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File: b8f7799fab0914e⋯.png (137.28 KB, 818x986, 409:493, v134ct.png)

ff47d3  No.354481


A college professor speaks up: College is worthless.

"Former professor here. I'm in the process of changing careers and here's why: I cannot ethically continue to take a salary from such a fucked up system.

The underlying problem is the diversity worship. College administration believes in diversity above all else. We as professors have been forced to water down the curriculum so that the majority of our "new recruits" can be "successful" and graduate. I'm here to report I have given students passing grades who didn't even speak English.

These students get a worthless degree and in exchange, they mortgage their future with student loans, and in my experience, many of these minority students who were held in such high esteem by the diversity worshippers are unable to find gainful employment. Now these little brown pawns are saddled with a lifetime of debt and no ability to pay it off.

Since the brown wave of invaders, quality has fallen so low that many universities have embraced a system of accommodating "disabilities". This generally involves students who are either retarded or cheaters. The kids who are retarded obviously should not be there (I've been commanded to give some of these students up to four times the amount of time on exam) and the clever cheaters have figured out that all they need to say is "I have test anxiety" and the disability office takes over from there to justify their own existence. I taught in a major that is a direct pipeline into medical professions. I'd often argue that none of these students will receive double time or a distraction free environment on the job.

Who wins in all this mess? Administration. They recruit the retards and minorities because all they see are numbers and skin tones. Their existence as overpaid and underworked management depends on numbers. Our American population just isn't enough to sustain their outrageous salaries so they worship diversity and recruit kids who have no business in college. I cannot stress enough how destructive administration has become at universities around the country. They are a group of highly unethical, egotistical, lazy and overstuffed people who would have no chance in a career outside academia. The most dangerous of these people are the female administrators who will lie and cheat to attain their desired outcomes.

So in closing I am leaving the profession because I can't lie anymore. I can't pretend what I'm doing is good or noble. I hope our country takes notice of what is happening, because I really did believe in the concept of higher education, but like everything in our nation, it has been rotted from the inside out. If you want the best for your kids, send them to a trade school. I would only let my kids attend university if they were dead set on a career they could not obtain without a degree (e.g. nursing, engineering, etc). Things are truly worse than you think on every college campus.

My comment: College used to be for the best and brightest, and a college degree made a difference when only 10 percent (or so) of the population could go to college and actually be smart enough to get through it.

THEN college became easier, and became EXPECTED. If you did not go to college, you were second class, and average people could pass.

NOW college is there to pass the bottom and put it equal with the top in the name of "equality" which really means "subversion" and "creating confusion to prevent a nation of employers from knowing who really is qualified for the job. If someone truly qualified lands the interview along with someone who is not really qualified, is papered better, and can talk a good line, who's getting hired?

You guess.

And that's a great way to lower a superpower down to a status where it can be defeated. Which countries want that? 1. Israel. 2. China. 3. Russia. And Israel is making it happen.

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99f1b0  No.354485

File: d2c943428ceb016⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 640x793, 640:793, this_does_not_end_well.jpg)


We're fucked.

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2637cc  No.354606



You'll upset the plebeians.

They might protest with picket signs or something.

Then the National Guard gets called in and they start capping domes with high velocity military grade ammo.

Now you've got a biohazard situation with fluids and tissue spattering all over the place and the next pandemic breaks out and let me tell you buddy… that is going to be very stressful and not fun at all.

Hush up.

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5518e6  No.354629

File: f62c979a31a9852⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Pandemic_2.mp4)


Pandemic 2 Electric Boogaloo

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8e44ba  No.354714




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