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File: cff9f2bfbf3af90⋯.jpg (857.03 KB, 2250x1500, 3:2, _methode_sundaytimes_prod_….jpg)

2cea0b  No.356009

America has one of the HIGHEST murder rates in the world because of guns. You practically hear some kind of mass shooting happening in the USA on a daily basis. We even witnessed 51 innocent people killed by some deranged 8channer with an assault rifle in Christchurch. If I were you, I wouldn't feel safe walking outside knowing there are psychos out there who are capable of pulling the trigger on a whim.

>Inb4 your a pussy

I am a veteran (a former Air Force combatant stationed in Camp Rogain, to be exact), so I have both the authority and experience to talk about this. My grandfather also fought for your freedoms by storming the beaches of Normandy. You DYEL losers aren't in a position to call me as such.

>Inb4 but what about muh Second Amendment

Let's face it, us ordinary folks don't need highly lethal weapons of war, such as the Assault Rifle 15. And our Founding Fathers never had automatic weapons in mind when they drafted the constitution. They meant less lethal Wild West shit like black powder muskets and swords.

>Inb4 but what about muh self defence

There are highly effective and specialized martial arts out there fit for that very purpose, such as Krav Maga, Systema, and Wing Chun. As a BJJ blue belt myself, if someone were to mug me on the streets, I could easily just submit him with a triangle choke and put the assailant to sleep. Strive to become like me. There is simply NO need to murder someone when defending yourself.

So tell me again, why are y'all against gun control?

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fee3bb  No.356013

File: 66c71e152cedc46⋯.jpg (104.8 KB, 474x702, 79:117, th_6606666.jpg)

thats so fucking true . guns need control for normal fuckers that still need some idol to make them make their bed , i worked at the military with many heavy guns that are surprisingly available for a normal person in the states .

that has to do with how people think too , americans are usually generally dump so gun equal murder for them .

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f9104c  No.356019


I lost my legs from the knees down and most of my left hand in Afghanistan and you want me to learn Krav Maga?

Your experience isn't the default, you pussy airman faggot.

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c1a51d  No.356028


Such a Good Goy fighting for Israel

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721792  No.356035



little man syndrome

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721792  No.356036



they will say "I worked at the military"

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721792  No.356037



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b4390b  No.356055

File: ce39241c40f8cbc⋯.jpeg (87.95 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, mozzlim.jpeg)


Shut up loser, you fought for Israel

You're the real terrorist

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b4390b  No.356056

File: 37fec093110d464⋯.jpeg (72.74 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, zogbotcrippled.jpeg)

You defend our Constitution but are against our gun rights?

YOU'RE A LOSER and being in the military is a FAKE JOB.

It provides the ILLUSION of employment

You were tricked like a fool to fight for others' trivial interests

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db62f2  No.356060

File: ce5ce76847bb06d⋯.png (926.1 KB, 824x856, 103:107, zog_deaths.png)

airforce coward detected- case closed (pic is comedy)

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fde01d  No.356076

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