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File: 2d1f2d924877ece⋯.png (72.8 KB, 1291x209, 1291:209, kfschbdcfj.png)

acd26b  No.355245

Federal Research On Manipulating Brains And Rewriting DNA Should Worry Us All

The US government is pouring billions of dollars into understanding genetics and the human brain — and how to manipulate those systems.

he future of evolution is now in our hands. Or rather, the godlike power to alter biology rests in a few scientists’ hands, and we’re all going to pay for it, one way or another. The U.S. government is pouring billions of dollars into understanding genetics and the human brain, and most consequentially, how to manipulate those systems.

Last week, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched its “BRAIN 2.0” initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnology), ramping up an existing program started eight years ago. Comparable to the Human Genome Project in scope and scale, BRAIN 2.0 grants $600 million to fully map our 86 billion neurons and their uncounted connections. The project is expected to reach a grand total cost of $5 billion by 2026.


RELATED: >>>/pnd/355194

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d61d8a  No.355247


Like I said before, the "vaccines" are all about destroying the immune system and sterilization of the youth. Future generations won't be able to reproduce. Future generations will be developed in government-run laboratories, artificial wombs and all, no sex involved. The future "humans" DNA will be programmed to only last so long, as in programmable programmed obsolescence. Reach a certain age, they simply die. No more worrying about those 401(k)s or pension funds. They'll be programmed to be the upmost obedient slaves, will not be able to critically think or question authority so no desire for freedom, the perfect working cattle class, and the "nuclear family" a thing of the past.

You bootlickers all wanted your fascism, socialism and communism.

Well you are going to receive EXACTLY what you begged for!




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67a061  No.356074

File: faf2988394b14ae⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 960x543, 320:181, nasim.jpg)


>Federal Research On Manipulating Brains And Rewriting DNA

The elites just want a serf they can control 100% of the time.

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