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62.66044, 143.66586

File: 1af583e66227957⋯.png (93.14 KB, 848x656, 53:41, real_news.png)

625593  No.355019



Horse and carriage is NOT the future.

Animal rights laws will prevent that. The future will not be bicycles either, the world is about to go Kim Jong on a global scale, in North Korea bicycles were banned because they gave the general public too much mobility, which "destabilized the country".

The evolotion will be: Electric, only to have that made so expensive that you call for an "electric transport" that goes about 25 mph which is enough to get to the store but not really do anything, to go somewhere you'll have to use the train.

THEN: The train and electric transport will be priced out of reach, forcing people onto bicycles. Then, they'll make up an excuse for why bicycles are destroying the planet and the common core types, (which will be totally dominant by then) will believe it.

Then they will ban bicycles.

The next step to "preserving resources" will be to have people walk everywhere, until even that will be "too much" and the world will evolve into a system of work camps no one leaves without permission - the perfect slave society.

1,000 Goy slaves? Will I live to see it? Probably not, but I'll probably live to "call electric transport".

MY COMMENT: I would never ever trust ANY public transit, especially if funded by these creeps!! You'll soon go shopping but the final destination would likely be a FEMA camp where you and your family suddenly disappear!



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3d1c33  No.355021

The neo-futurist agenda is very real.

DPRK has been called the most reclusive country on earth.

Henry Kisskiss said the new world order is already real and has "different features in different parts of the world".

If Jim Stone is willing to risk becoming the next Otto Warmbier and travel to DPRK there's almost no telling what he might live to see.


One thing is for sure and plainly visible to anyone who looks and listens: the commuter lifestyle is slated for permanent abolition.

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b5132c  No.355026


I know and you know, but try telling this to the average person today and you often get a blank brain dead stare, as if it could never happen. I'd wish to think it couldn't, but that is their plan, to destroy the first world commuter lifestyle, to bring the Western world back into the third world, bringing back feudalism and ending traditional culture as we know it. Their end goal is slave labor camps: people forced to live where they work, no more private property ownership, workers forced to get permission to travel anywhere (by foot or public transit if they can afford it). I'm not going to live like this as I won't allow anyone to treat me that way, they'd eat hot lead before they reached the front porch. But it doesn't matter much to them, this is where they are pushing this, this is the society they desire to shape and mold under their control. Lets just hope the general population tells them to take a hike off a cliff too. As recently stated by Giorgia Meloni “Yes to secure borders! No to mass immigration! Yes to our civilization! And no to those who want to destroy it! If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together.”

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fcb1bb  No.355044

bumping factual news

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91fa9a  No.355054


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281e8d  No.355059

anti-slide extended

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3dcb23  No.355094

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0faa57  No.355118

What a communist con job!

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762161  No.355148

True news bump #55398768936867933

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928525  No.355242



g N


t e



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daadba  No.355281


r c

u t

e u



R e a l


N g

E i

W t


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df8d9b  No.355299

File: 20c09bae42bcd6a⋯.jpg (128.53 KB, 691x1024, 691:1024, George_H_W_Bush_and_Pope_J….jpg)

File: 3dcfa8dc5381d63⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 514x371, 514:371, W_does_Rome.jpg)

File: ad64a3b27436527⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 515x336, 515:336, W_does_Rome_again.jpg)


>communist con job

“The principles of socialism or communism…governed all the [Jesuit-run] Reductions [in Paraguay].”

– R. W. Thompson, Ex-Secretary, American Navy




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68cd10  No.355343

a t u N

c a e

f c u l l w

a t a s

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385bc9  No.355581














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aff37d  No.355603


a t

i o n

a l

n e w s

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7b371b  No.355643



i g h ~


l a ss

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