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62.66044, 143.66586

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551adb  No.356873

you are garbage

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551adb  No.356874

the midterm elections finally proved that AMERICA HATES YOU !!!

we hate you, we hate trump, and NOBODY OTED FOR YOUR WHITE TRASH TEAM…

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95d845  No.356875

File: a85655880d766fc⋯.jpg (236.11 KB, 768x719, 768:719, 1633053162214.jpg)

you will never be a woman, your 'nu-vagina' will always be an infected dilated open wound that nobody wants to stick their dicks into.

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551adb  No.356876



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551adb  No.356877

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exactly HOW LONG you intend on collecting welfare benefits?

You're only receiving a tiny fraction of the money you could take in by finding a job somewhere

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551adb  No.356878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



-why you're soft and fat

-why you're broke

-why no woman will fuck you

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551adb  No.356879

File: b8745dfba568825⋯.mp4 (12.38 MB, 720x900, 4:5, assume_.mp4)

and now, the state of georgia is about to indict white trash trump

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551adb  No.356880

File: 39f035b20507d57⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 640x480, 4:3, miss_me_yet_.mp4)

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551adb  No.356881

File: 5fed3bbcd34c387⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1047x1065, 349:355, Picsart_22_11_08_08_20_21_….png)

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551adb  No.356882


Imagine a woman who finds you attractive and intelligent….

Are you imagining that?

GOOD!!!…. because that's the closest you'll ever get

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551adb  No.356883

File: 15679abce98e32c⋯.png (892.57 KB, 1732x1078, 866:539, Screenshot_20221110_115939….png)

Democrat re-elected by a landslide in Pennsylvania – even though he’s dead

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