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62.66044, 143.66586

File: 94e2f326869c1bb⋯.png (936.05 KB, 522x864, 29:48, Veradijkmans_Insta.png)

File: 9bf25f433c68ac5⋯.jpg (153.35 KB, 782x952, 23:28, northern_eu_gf.jpg)

File: 6ef301abe4e581e⋯.jpg (278.17 KB, 936x1019, 936:1019, Northern_European_Women.jpg)

3b9e9a  No.356582


>they want to take this away from you

everyday I'm amazed by the world we live in, biology is kino, 10/10 R1b and I1 godesses are KINO

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81c77a  No.356583

lol YOU have no woman at all

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81c77a  No.356584

File: eaf6058a414467c⋯.png (751.91 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, ClipboardImage.png)

how can "they" take away SOMETHING YOUVE NEVER HAD, lonely faggotboy?

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81c77a  No.356585


you NEVER get pussy…..NEVER

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81c77a  No.356586


feel free to teach us WHAT IS THIS ALLEGED "ARYAN RACE", you uneducated, masturbating, lonely, embarrassing little boy?

you areSO UNEDUCATEDthat you thought there was an "Aryan Race"??…

hahahaha !!


The mediocre Bland woman you downloaded photographs of has a disgusting body

obviously, you lean towards a DISGUSTING ABNORMAL BUTTOX….

Just like a nigger…..

tell us why NO WOMAN will have sex with you

little boy

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81c77a  No.356587

File: 08c69051cf5bfad⋯.jpg (240.25 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, Picsart_22_10_09_10_23_54_….jpg)

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81c77a  No.356588

File: d9d8f833310acca⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1080x1788, 90:149, Picsart_22_10_09_10_26_36_….png)

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4b105e  No.356589


what an odd statement from a lonely fool who has never seen a vagina in real life….

yet, since you created this stupid thread, I pulled a "pussy marathon" in my living room, literally having 7 loads swallowed yesterday and got snatch all night last night, until I finally fell asleep sitting upright on my sofa…

also : the horribly disfigured niggerfucking woman in your pathetic downloaded image fucked her nigger boyfriend last night…

how did that videogame work out for you?

little boy

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4b105e  No.356590


just curious :

are you intelligent enough to list the TOP 10 REASONS WHY WHITE WOMEN WOULD RATHER FUCK A NIGGER THAN YOU?

it's a very simple question……

and here's a hint:

the size of their penis only appears on the list ONE TIME….

can you name the other 9 reasons?

little boy?

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122e29  No.356601


The closest thing you've ever had to a woman was your inner repressed feelings towards Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool….

me?…. YES….I'vegot the BEST women….

All 700+ of them, so far…..

( and although I'm married, that numberstillkeeps going up )

You wouldn't know what to do if a woman actually introduced herself to you….

You're going to have a heck of a time creating this alleged "Master Race" if no woman will have sex with you…

This would be a good time for you to begin researching homosexuality throughout history, so you could maybe glean a few ideas on how your type learned to finally embrace who and what they truly were back before technology?

Because if shit hits the fan, the internet will go down and you will be left to your own resources, desperately relying on any vestige of life experience you may have….

translation :

When the power grid goes down, the only way you'll be able to survive is by going down on older men in abandoned truck stop restrooms, in exchange for a stale half of a chicken salad sandwich…

Because you have no experience with women….

Because women simply don't like you….

Because you've never been likable….

And they simply aren't interested in you…

So dropping to your knees and performing fellatio is the only mathematically feasible equation with the sum total of your insignificant survival…..

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122e29  No.356602

File: f96518f40588d9d⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221009_152953.png)

File: cc5f39b03822d7e⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221009_152935.png)


I destroyed a room

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