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File: 5862e1689570166⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB, 360x640, 9:16, fecal_matter_.mp4)

08a529  No.355337 [Last 50 Posts]

Every Saturday we like to do a wrap up of the weeks big events here in /pnd/

Our team of hard-hitting investigative observationalists takes a closer look at the threads you might have missed in the fog of noise.

So put down that videogame controller and relax, as you enjoy this week's highlight reel.

FECAL MATTER is a woman in France, who has reinvented herself, creating a totally unique concept based on her lifelong realization that she doesn't 'fit in' with the rest of the human race. She's a gifted artist and designer, who envisions the World Through The Eyes of an alien, and has created her own fashion designs, and has become quite wealthy selling her one of a kind outlandish clothes and accessories.

The woman behind the disturbingly well executed makeup and somewhat frightening alien exterior is actually an extremely beautiful human being, both inside and out.

She's actually gorgeous…

And and she has a really cool perspective on life, about how humans are garbage, how we treat the planet and treat all other living things including ourselves.

Yet she maintains a very optimistic positive outlook, because in her own little world, she sees the beauty in nature….

she was featured in this real because she is a perfect example of HOW TO NOT USE UNORIGINAL IDEAS

There are certain uncreative unoriginal people out there who angry metal music and satanic pentagrams and contrived cheesy skulls appear intimidating to other people…

FECAL MATTER (matieresfecales) proves that you don't have to rely on cookie-cutter cheesy SKULLS & DEMONS to appear "intimidating"…

In fact, using Graphics of pentagrams and skulls and Googling Latin words doesn't appear intimidating at all, and actually makes you look like a little child whose dazzled by the Walmart Halloween decorations…

fuck you, dork gnostic

also, what would you expect from spending your life looking at fake profiles, featuring hideous women?…


You'll never accomplish anything until you GO OUT THERE INTO THE REAL WORLD ANDTRY

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08a529  No.355338

File: 49e9866067e35c8⋯.png (683.05 KB, 1080x1915, 216:383, Picsart_22_09_30_07_49_30_….png)

matieresfecales is hot as fuck

And I don't go for the "evil" thing at all

it's cheesy


she pulls it off masterfully

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08a529  No.355339

File: d59021bc128f4a5⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1856, 135:232, Picsart_22_09_30_07_44_18_….png)

she's got a boyfriend, who's just as comfortable wearing female alien clothes as male alien clothes…

he helps her create their bizarre latex prosthetic outer body suits and they both do each other's makeup…

And they are experts at applying perfect subcutaneous veins and "fungus growing under the skin",v something between a corpse and a space alien

They have a hairless cat, and they live in a beautiful luxurious high-rise apartment in France, where they create the designs and sell them for outlandish prices online, and travel the world making public appearances and enjoying life on their terms..

And she is super super hot

But she's also a genius

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08a529  No.355340

File: e9a4ad188308ad4⋯.png (968.87 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221904….png)

File: 0f6423fd2261404⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221651….png)

File: 84ff6f1d30e18f6⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221914….png)

File: 6e941bca127f7bf⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221140….png)

File: c8a4c6b97c07c73⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221226….png)

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08a529  No.355341

She's created exterior latex bodies, like a jumpsuit, and they feature deformed feet and humps in the back and Tails and horns…

And they have veins painted onto them, with many of them appearing to be a mixture between spores of fungus growing and other biological entities mixed into the vein work…

Simply for their ability to do vascular makeup effects alone, she and her weirdo boyfriend deserve a Hollywood award..

But it doesn't stop with just the makeup.. she's actually quite disturbing

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846f36  No.355346



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dbd8be  No.355347

File: baaf03bcf27ba06⋯.png (529.8 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_224919….png)

File: bf4e519ddc5d4eb⋯.png (1003.49 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_224836….png)

File: 9cd8b889c53c0bd⋯.png (801.34 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_222335….png)

File: 7eb71cf64e33c4b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221845….png)

File: 833682ccb01dc01⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221447….png)

You might be surprised to discover the woman behind the makeup is actually gorgeous, with a beautiful face and a soft sweet smile. ..

But she is disappointed by the human race

That's how I stumbled onto her…

I've also never felt like I was part of the same species I see destroying themselves everyday…

There is no God and we are cancer

and in creating her own unique look, she managed not only to make quite a living from her designs, but she also reinvented what it means to be "dark and intimidating"….


