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File: 7dcbe520e0b7462⋯.png (432.19 KB, 786x717, 262:239, Screenshot_20221002_235108….png)

f7407e  No.355562

I'msopassed off !!!

somebody accidentally misspelled a word.

it doesn't take much to make me mad, huh?……

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f7407e  No.355563


yeah, but you misspeed "PISSED"*

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f7407e  No.355564


see? I made you angry, too

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e516fd  No.355565


you're seething

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471c90  No.355566


while I openly admit I am beskde myself over OP mistyping the word pissed, and I am indeed seething, it's fair to say that you became enraged and consumed by anger when you saw how typed "beskde"

cope harder

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d06403  No.355567

nothing makes me angrier than someone else's typos…..


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85f742  No.355591


I believe you meant "LOOK* within"

which is why im mad

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c32c4e  No.355592

Loki withon

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703674  No.355613


wow. I just noticed that you mispelled the wordpissed, which of course makes my blood boil. when I think about you accidentally tapping the wrong key I want to punch holes in the wall… now I'm envisioning a montage of horrible frightening imagery, featuring but not limited to bombs dropping from airplanes and people running in circles on fire screaming….

you REALLY pissed me off this time…

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602581  No.355614


I know the feeling…. because YOU only put one "s" into the word "misspelled", and the moment I saw it, I flew into an uncontrollable rage.

I literally punched my dog in the face.

this time you've gone too far

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98c9d5  No.355615


I'm from Germany!!!! and I'm somewhat indignant about you failing to add an exclamation mark!!! if you are truly angry you should express it with more emphasis!!!!!!!

In fact the longer I sit here and Brew Over It, the more my indignancy metamorphosizes into pure unmitigated anger.

I don't lose control over many things but this time it's different. This time I'm really really pissed.

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98c9d5  No.355616

File: ef4e4cfb2e72c78⋯.jpg (6.44 MB, 4624x3468, 4:3, 20220930_161912.jpg)

I dare you to misspell another word

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3c6ca9  No.355617

In all fairness, it was just an accident I'm sure, and I don't think it's because he doesn't know how to spell the word "pissed"….

in fact, I doubt he would even use the term "pissed off" if he didn't know how to spell it..

I think your particular level of anger is a bit extreme….

It could have been autocorrect or any number of other understandable variables that contributed to the creation of this rather disturbing typographical error…

…….hold on a minute here……

I began this post thinking you were being unfair, but now that I'm thinking about it, suddenly I'm also feeling inner rage bubbling to the surface…

My face is feeling flushed and my senses are heightened.. now my hair is standing on end and I want to punch somebody for no reason!!

I've even begun using exclamation marks now !!!!!!!!



*begins slamming my forehead into the wooden table top*

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3c6ca9  No.355618

File: b2e63882e369209⋯.jpg (580.48 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, IMG_20221003_122612.jpg)


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3fcba1  No.355624


You just misspelled the word "within"

I'm going to hunt you down and find you

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a8989f  No.355625


For a moment I thought you meant to say you were going to "hurt him down", and I thought you misspelled the word HURT…

boy oh boy, was I ever PISSED OFF!!!

I thought about stabbing my mother for a minute because so angry…

But then I realized I wasn't paying attention, and you didn't misspell anything….

My mother has no idea how close that was

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