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File: 3c7704ef8dc9e52⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 720x720, 1:1, km_20221004_720p_30f_20221….mp4)

5af5fb  No.356041

Hello this is your captain speaking

thanks for flying on /pnd/ airlines

My name is johnny neptune and I’ll be your pilot today so please sit back and die on this flight as we crash into a mountain

Keep your seatbelts fastened as I have no idea how to fly this plane so we will make it up as we go


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ea65a6  No.356051

More maniacal laughter and shouts of insanity come from the man known as Johnny Neptune. All the kids playing outside hurry inside as he makes his way down the street. Suddenly, he’s selected his target. He throws down the door to one of the nearby apartments with ease. He’s muttering something about softies and mooches. The inhabitants of the apartment quickly hide in the closet. Animal joy in his antics is implicit in all his movements and attitudes. Since earliest manhood the center of his life has been pleasure with women, and not with weak indulgence, but rather with the pride of a richly psychopathic male bird with lust for LSD among his hens. Branching out from this center are all the channels of his life, such as his rants on a website known as 8kun.top, his appreciation of calling other people sissy boys, his hatred of closet homos, his love of his wife who is… also a homo, and everything that he perceives as his own. Everything that bears his emblem of the ultimate troll. He sizes up anonymous strangers at a glance, with sexual classifications and crude images flashing into his mind, determining the way he treats them.

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232557  No.356052



nice work



however, it's a bit biased….

it almost makes me seem unfair

which I'm NOT

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232557  No.356053

File: 5d1dd497d2db6ec⋯.jpg (201.65 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Picsart_22_10_04_14_38_26_….jpg)

Hitler was myopic

amateurs tend to pick out

only a handful of humans to hate

why stop there?

why not finish the job?

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232557  No.356054

I hate the entire human race

so if you're looking for a friend

ain't gonna happen

if you're a human being I don't like you

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232557  No.356057

this isn't a hate board….

although most 4chan refugees think it is

but if it's hate they're looking for…..

I've got plenty to go around…

enough for everyone, I promise

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335d3a  No.356058

File: dd39af23e18a34e⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 867x900, 289:300, attitude_indicator.jpg)

File: 977b57024a24fa3⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, stick.jpg)


Assuming you are currently flying straight and level with the horizon, you must determine where to land. An airport is usually a good choice. There's a gaming headset in the cockpit. Put it on.

There is a little button on the steering wheel (stick).

Push it and say "mayday mayday emergency landing is required!"

Say it loud and make it sound panicked.

Most pilots don't talk much above a whisper, so this will help you stand out and they'll clear the frequency just for you.

A nice man or woman will start talking with you in the headset.

You'll be fine from that point.


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232557  No.356059

but I'm not an asshole

I swear to God I'm not

you'll never see me say

"I hate you"

I'll express it in more subtle ways

but I'm fair…..

I make a great effort to treat people equally

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232557  No.356061

RE: sexual classifications


damn straight, I classify men into categories, including their sexuality OR LACK THEREOF….

because if its okay for YOU hate gays…..

then your lack of sexuality is also an open target….

don't think for one second that I won't give you the same scrutiny I would give anybody else who comes in here complaining about other people's sexuality….

If you don't like faggots, then you better be prepared to present evidence that you are not gay yourself, as in a girlfriend or wife, and history with women.. otherwise, I'm going to question your weird hatred of gay peopleinstead of hating the entire human race

And I'm not attacking anybody

I'm just being honest

I am simply making observations

feel free to prove me wrong

if I'm wrong, I'll admit it

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232557  No.356062

in fact, if you hate ANY particular group of humans, then you can expect to be required to demonstrate your alleged superiority over them….

which should be easy

………..go right ahead

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232557  No.356063

File: 18ed0437bb5274c⋯.png (576.48 KB, 714x710, 357:355, PicsArt_11_29_12_55_09.png)

and I am NOT saying I'm better than you

quite the opposite….

in fact, I'm a piece of shit

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232557  No.356064

consider this


and I'm Simon Cowell

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232557  No.356065

and even if you AREN'T a /pol/ refugee

I apply the same scrutiny..

the entire human race is a cancer

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232557  No.356066


while I thoroughly enjoyed your soliloquy

it almost made me seem "mean"

and I'm not mean

not at all

I'm actually totally cool

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232557  No.356067

………………..I'm cool as FUCK

you'll see…………

stick around

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5ac179  No.356068

I have been flying this plane since before MySpace…..

and know exactly what I'm doing……

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7f3978  No.356069

but feel free to have fun with whatever kind of /pnd/ chit chat that tickles your fancy pants….

don't mind me

relax and enjoy the flight

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25ed25  No.356117

File: ef74e506cbf5dec⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 474x780, 79:130, th_1116406952.jpg)



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c08478  No.356192


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70c462  No.356341

File: e1f1bc78d8a263a⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 220x391, 220:391, neptune_airlines.gif)

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20bb47  No.356383

File: d50af6fb0f246a8⋯.png (468.34 KB, 642x416, 321:208, myeyes.png)

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