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File: 52e03ffcd896a16⋯.jpg (177.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_09_20_08_56_34_….jpg)

76574c  No.353648

Im a stupid fucking imageboard faggot, who thinks the rest of the world is just as stupid as I am. thats why i think everybody bases their opinions on "propaganda"..

i dont live in reality. my existence is futile and ive NEVER SEEN A VAGINA IN REAL LIFE.

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974273  No.353667

File: 06941db0ad9b1a1⋯.pdf (59.41 KB, ANARCHOFASCISM.pdf)

File: 6cef942bf5e5cf6⋯.pdf (95.49 KB, TERRORBOYZ.pdf)

File: 4c86f14829162ad⋯.pdf (22.96 KB, JEWS.pdf)







Explains the entire raison d'etre of using the forms I do to benefit the Aryan race. If have time in your busy day could you try if possible to offer criticism, guidance or corrective measures to implement to garner more support or following? It's elitist so closed to membership without using the O9A name is very 2012s O9A with a retro style. I can't know alot of you Kay disagree these measures but I'm very proud of it. It's very Sinister

It's not for dumb dumbs so I refuse to sugarcoat it.

–There is no emphasis on Neo Nazism or white supremacist doctrines.

–it is antistatist, anticapitalist, non racist, pro Islam, nazi sympathizing and holocaust review. Anti zionist as well. Anti nationalist. In general fascist only in the sense we believe our own hierarchy is fit to rule by force of brain and brawn. This is not for the stagnant stinking herds of cattle and dross too scared too blind to see the glory of what once was and yet again shall be. With a vengeance raining down.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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