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979d49  No.354053

Leftist-Way-Traveler | Diversity is ANTIWHITE! https://www.bitchute.com/video/C0AYgLE1gUIj/

Start out with a story about keeping power against all odds!

GOP Leftist Way Travelers

The GOP media inspired world view was custom

crafted like a product. It is a coupling of capitalism,

Marxism and Freud. It is a tool of the elite. It is utterly

liberal in all ways. Nothing about it is 'conservative' and

all beliefs its base have about being a 'conservative

force' are deluded.

This world view is custom crafted to destroy the west. It

is meant to give the Fem-fag-minority brigade victory

over Us. It is designed to ensure the defeat of

Traditionalist populist and nationalist forces by

internationalism using its two false 'arms' or parties

which are themselves relics from another time and


The system is keep in place by the PC 'cult' of equality

which has instilled fear of key words like 'racist',

'homophobe', and the like among the commons. In

effect they have by edict and without ANY LEGAL

POWER WHAT SO EVER 'banned' certain words from

the lexicon as if they are the authority to what we

should be saying or no

So let me set it right:

Almost all the "ism" and "obias" are pseudo-words

coined by COMMUNISTS or Freudian Fruitcakes,

whose work was paid for by Wall Street investor types

for the final purpose of flooding the first world with

third world people and thus to balkanize its population

so as to ensure control – diversity means LESS

WHITES and more coloreds, minorities and the rest!

Now to the News:

In #UK And #US #Cuckservative Parties Pander To

#Diversity, Rebuff #White Base … A new Conservative cabinet is in charge of the United Kingdom—but it’s missing something. None of the top ministers are white men. Conservatives are celebrating their lack of white men as proof they love diversity more than the

Labour Party. The same disturbing trend appears in our

own Republican Party, which spends more time fawning

over their token minorities than fighting for the people

who actually vote for them.

If neither party wants to stand up for whites, then what

good are they? They serve the real rulers!

Like SO:

Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of "Conservative

Right-Wing Individuals", Then Reported To FBI For

Domestic Terrorism …

#JudeoBolshevism IE COMMUNISM IS HERE!

Communism and FOOD SHORTAGES – The End Of Cheap Food. Global food production rests on soil and rain. Robots

don't change that. The era of cheap food is

ending, for a variety of reasons.

How bad could it be? ZOG can't even feed its enforcers: Army Tells Soldiers to Fight Inflation with Food Stamps “SNAP is a U.S. government program that provides benefits to eligible low-income individuals …Service members and their families may be eligible.” Yeah!

But what is MOST IMPORTANT TO DC – The Jews!

When our parents say they want to be our friends, that’s

nice. But we better also respect them as teachers. Totally

equalizing them is demeaning them and arrogant of us.

When Jews say they want to be everyone’s friends and

allies …Gentiles better also give them respect … Totally equalizing them is

demeaning them and arrogant. We

are the parents.

Antisemitism is so unique, and because Jews are kept

hostage by the top level of societies (and blamed for all

ills), it often ends up uniting all oppressed groups

against the Jews, the victims of the oldest hatred.

And so, you see there is reason not to just regard

Antisemitism as one of the forms of Racism. Jews oppression

is too specific. It’s a special bigotry. … … Being against mixed marriages is racist. Two cultures in

one couple enrich both partners. But many Jews

marrying out helps Jews to die out…. the

Holocaust doesn’t compare to any other genocide … Jews Hate you GOYIM!


We end off with a little talk about our upcoming changes in life. We are moving soon. We talk about things a bit.

God Bless Nationalist Fam.

Your own Faith and Courage are your best last resort!

But at any rate these quality thoughts on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100%

of monetary cost. We never will have the Shekel Cup out for donations.


It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.

But bottom comes – then we can build upon Firm footings of family and


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5f6788  No.354055



and his irrelevant WHITE TRASH OPINIONS

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5f6788  No.354056



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6347fa  No.354063



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