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File: 7218c95b1730cfd⋯.jpg (10.71 KB, 474x266, 237:133, tiktok.jpg)

5b18fc  No.355719

we shiuld do a revolution againt this shit

they removed the full screen for me and my autism is angry

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e0f1b7  No.355740

"we" ?………

There's only one little girl in here that goes to tiktok…..

Why the hell should any of us care about your hurt feelings on your girly Sissy site?

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e0f1b7  No.355742


tiktok = nigger tier

At least you came out and admitted it

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e0f1b7  No.355744


Based solely on this one thread, I am inclined to say you're probably the type of guy who doesn't have the balls to look a woman in the eyes and charm her pants off.. so you would rely on stupid internet resources like dating apps…

And you seem like the type of guy who would get butt hurt every time he gets shot down, then jumps into a chat room begging other men to please help him harass the women who rejected him…

I'm just saying that's kind of how you come across

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e0f1b7  No.355746

The little boy who's too afraid to jump into the game in real life

So he never learns how it's done….

And since he grew up with video game controllers in his hands, he gravitates right back to the internet, thinking he's going, thinking he's going to "reap the benefits of real life interaction while sitting in the safety of his little computer bubble"….

And gets frustrated when he discovers it will never work for him

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e0f1b7  No.355747

And when he crashes and burns on the app, he goes recruiting for real men to help him lash out like a little girl

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e0f1b7  No.355748


Lash out on your own. It's not our problem

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e0f1b7  No.355749

As a matter of fact, I think I might help you lash out at TikTok….

tell me what you want me to d………

oops!!!… my wife is home…

time to make dinner

and empty deep nuts

Sorry about that.

I'm sure you can handle the lashing out on your own

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e0f1b7  No.355750

HINT: just because they created technology doesn't mean you have to be a little boy

Just because you're in the chat room doesn't mean you have to be a video game Sissy

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e0f1b7  No.355751


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e0f1b7  No.355752

Okay time to help with groceries and get dinner started…..

I hope the lashing out works out well for you

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c44adf  No.355756


>lashing out

Says the worthless troll trying to get reactions at the expense of others.

>time to help with groceries and get dinner started

We all care so much. Post a pic of it while you're at it.


This is fucking 8chan.

What will it take for you to understand…

This isn't your Facebook for sending shit with friends. This is a place for people to be the racist monsters that they are,

and nothing you do here will change that


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63a371  No.355757


We see murder, we laugh.

Genocide? We laugh.

A psychopath fulfills his sick fantasies on his pet cat? We laugh and ask for more.

Mass shooters come here just to hang out casually.

And then there's you. Here to use this as your mini facebook as >>355756 put it.

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63a371  No.355758







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