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20f534  No.356496

I hear a lot of talk in here about "they'll never take me alive" when they come kicking your door in looking for your weapons….

And you are absolutely correct….

They don't want you alive. They don't need you alive. This is exactly what you can expect, Mr tough guy…

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20f534  No.356498

Everybody realizes you live in a delusional fantasy state, in which you have wild elaborate visions of needlessly unrealistic romanticized Fantastical scenarios of an all-or-nothing "wild west shootout" with law enforcement when they come to take your guns from you….

Of course you do, because you need something to soothe the pain of insignificance….

But when it happens, it's going to be nothing like what you imagined…

They will already be prepared, guns drawn before they ever walk on "your" property… (you don't own that property)

And when they knock and yell "POLICE!!! SEARCH WARRANT!!" They will already be expecting your next move, so they'll just shoot your face off the front of your head before you could even get your finger on a trigger…

Just go ahead and get you out of the way, eliminate the annoying obstacle, so they can get down to the real business of collecting all your firearms….

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20f534  No.356499


I would pay $2,000 cash just to be there and see the expression on your face when it happens…

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20f534  No.356500


It's painfully obvious how nothing you ever predicted came true, including but not limited to the actual Logistics of neutralizing you during the raid…

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20f534  No.356502

It's going to be much less like the gunfight at the OK Corral

And much more like The Psychotic old man gets shot in the face by a law enforcement officer

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20f534  No.356503

But in case you are unaware, all across america, law enforcement agencies are getting ready to take care of people like you.

Because they realize Trump is about to be arrested, and the FBI has sent memos to all local jurisdictions, warning them of the need to eliminate annoying little problems like you.

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20f534  No.356504

If you'll care to notice, it all seems to be "coincidentally" culminating all at the same time….

Everything is about to come to a head

All around the same time

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20f534  No.356505

You've been lying for years about being prepared….

And you're about to find out exactly how woefully unprepared you truly are, aren't you?

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