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File: 41e36ae36300dd7⋯.png (349 KB, 656x855, 656:855, 542yv2v5.png)

7eb8c0  No.354727

World War III has already begun. You simply aren’t being told this because your government and dishonest media outlets are dedicated to keeping you in the dark. After all, they want to use the remaining time to stockpile food, ammunition, medical supplies and precious metals for themselves, and this can only be accomplished by withholding the truth about the situation for as long as possible.

The Prime Minister of Serbia may be an exception to this, as he is now publicly warning that the world is about to experience a “great world conflict” that will likely begin in the next two months.

“Aleksandar Vucic made the alarming comments during the first day of the UN General Assembly session in New York,” reports Paul Joseph Watson at Summit.news. The full quote from Vucic is:

I assume that we’re leaving the phase of the special military operation and approaching a major armed conflict, and now the question becomes where is the line, and whether after a certain time – maybe a month or two, even – we will enter a great world conflict not seen since the Second World War.

NATO is already at war with Russia, and Putin is gearing up for a continental battle.

What’s happening is that psychopathic western nations have — the real aggressors in this war — have unleashed not just “suicide sanctions” against Russia, but are also running Ukraine’s military operations against Russia. This means NATO is already in the war, even if NATO won’t admit it yet. Worse yet, NATO leaders are openly demanding the complete destruction of Russia and the occupation / exploitation of Russia’s natural resources, which is of course the entire model of global exploitation and pillaging typically carried out by the west. (Disrupt, pillage, control. That’s the CIA model that has been unleashed against other nations for decades…)

Conditions are already long past the point of negotiation or de-escalation between Russia and the west. The psychopathic leaders of the west (Victoria Nuland comes to mind) are russo-phobic Russia haters who are determined to carry out genocide against the Russian people, even if it means destroying their own economies and agricultural supply chains in the process. These psychopaths, Putin has come to realize, can’t be reasoned with or trusted to abide by any agreements whatsoever. Russia realizes it must fight or die. That’s where we are right now.

Unfortunately, the insanity of western nations has escalated this conflict to a condition where whoever launches nukes first has the advantage. This is a very dangerous dynamic, obviously, and it stems from the fact that the west has repeatedly signaled it will not allow the existence of Russia in its “New World Order” vision of planet Earth. With friends like Victoria Nuland calling the shots, who needs enemies?


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487de0  No.354744

ww2 never ended.

they've all (including us) been biding their time and waiting for the technology to produce lethality sufficient to accomplish their goals.

tabula rasa.

greatest reset ever.

a new world order with science in the drivers seat and complete subservience and obedience to it and nothing else without question or resistance of any kind.

hitler merely grabbed the brass ring too soon.

sufficient lethality did not exist at that time and everyone was not "in".

so it couldn't be a "real" world war.

it was good practice though.

what's coming at us now will be overwhelming, irresistible, indefensible and lethal beyond our wildest imagining.

don't forget to vote. it won't change a damn thing but you'll feel better knowing you tried to do something.

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982369  No.354767

File: 69595707ce727af⋯.png (693.35 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_09_17_03_46_30_….png)


since the late 90s, the United States Department of Defense & FEMA have referred to the eventuality asNW1

sorry, but it's true

in their official memorandums, what you refer to as WW3 has been calledNW1by the military and emergency management agencies…


100% TRUE

It's not going to be called World War 3

That's just a common misperception by people who don't keep up with current military advances and changes in strategic perspective.

I'm guessing you are also unaware

It's referred to as nuclear war one

because they have already completed contingency plans for nuclear war 2 and nuclear war 3…

Because you have always imagined nuclear war as being the instant end of the world…

but for the past 30 or 40 years, The world's militaries have reimagined nuclear war, having created smaller detonation devices…

The military refers to it as a


They've already planned out All of the different scenarios, and they all include limited nuclear theater…

At this moment America is completely vulnerable, Because we sat on our ass while Russia and China developed next generation issue ultrasonic nuclear missiles that travel like cruise missiles, low to the ground, evading radar…

These new missiles can read topography

They are autonomous

They can maneuver around skyscrapers or mountain ranges, then continue on to the targeted path…

Like I said, just like cruise missiles these can fly very low to the ground… That's how they would evade our radar systems, But let's hypothetically imagine we were able to see them with our radars :

It takes our missile defense systems anywhere between 8 to 10 minutes to minutes to go through all system checks and verify and verify incoming missiles, but by the time we could Launch our defense missles, The Russian hypersonic missiles would be long gone, And our interception missiles Are 12 times slower than the Russian missles, Though they could never even catch up in the 1st place…

YES : the metaphoric "war" is underway…

the ideological war

but if youre going to get metaphorical, theres no tangible delineation between this year and the past 10,000 years..

Because the human race has been at war with itself since the beginning of time…

anf we still haven't learned our lesson…

The only thing we have accomplished his destruction…

So I don't see anything worth saving

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982369  No.354768

==while you have been complaining about your self-imposed irrelevance, and blaming jews online for the past 8 years, ukraine has been bombing their own citizens in the donbas region, simply because those citizens were oldschool, who still long for the good old days of the soviet union..

you were too busy pretending to be superior in chatrooms to read PUTINS DIRECT WARNINGS

he is NOT fucking around

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982369  No.354769

two days ago, putin made it clear again :



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982369  No.354770

in america, our press has intentionally kept putin's OPEN STATEMENTS TO AMERICA out of sight….

but ive been reading all of putins warnings for almost 5 years now

hes a very straightforward guy

he hasnt been "sneaky" at all

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982369  No.354771



its actually 8 - 10 seconds

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982369  No.354772



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982369  No.354773

back in the 90s, FEMA had Hundreds of millions of manuals already printed and stockpiled…..

they were titled


let that sink in

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982369  No.354774

notice that there are "certain experts" in here who all demonstrate the same behavior ofREFUSING TO ADMIT WHEN THEY ARE WRONG

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982369  No.354775

idiotic, especially for someone desperate to be perceived as an expert

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982369  No.354776

because even a 5 year old knows


not admitting what everyone else already knows simply DESTROYS ANY POSSIBLE CREDIBILITY you might have


welcome to planet earth

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5d4456  No.354831


>anf we still haven't learned our lesson

<"anf" lol

We're living in a collapsed, downsized, outsourced economy in the grip of a medically supervised, planned democide.

They need replacement population to avoid ghost towns and gaping holes in certain demographics.

If the remnant of the middle class had a clue, there'd be civil war overnight.

for more detailed analysis see also:



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ec0eba  No.354999



because all I see is parroted conspiracy drivel

and I've heard the exact same things since I was 11 years old

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ec0eba  No.355000


hahaha @ patient-safety.com


it's just a fucking dumbass conspiracy genius like you..


I've heard all these exact same bullshit claims and predictions for 47 years now


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79efc5  No.355023


But it does make use of and cite extensively legit medical and scientifically conducted studies that are shining a very bright light into some very dark places.

You are one of those special shills who come from that very dark place. Your day comes soon and can't come soon enough.

There is not one conspiratorial word on that entire website.

Not one *_*

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d806c7  No.355024


<it was bad before covid. covid just made it worse and is exposing what many already knew but could not say.


" Annals of Internal Medicine found additional information

A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine** examined information that previous studies did not. They recognized the problem with basing studies only on the few adverse events health care professionals report and looked for where they could get unrecorded information (covered in more detail near the bottom of this page).They concluded that 320,000 patients die unnecessarily in medicine in the USA each year. 320,000 is more Americans than died during the entire 8 years of World War II, our deadliest war."

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ea9dd0  No.355074

Legit bump for legit news

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