She's making fun of your childish belief in demons

she's also ridiculing your ridiculous belief in an imaginary Jesus

If you want to find 'demons', look no further than the bottle of alcohol in your hand….

If you're looking for true evil, look no further than the man who wears horse blinders, convincing himself he's a good person, as he pays money for animals to be tortured and murdered, just so he can have 45 minutes of indigestion, literally destroying a living things entire life, just so he can have indigestion and convince himself he's living a good life…

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dbd8be  No.355348

File: 957bac1663f8ac5⋯.png (672.31 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221505….png)

File: dd1da8b15799de6⋯.png (720.58 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221236….png)

File: 48627877932aadb⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221423….png)

File: b30138976d6873b⋯.png (999.86 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_220837….png)

File: 1382f95aed3bc08⋯.png (1004.18 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_220443….png)


she's hot as fuck

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dbd8be  No.355350

I'dLOVEto fuck that shit right there, dude…

she's got an amazing body, perfect fucking tits, and you know she would be so wild in bed. I guarantee she wouldn't twist your reality with that alien pussy

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dbd8be  No.355351

File: 45b4b4137ccd8b7⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_220309….png)

File: 64af14c3bf04972⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_215924….png)

File: 0853d8c902b0f25⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_220219….png)

File: 279adb3673a6db7⋯.png (949.52 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_215400….png)

File: 54b27c8583254e8⋯.png (485.66 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_214944….png)

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dbd8be  No.355352


I'd fuck her silly……

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dbd8be  No.355353

File: 957bac1663f8ac5⋯.png (672.31 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_221505….png)

File: d30295f88b7f7a7⋯.png (514.95 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_214732….png)

File: 932d314188475ee⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_213837….png)

File: b573792c4b32af9⋯.png (895.96 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_212608….png)

File: fe3ab470249b3b4⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_212709….png)

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dbd8be  No.355354

File: c6d6ebf7cdca8bc⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_224751….png)

File: d13c7e61798c7b1⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_224709….png)

File: 8082548e9b2ccd9⋯.png (715.66 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_224644….png)

File: 175168b10d36284⋯.png (960.02 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_213925….png)

File: 68f73756c77a94b⋯.png (719.17 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_212647….png)

it would take an extraction team to pull me out of her asshole

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dbd8be  No.355355

her tits are BADASS

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dbd8be  No.355356

File: 75598531feb389a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_212154….png)

File: 209af9820ab5ff4⋯.png (882.69 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_212328….png)

File: 493488146b67c47⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_212247….png)

File: c8761f199431149⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_211923….png)

File: 86421141af67614⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220926_211800….png)

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dbd8be  No.355357

the name FECAL MATTER refers to humans

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225fc6  No.355358

File: 0f1b1c040c2399b⋯.png (740.04 KB, 627x960, 209:320, retardamente.png)

She's almost as cool as this guy. She's a cheerleader for infectious death traps. A Marilyn Manson rip off.

But the nice tits will make up for the derivative plagiarism.

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dbd8be  No.355359

because that's exactly what we are….


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dbd8be  No.355360

File: dd398de3b6ba4ef⋯.jpg (460.77 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664332612522.jpg)


this Sassy lil' lady is all the rage in the upcoming scene, whatever that might be…

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dbd8be  No.355361

File: 941eb58e5008964⋯.jpg (693.82 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664332622406.jpg)


The most exciting part is her unusual birth defect, which causes her entire body to completely change 24 hours a day, being a uniquely different human being at any given millisecond

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dbd8be  No.355362

File: 68c1ae5e47d371d⋯.jpg (635.07 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664332729005.jpg)

I heard Netflix just finished shooting her first DP off-broadway Shakespeare comedy….

The delay had something to do with an out-of-key laugh track or something

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dbd8be  No.355363

File: 1e8dc5a669e3349⋯.jpg (595.1 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664332707838.jpg)

…and when I say "or something" of course it means finding a new fentanyl dealer that can deliver to San Bernardino

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dbd8be  No.355366

File: 6c608f7e0b8d311⋯.jpg (713.73 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664276013999.jpg)

File: fddf94d0dc0e7bd⋯.jpg (457.41 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664276079035.jpg)

File: 65ea5dc00b0e6d9⋯.jpg (591.03 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664275995601.jpg)

File: 381c7db85aeb7c6⋯.jpg (735.47 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664276168633.jpg)

I actually used an Android app called WONDER to create these AI prompted images…

it's no midjourney, but it's a very impressive little piece of work for an Android

