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199e9e  No.356661

Exactly like I predicted months ago

You've never gotten a prediction right in your entire life, but I nailed it on the head once again.

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f03da3  No.356675

I kept telling him over and over and over again :

You're going to have a stroke in October

And he thought my October surprise was a bluff

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20928f  No.356676

I heard Killcen cam only get an election when he imagines what JonBenet Ramsey would look like if she had lived. She would be 32 years old right now, and he wouldn't have had to move to Missouri to avoid prosecution.

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20928f  No.356677


I heard JN is mad about WITHON, but he's got no problem with CAM and ELECTION

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a2adde  No.356678

I heard Jerry has a folder on his computer that's filled with nude photos of his underage daughters

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