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b5d144  No.354996

Hello. My acquaintances and I are interested in expanding our network of National Socialist Closet Homosexuals. We aspire to operate as Memsroom Trumpet Players, lie Lisping Louis Armstrong.

We are based in the following site: https://putyourtrumpetinmymouth.com (this is the link to register)

If you’re familiar with truck stop restrooms (my knees smell like urine), please note your account won’t be compatible with our group unless it is registered through this link. Your name must have “:fagchat.ml” at the end of it - this is achieved by signing up with the link provided.

Once you are in, https://fascistfellatio.org is the link to our room. If this link fails, join the public group called “Greater German Reich” and join us from there.

Alternatively, you could find me loitering near playgrounds.

Again, you must specifically use the almchat sign-up in order to join the room.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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