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c06439  No.355367

File: d583e69a13ac9f8⋯.jpg (967.05 KB, 1352x2028, 2:3, 20.jpg)

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dbd8be  No.355368

File: 643ed3b3089e6dc⋯.png (468.7 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 554758449_9_year_old_girl_….png)

File: f9be90c91973626⋯.png (535.47 KB, 512x512, 1:1, x8onIN0IE47qgAAAABJRU5ErkJ….png)

File: 091b5bffc3aa5e3⋯.png (353.88 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8EjxmKYGnFUA4AAAAASUVORK5C….png)

File: 561486fbd4f3e30⋯.png (371.19 KB, 512x512, 1:1, n9MA_qXlB5ikQAAAABJRU5ErkJ….png)

It's really not bad, but of course midjourney is the gold standard right now, although I must admit I kind of prefer DALL-E

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dbd8be  No.355369


That's awesome that you finally figured out how to download pictures of nude women. I'm impressed

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dbd8be  No.355371


Now, imagine a day when you don't have any photographs of vaginas stored up because you have no need for them….

imagine having the courage to go into the restaurant and convince them to show you its seat so you can enjoy a meal, instead of standing outside on the sidewalk staring in through the front window…

All of the customers have been watching you stare at them, and it's a bit off-putting.. they're trying to enjoy their meals

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dbd8be  No.355372


Who doesn't love staring directly into a vagina, right?…….

I mean, shit…… even my wife exclusively ate pussy for 11 years until I met her…

But she didn't download photographs

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d9d40e  No.355373

File: 6dc64a717c8ac32⋯.jpg (148.36 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, photo086.jpg)

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dbd8be  No.355376

File: 39f035b20507d57⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 640x480, 4:3, miss_me_yet_.mp4)





The only reason I'm here is because I enjoy making silly sketch pad digital art, quickly throwing together visuals using digital editing apps..

It's pretty obvious, and I've been doing it "since way before MySpace", as killcen so eloquently stated…..

In fact, it's fair to say that every word that comes flowing out of my often garbled speech to text is nothing more than a justification to continue posting my silly little digital artwork, just for fun..

Just for fun

Just to entertain myself.. that's all I'm doing.. entertaining myself

Other people's entertainment is not my problem….

Other people's approval has never been an issue…

I'm here exclusively to keep myself entertained, and I'm pretty damn good at it….

But other people seem to have a lack of perception that I find underwhelming…

They seem to think I give a flying fart about their opinions, that they are somehow in control of me and my self entertainment process… they convince themselves that they said something that made me angry, and I suddenly started spamming out of frustration or something LOL

They make the foolish mistake of assuming my world resembles the bleak dismal landscape of video games and isolation that they have sentenced themselves to…

But I think one of the weirdest mistakes I see them make is when I feel like creating a digital doodle of somebody to with a giant nigger dick in their mouth, or any other number of possible weird creepy sexual visual images I might want to throw together to make fun of somebody…

Because I've seen you video game douchebags accuse me of " having gay porn downloaded on my computer"…


Number one, I'm not like you, so I don't even use a fucking computer…

Number two, if I want to create a graphic of a pizza delivery boy refusing to have sex with a beautiful woman in exchange for a pizza, even if she pays for the pizza.. of course I'm just going to source images of pizza delivery boys and beautiful naked women…

It's not like I'm going to dig through my folders of pizza delivery boy photographs….

Pornography is Visual and Psychosexual CANDY for the learning impaired. ..

It's really not that hard to get a woman in your bedroom spreading her legs and pulling your vagina wide open and letting you take your sweet time staring at it before you blow a few loads into it

All of my girlfriends and wives learned how to pose for me…

It's not like I'm going to have a relationship and fail to explain what I want, so of course they quickly learn how to keep a man visually happy…

I used to be a strip club DJ for almost 10 years…. and I had a lot of time to stop and reflect on sexuality and the desires of men versus the woman's perspective…

Having nude women being my job, I learned to perceive what separated the strippers from the average woman, why the strippers existed in the first place…

That's why I always ask new girlfriends a few certain choice questions, one of which has always remained the same :


It's really simple…



But most men don't have the Panache or courage to explain what they really want to their wives….

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dbd8be  No.355377

File: 1e656bf6b8b0b32⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1645x1080, 329:216, Picsart_22_09_25_06_25_20_….png)


I get it….. you don't get pussy….

