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File: 1c800704a3d78fa⋯.png (115.84 KB, 2560x1952, 80:61, 8chan.png)

b1cf3b  No.355080

i've been on 4chan for a bit, and just recently heard about 8chan being very more politically extreme. Confirm?

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f7c0c0  No.355084

File: 1054c61a6981225⋯.jpg (67.41 KB, 497x427, 71:61, You_Have_to_Go_Back_to_Hal….jpg)


Can confirm that the most radical "Extremist" on this site goes by the name "Johnny Neptune" .

He will be contacting (((You))) shortly to explain how (((You))) may best be of service to "Extremist" causes.

In the meantime…

> picrel is for (((You)))

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48c999  No.355086



Flee this wretched place OP. Save yourself and run like Forrest Gump back to the shrimp boat.

Neptune will warp your mind, corrupt your morals and bombard you with high quality graphics.

Before you know it, you've downloaded gimp and that's usually the point of no return.

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af91ef  No.355091


No, you are just being brainwashed by Big Tech gatekeepers over there. 4chan is almost as gay as Facebook these days. You might as well go to Facebook if you enjoy 4chan.

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30239a  No.355125


I'll be damned, I downloaded gimp today and I just now saw your comment

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7ac1b6  No.355133



do not look at the pretty colors, do not marvel at the.ease with which your mouse manipulates the image or changes the colors.

these are the beginning of sorrows.

you can still save yourself!

once you begin video compositing and make the dead speak, make the boys turn into girls or reanimate 70's sitcom clips, it will be too late to turn back. these image manipulation programs and apps are tools of baal and will seduce you to serve deception and chicanery!

it starts off as irony or satire, next thing you know you're producing phony video evidence for shady attorneys and gullible juries $$$.

you'll be hooked like a junkie, creating whole new realities with your imagination- the power of a god.

it is then that you'll lose your grip on reality and begin the final descent into bedlam.

you must go outside and touch grass, swim in a lake, connect your corporeal form with nature by any means. feel the wind on your face, hear the birds singing, partake of the aroma of an old growth forest.

witness the majesty of sunrise and sunset from atop a high hill.

good luck child of God.

good luck.

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51e310  No.355144


Stay in the containment site please

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298c30  No.356104


>gatekeepers over there

Yet this is the home of the Q psyop, curious?

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375389  No.356332


>Yet this is the home of the Q psyop, curious?

No, far, far worse.

> proud home

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5c8a86  No.356581

File: 94e2f326869c1bb⋯.png (936.05 KB, 522x864, 29:48, Veradijkmans_Insta.png)



>they want to take this away from you

everyday I'm amazed by the world we live in, biology is kino

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