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File: ec9e6245ed259c9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1136x638, 568:319, tractor.PNG)

49fd8c  No.356018

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bed584  No.356075


Mechanized agriculture is the devil.

The Amish got it right.

Forsake this evil and fire up a horse and buggy.

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4291ef  No.356093


>implying you know how to take care of a horse

Fuck off, cakeboy.

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0c0fad  No.356100

File: d9592b6d41e3b62⋯.jpg (170.41 KB, 768x844, 192:211, Fd_LPy_Dm_WIAEKFRJ_768x844….jpg)

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fa45bd  No.356267

File: 45380228a460629⋯.jpeg (4.19 KB, 115x144, 115:144, Charlie_.jpeg)

Yall nigras need some ATWA up in this thread

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