That's your fault

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d37f31  No.355380


>I'm here exclusively to keep myself entertained

Like most things on the internet, nothing is quite exactly what it seems and (((YOU))) are the absolute proof in that pudding.

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dbd8be  No.355381

File: 78d226e7545f6f8⋯.jpg (299.24 KB, 918x1307, 918:1307, Picsart_22_10_01_18_03_21_….jpg)

We want to see it….

And that's why most wives have never just sat there in front of their husbands with their snatch pulled wide open, posing an open vagina… not a big special event, but an everyday relax session, where she pulls her whole wide apart, and listens to music wow you do your thing and occasionally look over and stare at it before you decide to Pummel it….


That's why married men go to strip clubs….. because although they managed to get wives, they still never took it all the way, and they live a repressed relationship, due to unspoken desires…

But that's quickly solved by explaining that men are visual animals, and that's why we gravitate to pornography and strip clubs.. that's where we will find women comfortable with opening their vagina for the world to see…

And that's exactly why all of my wives and girlfriends were in the practice of doing thingsmore visually forme.

It's really just a matter of them getting over the first hump, because it's a feeling of open vulnerability that most people aren't accustomed to…I..

But oddly enough, women always seem to gain a brand new sense of self-confidence after getting over that hump, and soon enough they are upping the game, making sure you have the best "camera angle" while they are fucking and sucking…

Because most sex is very moderate in reality, with the majority of couples living in horrible existences, where the woman and comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and she slips under the blankets and turns out the lights, and they have sex without actual seeing what they're doing….

The way to avoid that horrible fate is through communication

And once women understand it from that perspective, from that point on they will start performing in a more visual manner, supplying you with endless visual memories..

Oh the stories I could tell you

But that's why pornography is Visual Candy for the learning impaired.. those who are too stupid too figure out how simple it is to have a woman let you stare into her vagina as you tell her you're about to stretch her asshole loose, as soon as you finish rolling this joint….

Women enjoy sex too

You really don't have to continue behaving like a dork anymore

And it begins by deleting all the pornography and childish anime and throw away the video games and grow up God damn it

If you're going to continue behaving that way, you'll never get what you actually wanted in the get what you actually wanted in the first….

The reason you are downloading pornography is not to create a digital "troll" graphic….

You are downloading adult content because you are interested in vaginas

You can see all the vagina you can handle in real life. But you've got to stop behaving like a guy who doesn't get any vagina….

Believe it or not, women can read your aura, so to speak, for lack of a better term…

If you're the type of guy who has a bunch of porn downloaded, that energy field surround you, and women have an intuitive radar…..

They're looking for guys that don't download porn…

So it's self-defeatist

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dbd8be  No.355382

File: 5f82febb6276b10⋯.jpg (558.78 KB, 971x1280, 971:1280, 20220730_180718.jpg)

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dbd8be  No.355384

File: 4b2c4aacfb1e32a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1525x1080, 305:216, Picsart_22_07_28_19_20_55_….png)

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dbd8be  No.355385

Most women can never figure out why their husband went to that strip club or why they found the pornography on the laptop…

They think it's for romantic or emotional reasons…

They don't realize how simple it is, because their stupid cowardly husband was too afraid to explain it to them….

But once a woman realizes by spreading their legs and closing their eyes and becoming a "live porn shoot", your husband will come running home after work, and you couldn't pay him to go to a strip club anymore….

It's not dehumanizing or objectifying

It's completely natural, because even cavemen were visual animals…

Women approach sex from their hearts and Minds…. emotions….

and men approach it with our EYES……

It's really just a matter of her I'm getting over the initial hump of insecurity and feelings of vulnerability….

But it's interesting how quickly all of those insecure feelings disappear once they gain a newfound brilliant sense of self-confidence, attained from the simple act of becoming avisual sexual participant

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dbd8be  No.355386

File: 6fec50f4930c86d⋯.jpg (735.3 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246274101.jpg)

File: def46df8d6105a6⋯.jpg (813.17 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246473496.jpg)

File: 6fdc340e1e236a6⋯.jpg (754.6 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246583244.jpg)

File: ed1fb28cf8b3dd8⋯.jpg (337.56 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, Picsart_22_09_24_23_49_38_….jpg)

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dbd8be  No.355387

File: 6fec50f4930c86d⋯.jpg (735.3 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246274101.jpg)

File: def46df8d6105a6⋯.jpg (813.17 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246473496.jpg)

File: 6fdc340e1e236a6⋯.jpg (754.6 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246583244.jpg)

