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File: 56f3cd809fef005⋯.png (320.89 KB, 652x502, 326:251, Stephane_Baele.png)

70cef4  No.354948

"Super- (and hyper-) posters on extremist forums"



This paper examines patterns of posting behaviour on extremist online forums in order to empirically identify and define classes of highly active ‘super-posters'. Using a unique dataset of 8 far-right, 7 Salafi-jihadist, and 2 Incel forums, totalling 12,569,639 unique posts, the study operates a three-dimensional analysis of super-posters (Gini coefficient, Fisher-Jenks algorithm, network analysis) that sheds light on the type of influence at play in these online spaces. Our study shows that extremist forums consistently display four statistically distinguishable classes of posters from the least active ‘hypo-posters' to the most active ‘hyper-posters', as well as demonstrating that, while hyper-posters’ activity is remarkable, they are not necessarily the most central or connected members of extremist forums. These findings, which suggest that extremist forums are places where both minority and majority influences occur, not only advance our understanding of a key locus of online radicalisation; they also pave the way for sounder interventions to monitor and disrupt the phenomenon.


An article about the study above:

"Most posts in extremist online forums are made by a clique of particularly committed members, a major new study shows."



Experts who have spent years analyzing activity on the chatrooms have also discovered they have identical participation structures. Their findings are crucial intelligence for those working to tackle online extremism and radicalization.

A very small elite of "hyper-posters" can be responsible for up to a third of all posts, followed by a slightly bigger class of "super-posters" who are committed but show more restraint. "Normo-posters" contribute occasionally, and the majority of members are "hypo-posters" who have only posted once or a couple of times.

Hyper-posters are not necessarily the most central or connected members of extremist forums, and some less active posters also occupy central influential positions in discussions. Hypo-posters tend to be scattered at the periphery of the network, engaging in one or a handful of threads only.

This pattern holds regardless of the ideology (far-right, Salafi-Jihadist, Incel), language (English, French, Arabic, German), or size of the online forum.

The research, published in the Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism, was carried out by Professor Stephane Baele, Dr. Lewys Brace, Dr. Travis Coan and Dr. Elahe Naserian from the University of Exeter.

Researchers studied 12,569,639 unique posts in eight far-right, seven Salafi-jihadist, and two Incel forums.

Professor Baele said, "Anecdotal evidence from existing case-studies already pointed to similarities in posting structure, so we anticipated to find it. However, what we didn't expect to see was such a low level of diversity—if you put all the graphs and metrics side by side, they are hardly distinguishable.

"These results not only clarify how influence works in extremist online spaces, they also deliver actionable intelligence for government agencies tasked with tackling online extremism and radicalization. As the rapid growth and diversification of extremist online spaces causes serious challenges to security and law-enforcement practitioners, this type of knowledge—which offers both general and granular observations—is directly useful."

The research was conducted as part of "Extreme Identities" (ExID), which is a multidisciplinary collaboration aimed at mapping and understanding the far-right online ecosystem; it involves experts in extremism and online data based at the University of Exeter, Trinity College Dublin, and the University of Copenhagen.

Dr. Brace said, "We found in all forums there was a small clique of extremely active posters who occupy central roles in discussions. Extremist forums are hierarchical echo-chambers.

"Having this more fine-grained categorical structure of user behavior will allow for more focused intervention measures such as targeted undercover posting strategies or better allocation of scarce resources for investigating specific users."





Stephane Baele (look under 'publications'):


Lewys Brace (look under 'publications'):



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467


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70cef4  No.354950

File: 3ad38724607e13b⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 351x303, 117:101, anytime_you_re_ready_buddy.gif)


Hello, Lewys!!!!

Remember me?

My lil Leeewys!




Why do you think "we" can't be reasoned with? Seems pretty unreasonable to me. To treat us like animals, no?

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9a8d70  No.354951

File: 258811c9a11d02a⋯.png (383.92 KB, 768x498, 128:83, yeadon_superposter.png)



This guy makes it look so easy! How do he does it?

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70cef4  No.354953

File: d54ecaf813782b5⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 8000x4053, 8000:4053, 1645130222921.jpg)


>Political forums and discussion groups without moderating practices actively ensuring a diversity of voices have been shown to polarise and radicalise people.

Oh, you mean like every single social forum that ostracizes and bans you for disagreeing that "only White people can be racist", "whites don't exist (but Blacks do)", "endless immigration is good for a nation" & etc?

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c99b4f  No.354964

File: 18ed0437bb5274c⋯.png (576.48 KB, 714x710, 357:355, PicsArt_11_29_12_55_09.png)


there is ONLY ONE superposter

and he is the ANTIANON

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c99b4f  No.354965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't know no one, and I got no place to stay….

well, the snow is gone, (coke)

but there's ice one the streets today (meth)

and she's the only one who ever gave me just what I needed…

and she's the only one who stuck around to see….

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c99b4f  No.354967

File: 1ffe52b76e4e4c5⋯.png (427.95 KB, 1280x1252, 320:313, 20220926_150816.png)


you're always two steps behind, huh?

obviously, you haven't read their most recent findings…

I was flattered when they called me, but I've always preferred the term POWERPOSTER.

