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File: c2898243c21c781⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 600x631, 600:631, itshappening.jpg)

fddc9c  No.355544

They are going to kill us all aren't they?

>Naturally, there are those claiming Russia blew up the pipelines.

>Just before this sabotage, Putin said to lift the sanctions and he will return the gas flow as reported on September 7th, 2022.

>There was NO POSSIBLE WAY that Putin sabotages those pipelines for that was his bargaining chip.

>He could have simply turned off the valve.


And don't give me a hard time for posting a Ron Paul Happening img.

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fddc9c  No.355548

File: fb40b5b5b946dcb⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 550x550, 1:1, rpstrmbrew.jpg)


Read it and weep anons.

>The Minsk Agreement brokered by Germany and France was to allow the Donbas to vote on their separation from Ukraine.

>The West has totally reneged on all of that and this is intentional for the objective here is this Great Reset and the end of fossil fuels. >Khruschev grew up there in the Donbas and was in charge of Kiev rebuilding it after World War II before he rose to the leadership of Russia.

>His successor was Brezhnev who was also born there in the Donbas.

>This has been occupied by the Russian people since the days of the Tsars.

>The border of Ukraine was NEVER Ukraine as a nation-state.

>It was drawn solely by Khruschev for administrative purposes.

>The Donbas and Crimea were always predominantly Russian

This is true.

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da1429  No.355551


>posts image of Ron Paul

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da1429  No.355552


the donbas regional conflict

has been underway

for a long time

the Ukrainians committing war crimes

bombing their own citizens


but Americans weren't told

I think you're focusing too much

on the minutiae….

and not the big picture

because this was already underway

and YES it's going to end badly

it always was

this was going to happen

and we can't stop it

no matter how much we discuss it

or made suggestions…..

it's going to happen

so relax


This was eventually going to happen since the day you were born, and you didn't allow it to ruin your life back then, so why would you start doing it now?

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da1429  No.355553

when you stop to realize

this was already underway

specifics like pipelines

don't really matter

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fddc9c  No.355554


We knew it was happening. We encouraged it.

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fddc9c  No.355555


Why do we keep getting involved in other peoples shit?

>The West simply refuses to recognize that the people in that region are Russian and would naturally vote to join Russia for they are hated by the Ukrainians.

>In 2014, it was the West that installed a “temporary” government in Ukraine which was UNELECTED and they immediately upon orders from the USA, launched a civil war and attacked the Donbas.

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da1429  No.355556



if you mean the average American citizen, NO…..

our dept of defense? our government? YES

Of course none of this occurred by happenstance, but you would be hard-pressed to find an American citizen who could have explained the nature of Putin's warnings over the past 5 years or so, clearly explaining how America was pushing them by building missile bases around their border, meddling with Ukraine, and the consequences of Ukraine continued bombing the donbas region….

But like I said, discussing it doesn't change anything, postulating and trying to think tank Solutions, griping or reaffirming how it all happened doesn't have any appeal to me

This has been happening for a long time, and I don't see any reason to let it change my life right now

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da1429  No.355557

File: 597184caddee04c⋯.jpg (201.06 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_10_02_23_04_33_….jpg)

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da1429  No.355558


The second you mentioned the great reset and end of fossil fuels, you lumped yourself into the insane conspiracy theorist category, and it basically negated anything else you said

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da1429  No.355559

File: ad225bd5faa7d7d⋯.jpg (211.56 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_10_02_23_25_31_….jpg)

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da1429  No.355560

File: 80d4f62adf7378d⋯.jpg (131.82 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_10_02_23_43_46_….jpg)

it seems like after reaching THIS point, a nuke would be a huge weight off your shoulders

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fddc9c  No.355561

File: e658e684edfe793⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 304x207, 304:207, grapCNNbythepussy.gif)


>you mentioned the great reset and end of fossil fuels, you lumped yourself into the insane conspiracy theorist category

You're not very good at your job.

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6e6ed0  No.355568


lol my job?

I'm an illustrator

and I'm EXCELLENT at my job

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6e6ed0  No.355569


people with knowledge

don't use trendy catchphrases

like "the great reset"

or "clot shots"

it's the clearest indication

of parroted content

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6e6ed0  No.355570

File: 7055b4fec8ea55c⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221003_004027….png)

never take medical advice from someone who says CLOT SHOT or JABBED

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6e6ed0  No.355571

File: 5afeebdff659686⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2400x1072, 150:67, Picsart_22_10_03_00_37_40_….png)

File: 5afeebdff659686⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2400x1072, 150:67, Picsart_22_10_03_00_37_40_….png)

and never invest into opinions of people who use the term "great reset"

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f6815d  No.355574


He is a commie spook, you can smell the "deep state" miles away here.

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