File: ed1fb28cf8b3dd8⋯.jpg (337.56 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, Picsart_22_09_24_23_49_38_….jpg)

teaching a woman how to pose for you is the first step towards your wife helping you get another girl in bed with the two of you…

People need to have things explained to them sometimes, but once they get the hang of it, they find pride in outdoing themselves

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dbd8be  No.355388

File: 6fec50f4930c86d⋯.jpg (735.3 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246274101.jpg)

File: def46df8d6105a6⋯.jpg (813.17 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246473496.jpg)

File: 6fdc340e1e236a6⋯.jpg (754.6 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664246583244.jpg)

File: ed1fb28cf8b3dd8⋯.jpg (337.56 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, Picsart_22_09_24_23_49_38_….jpg)

teaching a woman how to pose for you is the first step towards your wife helping you get another girl in bed with the two of you…

People need to have things explained to them sometimes, but once they get the hang of it, they find pride in outdoing themselves

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dbd8be  No.355389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I literally have no recollection of creating this little song.. none.. but I definitely created it. I made it from scratch using a smartphone instead of a computer…

I use CAUSTIC 3 for android, beginning with the creation of the drums and then working my way upwards..

It's just a little musical sketch pad.. the musical equivalent of one of my silly graphic images I create just for fun in here…

Just something to pick me occupied.. I can't imagine allowing myself to become bored with life, so that's how I ended up becoming an artist and learning how to create my own music…

Just keeping myself occupied

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dbd8be  No.355390

File: d3cfffc190e3d0d⋯.jpg (813.18 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664397509235.jpg)

File: 5d9fd501ee1922e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1907, 1080:1907, Picsart_22_09_28_05_30_06_….png)

File: 689a985b3d6ca3c⋯.jpg (470.53 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664276436301.jpg)

File: bf73ec9bd314d98⋯.jpg (811.09 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1664275945551.jpg)

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dbd8be  No.355391

File: 6be2069dc8897eb⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 486x720, 27:40, 330fe8d42f1d4edb60c07e03f7….jpg)

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dbd8be  No.355392

File: fcf8bec24b32685⋯.jpg (46.93 KB, 302x620, 151:310, cba22765877946c4dcb55a08ab….jpg)

File: b6798cf5682e0d8⋯.jpg (124.98 KB, 607x1214, 1:2, 00c660b15d70e892bb9903a607….jpg)

File: 6c240d6fcbd7b90⋯.jpg (76.32 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 642d9bcec3a30887e5fac4e2ba….jpg)

File: 792071c28764532⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 712x889, 712:889, 1b6ca4bbfac9f6d57ebd06b9a8….jpg)

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ea417f  No.355393

I'd really hate to be as miserable as you.

> you mooch sissy boy pathetic video game player, I hate your generation! Your generation is responsible for all my pain blah blah blah

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ea417f  No.355394

Why don’t you be honest with yourself?

Be emotionally honest to yourself: see the miserable bastard you are. And you’re going to pin it on me.

You WILL throw your best projective insults at ME.

Also, how’s Wendy the dyke prostitute? (I don’t actually care but you’ll probably feed us more shit we don’t care about, such as how you made AI images with her, had sex with her etc.)

Now tell us about how

> you fucked your wife and fucked a random girl and did drugs and get in fistfights and have had highs and lows in your life etc. etc. etc.

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ea417f  No.355395

you will take MY words personally, as a result of you investing your ego into an online argument, so I hope you enjoy being miserable!

little Johnny

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ea417f  No.355396

I don’t take your PATHETIC screeching personally.

But you'll take mine personally.

And then you'll top it off by talking to yourself, saying how "you're just here for entertainment…"

There's better ways of being entertained than by being chronically online, old fool

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ea417f  No.355397

>I’m not trying to be a tough guy because [insert delusional tough guy logic here]

Are you really that scared of being called out for your bullshit reasoning?

You can’t bring yourself to acknowledge, even to yourself, that you’re a lunatic? (Yes, little Johnny, you are a lunatic)

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db690f  No.355400

File: c10fab77e774fd2⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 640x255, 128:51, 31146_250.jpg)







You seem pretty invested in interacting with this "Persona".

Carry On…

The entertainment will be predictable and kinda routine at this point.

==Meanwhile, I'll Go On About My Development.

> I don’t take your PATHETIC screeching personally

lol wow!

He ain't gonna stop 'til (You) do!

