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5b78eb  No.356749

A couple of years ago a former heroin addict needle sharing junkie named Jerry kept inviting me to come back to this horrible website.. although I refused, he kept asking again and again and again and again and again.

To be succinct, he literally BEGGED ME to come here to 8kun…

(begging is not out of character for him, because behind his contrived "patriot" persona, you will find a welfare benefits recipient, who feeds his two soon-to-be drug addicted daughters on EBT food stamps)

I eventually got so tired of Jerry begging me to come into this website that I eventually decided I would teach him a lesson..

Jerry was well aware I had a history of destroying other people's chatting experiences that stretched far before the Myspace days, but he kept begging me anyway…

That's why it's so strange that he was actually SURPRISED when I decided I was going to single-handedly destroy this toilet.

He should have known exactly what was going to happen….


When I said I was going to single-handedly destroy this website, I meant every word. And I had completed the job to the 99.5% destruction level…

And just when they were about to pronounce this toilet DOA, that's when saggy Grandma Watkins decided to finish the job for me…

This site is officially deceased….

THANKYOU, SAGGY GRANDMA WATKINS!!! together, we made this toilet unusable

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