1 : accuses me of playing 'armchair psychologist', then proceeds to givethe weakest attempt at psychoanalysis I've seen in a while
2 : absutely NOTHING you said was accurate…. none if it…
3 : I never get "aggravated" by some assclown's comments, especially not in a fucking chatroom
4 : I haveneverclaimed to be "successful"… not even once…
5 : since I have never claimed to be "successful", of course I'venever claimed to be MORE successful than anyone elseDUUHHH
6 : the words "I'm Better Than You" aren't something I'd ever say…. sorry, idiot… you don't pay attention, do you ?…
7 : RE: "clearly bait thread"
bait ?…. what bait ?
You're a fucking idiot
8 : somebody trolling ME ?…
hahahaha stfu sissyboy….
9 : AGAIN : I don't give a fuck about your opinions, or his opinions, or her opinions, or OPs opinions..the reason I entered this thread was because OP ACTUALLY DOWNLOADS "EDWARDRUSSL's GARBAGE MEMES off Twitterwhich tells me everything I need to know about him….
(OP actually thinks it was an "inflatable airplane)
That's All…. I am here to remind him that he's a moron who thinks it was an inflatable airplane, and who thinks EwardRussl makes "high quality memes"….
garbage…. Fucking white trash fake-ass Q-tier easily debunkable conspiracy theories…
also, it's important to remember STATISTICS….
statistically speaking, it is possible to make certain assumptions…
for example, if you selected a random American, I could safely predict that they would be overweight… statistically speaking, there's a probability that I would be correct.
and if you picked out any random French woman, I could safely assume they have hairy underarms and don't shave their legs… mathematically, I'm most likely correct…
and if you randomly picked out any IMAGEBOARD "CHATROOM CULTURE" ANON, there's a 99.3% chance he grew up playing videogames..
there's an 87% chance any imageboard "anon" is a shut-in, isolated, with little to no social acumen..
did you know that 75% of all males never get any pussy?…. it's true
that makes it very easy to safely predict that dudes DONT KNOWHOWto get pussy, from their lack of experience.
out of that 75% of all men who don't have girlfriends or wives if you look closer at IMAGEBOARD MALES, it's closer to 98% of them who don't get laid..
did you know that at any given moment, almost 60% of imageboard users are unemployed, with almost 1/3 of them being on welfare benefits, and 2/3 of them living with mommy… mooches..
but during WEEKDAYS, it's more like 95% of imageboard users who are either on welfare, mooching off Mommy, or both…
it's just simple math…. of course, there are exceptions to the rule, and of course I will occasionally get something wrong here and there….
but I work with statistics…
and that's why I'm usually right…
I usually hit it right on the head, in fact
I'm correct a majority of the time…
so I don't mind occasionally getting one wrong…
for example :
see how easy that was? …
let's try it again .
and that was the original root pathway that led you to NOT HAVING A GIRLFRIEND.. .
like I said, I'm usually correct….
show me a group of Mexicans and I'll show you people who like spicy food
show me a group of blacks and I'll shoe you people who like rap music
show me a guy in an imageboard and I'll show you a pompous self-entitled sissyboy who grew up playing videogames instead of learning how to fit into society, and who never gets any pussy….
sorry, doucheboy…. it's true
YOU perceive me as "saying I'm better than you" or "saying I'm more successful than you" just because I get pussy…
hahahaha WRONG, sissy..Sissy…
I'm just average….
there's nothing "superior" about getting pussy…
its the easiest thing men can do…
it's just a basic standard of being a man
but it's definitely VERY TELLING that your creepy "chatroom culture" generation would rather play videogames than fuck a chick .
very very telling