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44b3dc  No.356492

Supposed to happen simultaneously in a few different locations.

Meanwhile, here in Atlanta, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals shot down all of Trump's childish efforts to delay the investigation.


Gee whiz, I wonder who it might be…

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44b3dc  No.356493

Wouldn't it be hilarious if right around the same time Trump was indicted for one of many felonious Federal offenses, a certain Trump supporter was also subject to a search warrant, based upon a reasonable suspicion illegal firearms have been manufactured at a certain location?

That would be comedy gold, as they say in chat rooms

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44b3dc  No.356494

Of course I'm not saying I have any reason to believe anybody might be under investigation for manufacturing illegal ghost guns at their house..

I was just hypothesizing, drumming up an arbitrary example of what would be ironic and funny….

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44b3dc  No.356495

But hypothetically speaking…

ifsomebody had been hypothetically building hypothetically illegal hypothetical ghost guns in their hypothetical house, and hypothetically using the United States Postal Service to hypothetically send or receive hypothetically illegal ghost gun parts, andifthat hypothetical person hypothetically supported Donald Trump, wouldn't it be hypothetically HILARIOUS if both that person AND Trump were hypothetically indicted around the same hypothetical time?….

I think it would be a hypothetically marvelous laugh riot

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