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00de1e  No.356684

but that was to be expected.

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1d4a3b  No.356685

Jerry lied when he said he has read all the Java code (he didnt)

Jerry lied when he said he has read all the Java code (it's not Java, its kotlin)

Jerry lied when he said the apk is safe (it's not safe)

Jerry lied every time….

he always does….

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e3c816  No.356691

I heard Ron Watkins wants to hire Jerry as his new campaign developer

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e3c816  No.356692

But I'm concerned Jerry is too busy developing more lies about developing. Pretending that he never understands kotlin code, lying about having scanned all the kotlin code of the authenticator app, lying about it being safe, and then proving he was lying by using another technique.

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