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File: 678f7e4b7c43445⋯.png (857.99 KB, 1119x1080, 373:360, Picsart_22_10_04_13_14_32_….png)

a6824e  No.356042

There's been a lot of talk about personal information collected online and targeted advertising, but 8kun has been free of such targeted ads, until now.

Look at this most recent 8kun advertisement, targeted directly at the newest Refugee from 4chan.


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f47cb6  No.356043


Exactly what product or service is that advertisement trying to sell ?

And a quick follow-up question:

So we're all going to be calling him SOFTIEBOY?

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739ef8  No.356044


yesterday, I got a pop-up full screen advertisement for champagne, telling me I should be celebrating my superiority over SOFTIEBOY.

I don't even drink alcohol. So they're not doing a very good job of targeting their advertising in here.

instead of drinking got champagne, I smoked a joint, played some techno, and basked in my effervescent superiority over that soft fat faggot…

feels good, man.

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70610a  No.356045


can we simply use nicknames for SOFTIEBOY ?

like maybe justSOFTIE?

or maybeSB?

I realize his mother is comfortable calling him SOFTIEBOY, but after I say it, it feels like I need to shower.

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793b02  No.356046


I got the same ad 2 days ago, so it's not necessarily targeted at any particular reader in here.

But then again, the wording on mine was a little bit different…. it said "CELEBRATE SOFTIEBOY'S INSIGNIFICANCE TONIGHT BY GETTING A BLOWJOB"

And it had a graphic of a guy getting his dick sucked while he laid back in a recliner and threw darts at a poster with softieboys face on it….

No champagne….

Plus, I love darts so maybe they are targeted after all…

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ee8852  No.356047



You guys are lucky. all I get is the same ad over and over, "I'D LIKE TO SEE YOUR GENITALIA" with a picture of Jim Watkins smiling.

I think I need to turn off my ad blocker?

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ee8852  No.356048


somebody should remind SOFTIEBOY that even though you got banned in 4chan, you don't have to live like a refugee.

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1a5958  No.356049


I agree with anon. every time I say SOFTIEBOY, my hair stands on end, my skin crawls, and I feel like gargling with bleach.

yet, I enjoy all three of those sensations

so that's why I keep repeating his name






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bd0aa2  No.356070

I'm uncomfortable calling him SOFTIEBOY

I'd prefer calling him THE softieboy

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97bdd5  No.356071

File: 96e55f0f7315a89⋯.png (786 KB, 1119x1080, 373:360, Picsart_22_10_04_20_23_46_….png)

why the hell am I getting this advertisement?

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3f7aff  No.356073

File: 1561a698d00a720⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1443x1019, 1443:1019, OP2.png)

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0873d0  No.356091



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