Actually, He ain't gonna stopno matter what (You) do!

If anything, he has ramped up over the last decade, and no one is going to dislodge him, let alone "put him on his place". He already is. Yup. He belongs here. He ain't goin' nowhere. He never has, and he never will — certainly not by choice. Recognizing the Toxicity of his stance, one has no choice but to employ a strategy of Containment. Luckily, he is Easily Contained. He practically Contains Himself! That's why he's here, actually…

Some folks cannot control their own behavior, yet seek to control the behavior of others, or at least have everybody "else" experience the same lack-of-control that they feel. They're Institutionalized. They feel more comfortable when someone "else", someone they see as being in a position of authority, is telling everyone what to think & what to do. They do not trust "Others" to think and act for themselves, from a position of Authenticity, because THEY DO NOT TRUST THEMSELVES!

People like that want to Enforce "Mob-Rule" on EVERYONE. "Johnny" was the guards' little butt-buddy in jail — a regular prison snitch. Nothing has ever changed with him. He is not even open to deep personal changes! He just wants to change everything "Else", Out "There"! Maybe tear down some Statues Unto Insubstantiality! He continues to Refuse toLOOK WITHON. But he is right where he belongs. And there is much (You) may learn from him yet! And Hell Yes! He WILL get "under your skin"! (He obviously already has!)

Highly suggesting playing Johnny like you would a musical instrument. He is much like a Suona, (a Chinese Trumpet), a loud & obnoxious double-reeded instrument. He has his place, and his place is here.

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38c068  No.355401


fuck yourself, potbelly softie imageboard sissyboy

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38c068  No.355402

File: 38a66000d633fc3⋯.png (621.64 KB, 1080x1220, 54:61, Picsart_22_10_02_08_00_43_….png)

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38c068  No.355403

File: f4f970ec42d0d7b⋯.png (592.13 KB, 1325x1080, 265:216, Picsart_22_10_02_08_12_26_….png)

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38c068  No.355404

File: 69814faf94803ff⋯.png (444.18 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20221002_081030.png)

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38c068  No.355405

File: 304f12fa3b4b736⋯.png (417.46 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20221002_080902.png)

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38c068  No.355406

File: 453b603dd740f36⋯.png (304.25 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 20221002_082325.png)

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54db40  No.355407

The common root causes of all experiences including emotions are the experiencer's own fixed ideas, preconceptions, own rules, beliefs, biases, memory, judgment criteria, etc. As long as the sense of values does not change, the person repeats a similar experience. The stronger the attachment, the stronger the emotion.

How to interpret, react and deal with information is entirely up to each interpreter. "Disturbance of society, words, clothes, and morals" is a self-projection of the disorder of the person who feels it.

Dissatisfaction, anxiety, discomfort, scary, distrust, discomfort, and mystery are caused by each person's stereotypes, so it is irrelevant to blame others. Those who give inconvenience to others also gain inconvenience.

Therefore, even if you make someone angry, you have no cause for the other person's anger. Conversely, if someone offends you, the person has no cause for your anger.

Tolerant people who punish others, have low independence, have low problem-solving ability, and care about external evaluation need manners, courtesy, rules, and laws for emotional stability and self-defense.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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38c068  No.355409

File: 900dad937a2a608⋯.png (156.01 KB, Picsart_22_10_02_08_46_51_….png)

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38c068  No.355410

File: 900dad937a2a608⋯.png (156.01 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_10_02_08_46_51_….png)

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38c068  No.355411

File: db8b7216ed232c0⋯.png (808.68 KB, 1080x1211, 1080:1211, Picsart_22_10_02_08_59_21_….png)

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5804fe  No.355414


your format is so obnoxious i couldnt even read all of it


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38c068  No.355415


I've never seen it worded

so eloquently

good work


your formatting is

w e i r d

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e9c1a0  No.355416


I don't think he's on your side…


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e9c1a0  No.355417


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e9c1a0  No.355418


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38c068  No.355419

File: e58ba5851423cb2⋯.gif (41.77 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ceff7275fd2f42dcac2d1f59bc….gif)

last week, I supplied Frederick's exact location, and he was arrested.

when I asked for my 1,000,000 PHP

they told me "arrestedANDconvicted….

so now I have to wait and see if they're able to convict him…

1,000,000 PHP = $2.14 USD

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42dd7a  No.355420


I hope they get him. I really do.