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b66904  No.354969

File: 5bb246c19db7209⋯.jpg (132.02 KB, 1203x1345, 1203:1345, Picsart_22_09_26_16_22_36_….jpg)


Perhaps I should have said THREE STEPS BEHIND ?……

Because obviously you seem to be unaware of the fact that Stephane Baele and Lewys Brace started to get on each other's nerves after they published their research on how much I post in imageboards.

They say familiarity breeds contempt, but I tend to think it's more a matter of competition with them, always bickering back and forth about which one had the stupidest first name…

Much like Lennon & McCartney, the infighting began to make life impossible for the other students at Exeter…

And ironically, each of them has stupider names than Yoko Ono.

Things got really weird over the course of a month or two, until the administration at Exeter came up with a plan….

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b66904  No.354970

File: 722e06bd09bb38b⋯.jpg (389.92 KB, 1080x1600, 27:40, Picsart_22_09_26_15_55_04_….jpg)

At first, it seemed like a great idea to the Dean of Exeter.

Of course it did, because British people are stupid and have a weird genetic anomaly that makes them all homosexuals before they ever come out of the womb…

But this plan was implemented because now the two researchers could never part ways, and since they are British, they only have to travel to their own crotch to find sex with another man.

Unfortunately for Exeter, the bickering only got worse immediately after they woke up from the anesthesia.

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836c55  No.354971


aaaaah hahahahaha! 9/10.

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b66904  No.354972

File: 7897192ee4078be⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2654x3854, 1327:1927, Picsart_22_09_26_16_13_02_….jpg)

I think the most fascinating part about their research has nothing to do with their research whatsoever…

The part that's so amazing is how the human race literally changed about 25 or 30 years ago, and now young men are no longer interested in getting pussy, hanging out with their buddies, going to bars and getting plastered, starting fistfights with random strangers, and experiencing life first hand like the good old days…

What's amazing is how these days, young men want to sit in their mother's spare bedroom playing video games, watching horrible unoriginal tacky and aesthetically repugnant Asian sissy boy cartoons, and going into chat rooms, spouting off their boring political opinions, pretending like they are socially integrated, part of a large group of people who have the power to start a revolution and change the world by force, even though they don't know to look somebody in the eyes and introduce themselves…

I say the nuclear Wars cannot begin soon enough

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c99b4f  No.354973

File: 3a0c2a0e3b2db5b⋯.mp4 (917.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, all_brits_r_gay_.mp4)

ask ANY school child, " what happens when you surgically transplant one British man's head on to another British man's body?" and they'll tell you….

"one of them will want to have a sex change, because ALL British men are born with a genetic flaw that makes them gay"

and that's EGG ZACK LEE what happened within 72 hours of the head transplant…

Stephane wanted to become Stephanie

but then he realized the name STEPHANE is not only one-letter away from STEPHANIE, but in fact, even MORE EFFEMINATE…

either way, Stephane was a gay male, who only had sex with men, but when he gets the sex change, he intends on becoming a gay woman who will only have sex with women…

so he planned on filing an EVICTION NOTICE on Lewys…

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c99b4f  No.354974

just one problem….

it was LEWYS' BODY that Stephane's head was attached to…

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c99b4f  No.354975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

when Lewys heard grumblings about Stephane wanting to "evict him" (literally…. Stephane grumbled about it, 'whispering' under his breath… but Lewys' head is directly next to his, so of Lewis can hear every single word… duhh) he was SO OFFENDED that he almost lost his head, so to speak… he was so mad he was 'beside himself', so to speak…

after all, he never agreed to having Stephane's head attached to his body…

nobody ever approached him or asked if he was cool with it…

he was at Exeter doing research one day, drank a cup of coffee, and started getting drowsy… the Dean of Exeter had spiked his coffee with chloral hydrate and Rohypnol…

when Lewys woke up, Stephane's gay listing homosexual head had been attached….

so when Stephane mentioned an 'eviction', of course he meant he intended on having Lewys' head removed, thereby stealing Lewys' body while murdering LEWYS…

It's really a confusing story, and it's all happy very reasonable, with new twists and turns happening every other minute, so I'm trying to keep you up to the latest details in the situation…

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c99b4f  No.354976

Like when Lewis recently hired an attorney to file an injunction against Stephane, but after paying the attorney $45,000 Lewys left the attorneys office and went directly back home, only to find an envelope in his mailbox…

the attorney had already sent him a letter, informing Lewys that there was a conflict of interest since the other parties had with attached to his client's body, and thanking him for the money…

plus, Stephane was right there the whole time, so it's not like he was unaware of what Lewys was up to…

but since they had to combine their bank accounts after the head transplant, and Lewys had no money in his account, the $45,000 was Stephane's money, so…

Like I said this is a really confusing situation, and it's changing every minute

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c99b4f  No.354977

File: f7c9f464644bc81⋯.mp4 (904.19 KB, 720x720, 1:1, duhhh_.mp4)

Wow!.. just like I said this ongoing situation like a soap opera, and something new happens every other minute…

….and Lewys Brace just announced that he has decided that if Stephane gets a sex change surgical procedure on Lewys' body, instead of continuing to be the original male head which belonged to the original male body which was now becoming a female body and a formerly male attached head that was becoming a female attached head….

that he'll just go ahead and become a female head, too…..

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598ad4  No.354994

Hello, Steven Bale… (can he hear me?)

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b62891  No.356006

File: 71e9af01e563dea⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 736x414, 16:9, by_Gawd_Chief_ya_fooled_em….jpg)

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