their training?
Fuck no. Those soldiers can beat the fuck out of a man, because they have been doing hard physical training, not sitting on their ass facing a computer
Any one of those soldiers could beat the shit out of little sissy Hitler boy
Even the smallest most diminutive US soldier could easily put sissy Hitler into an emergency room, because that's what they are trained to do…
My father was a drill instructor for the United States Marines, and I have a lot of personal experience on this particular topic…
Although my father was totally cool and magnanimous, he was also a complete fucking animal when it came to fighting
Just like these soldiers here, my father was fully capable of controlling himself
But if my father decided it was time to fight, everybody better get the fuck out of the why because he would beat the ever living dog shit out of somebody, no matter how big they were…
I could tell you first hand stories about my father beating men into the concrete, quite literally into the goddamn pavement of the street..
Like the guy who almost ran us off the road back when I was a little kid, so my father caught up with him and veered him off the road…
My father pulled him out of his car and punched him in the face like 10 times all the all the way to the pavement, where Dad kept punching him in the face over and over.. I was just a little kid and there was this guy laying in the street with blood pouring out of his fucking face and I was so proud of my dad…
Why don't you little sissy wants to be neo-Nazi overcompensating computer geek introverted weirdos ever just tell the truth?
If I broke your nose, you would suck my dick to make me stop.. because you can't fight