He's talking smack about Watkins and petting his little dog like he's so innocent :(

I really hope they get him :)

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38c068  No.355421

File: 9e596b072629a7e⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 960x720, 4:3, km_20221002_720p_30f_20221….mp4)

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1bc928  No.355422


I hope they use a crossbow, because that wheelchair gives him an advantage

He might manage to sneak away, so use a crossbow

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1ac3b0  No.355423


Kinda harsh assessment. Overkill is contraindicated.

Just bag him and deliver him to justice.

There's too much bloodshed in the world as it is.

You catch more butterflies with nets than crossbows.

Of course he could be armed….

Just use a tazer or flood his hotel room with halothane :)

Painless, no muss no fuss.

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1bc928  No.355424


I was visiting San Paulo back in '79, when I accidentally got the cuff of my pants leg hooked to the shell of an irreverent tortoise…

As I was bending over to free my pants leg, the tortoise began slowly moving forward, knocking me off balance and flat on my back…

That piece of shit tortoise slowly dragged me around for the better part of 2 days, through some of the bumpiest terrain in San Paulo…

I tried reasoning with him but tortoises don't seem to understand English…

it was horrible

I'm still somewhat traumatized

the worst part ?

the tortoise feces

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cd25e9  No.355425

File: b556a0bfd33f9fe⋯.jpg (35.81 KB, 300x250, 6:5, d35e2fe38fe44e58a6505db87c….jpg)

The song says " With a Little Help From My FRIENDS"….

Maybe this stupid bitch would be more popular if she simply admitted that Jesus never existed and Trump is a mouth breathing sack of shit?

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cd25e9  No.355426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know you know what you know

but you should know by now that you're not me

Talk about a month of Sundays

Toffee nosed wet weekend as far as I can see

Hey diddle diddle

The cat and the fiddle

Piggy in the middle


Bible punching heavyweight

evangelistic boxing kangaroo

Orangutang and anaconda

Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse

even Pluto too

Hey diddle diddle

The cat and the fiddle

Piggy in the middle


One man's civilization

is another man's jungle, yeah

They say revolution's in the air

I'm dancing in my underwear

'cause I don't care

Hey diddle diddle

The Cat's in the fiddle

Piggy in the middle



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8d3620  No.355427


I've heard about those Sao Paulo tortoise problems.

They are insidious and move so damn slow that you hardly notice until they start snagging pant legs.

You've got to wear shorts and well fitting leather boots that fit snug up to the knee caps.

This strategy is also effective defense against scorpion and venomous snakes.

Tortoise feces are of least concern.

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cd25e9  No.355428


I swear to God that was the moral of the story


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cd25e9  No.355429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2fbb3  No.355430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lonely is Brazilia

White heat, hot, vast, crisp, empty

No more "Yariva, yariva"

Wish you were here

White heat, grey stone

Show me Brazilia

And I'll show you no Mardi Gras

In the glass Cantina

White heat, grey stone

White heat, grey stone

White heat, grey stone

Is anybody there

White heat, sizzling, sizzling, sizzling, sizzling

Is anybody there

Is anybody there


Is anybody there


Wish you were here

Is anybody there?

Big mistake, Brazilia

Brazilia. Open air museum. Wish you were here.

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43b318  No.355431

File: 4e8da009388e719⋯.jpg (343.47 KB, 1896x1270, 948:635, 8kun_More_Disabled_Than_Ev….jpg)











I think I did pretty well for one finger poking out of a body cast. Besides, it kept you busy, and that was the intention.

In "Other" News…

Looks like a new tranche of BOOKS Worthy of Reading are on their way later today, and some of 'em look bretty gud!


Yes, you should support these authors any way you can, (even if you're a poorfag, and all you can do is share the word…)


> I don't think he's on your side…

"Boundless", remember?

The only sides I have are "Mein Sides!"

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f040e9  No.355432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f040e9  No.355433


yeah, I was being completely serious.

you summed it up very well

I love the noobs

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1ee9af  No.355434



since the late 80s

because I had a subscription

toSPY magazine

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f9c0af  No.355435

I hate blacks, gays and Jews

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1bd35f  No.355436

I'm fascinated that there are people

WHODON'T KNOW about him

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f040e9  No.355437


that's a start

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16a773  No.355438

……..now you can move forward……..

and learn why all humans must be eliminated

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e2fbb3  No.355439


"The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light"


Hate is such a strong word anon.

I suggest youLOOK WITHIN.

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16a773  No.355440

I hate people who begin their answers with the word "SO"

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16a773  No.355442


C O R R E C T I O N :

It isn't strong enough

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43b318  No.355443

File: 2c7cd222838a69b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1366x648, 683:324, 2021_04_15_Easy_IS_As_Easy….png)


There (((You))) go again…

> he doesn't know he's been trained to hate humans.

I know how (((You))) like quotes, so… For (((You)))…



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e2fbb3  No.355444


It has become the most common grammatical error on the planet.

Get used to it because it aint going away anytime soon.

It is something of a mnemonic device affording the respondent a quick extra second to formulate what will undoubtedly be a pack of lies.

Similar to "well you see".

see also: a tell

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e2fbb3  No.355445


Bloodbath it is then. Let's rock this bitch down to her pretty little toes!

Ballroom Blitz v2.0 for realz.

You ready?

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16a773  No.355446

File: 12e0727074f6b04⋯.png (483.98 KB, 1080x1444, 270:361, Picsart_22_10_02_11_16_40_….png)



@ extra second

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16a773  No.355447



If I had been trained by somebody else, that would mean somebody harbored more hatred towards the human race than I do….

Even Hitler didn't have what it takes to be my Apprentice

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e2fbb3  No.355448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Where the big boys meet on the Vegas Strip, yeah

With the SDI as the gun at his hip

There's a gleam in his eye as he shakes your hand and he leaves you

Then his sellin' plans are to walk away and deceive you

Whoa, She's a shell shocked baby in the cradle of time

Were just a walk soft army on a human land mine

I've walked a million miles far beyond the stars of your future

I've walked a million miles far beyond the hope of your future

So ivory tower man

Was it part of your plan

Turn this city to sand

With a one way ticket to the promised land?

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e2fbb3  No.355449



i love wierdos.

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16a773  No.355450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b60c73  No.355451


i love dyslexia

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16a773  No.355452


true dat

I have never been attracted to or interested in normalcy or mediocrity

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43b318  No.355453


Too bad (You) take the Solipsist Stance.

(You)'d make a good Non-Dualist.

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9221a5  No.355454


i have some glans you can express honey bunch.

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16a773  No.355455


I wouldn't make a good anything

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a03b89  No.355456

When I was 11 years old, I developed a massive crush on a deaf girl that moved into the neighborhood…

She was a tall skinny blonde headed 10 year old (I've always liked them young) who was not only deaf, but also had buck teeth, but I thought they were really cute. She couldn't hear, so of course she made the classic deaf person noises when she talked :


I had a huge crush on her, even though I was too young to understand anything about sexuality….

I've always regretted not sexually assaulting her because I wouldn't have gotten in trouble

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a03b89  No.355457

She would still make the perfect girlfriend even to this day….

As long as she never grew any older than 10

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a03b89  No.355458

File: f7eb3c84dcd3939⋯.png (503.18 KB, 968x668, 242:167, Screenshot_20221002_113602….png)

The news is saying there are more than one people without powder in Florida after Hurricane Ian…

that's not good. With all the other problems going on down there, imagine having to go without powder. It seems like FEMA would already be flying cartel members into Daytona and begin distributing pow. ..


Hell, if they need a little extra power they can always just snort a little coke.

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a03b89  No.355459


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a03b89  No.355460

File: a7e979c02e8154a⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 548x393, 548:393, _PND_s_ANAL_GLANDS_10_2_20….gif)

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a03b89  No.355461

File: 8ccac400219fce5⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221002_120449….png)

I keep saying it because it's true

Atlanta is like a mixture of best attributes of Beverly hills, New York City and miami, without the bad attributes.

(of course, every city has its bad areas, but Atlanta has minimal bad aspects compared to other big cities)

Atlanta is a showpiece of shimmering modern architecture the rising from an ocean of magnolia trees.

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ce92ad  No.355464


According to the neo-futurists at Bilderberg, Davos et.al. Atlanta is a peach and pecan orchard gone wrong. Just another monstrous tumor, another sky reaching blight of sardines stacked in cans and just another traffic jam slated to become decorative glass when the paradigm shifts and the big dance begins.

see also: ATWA

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63ac18  No.355509


Thx anon. Downloaded those books from https://8kun.top/freedomzine/res/17278.html#18592

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ba2fef  No.355627


Thank you for proving you've never been here before, because you would realize how stupid you sound right now.

Where you live is a shithole

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83e375  No.355753


Hello Ash. Nice to see you back again and in top form.

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