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File: 1b4b74bee6d01cb⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 270x480, 9:16, atlanta.jpg)

5f6277  No.353588

This doesn't seem accurate to me.

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5f6277  No.353599

File: 9a47532d5605f55⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB, 406x720, 203:360, atlanta_Copy.mp4)




miss me?

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5f6277  No.353600



digi2x3 mandates someone in this thread fix this shit with the correct term.

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0aaa4f  No.353609

File: 1a55e1af31cc801⋯.jpg (211.02 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Picsart_22_09_19_20_09_20_….jpg)

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0aaa4f  No.353610

File: aba10d6dc653f84⋯.jpg (209.77 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Picsart_22_09_19_20_15_31_….jpg)

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0aaa4f  No.353611

File: 8e1c0ef68a6cd10⋯.jpg (193.13 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Picsart_22_09_19_20_19_00_….jpg)

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0aaa4f  No.353612

File: ca03d1c22730865⋯.jpg (196.46 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Picsart_22_09_19_20_17_00_….jpg)

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0aaa4f  No.353616

If you don't live in Buckhead, There's no reason to live in Atlanta at all

Atlanta is by far the best city in the entire United States

But butthead is by far the nicest

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0aaa4f  No.353617


butthead is where JERRY THE COWARD lives

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0aaa4f  No.353618

Buckhead = the highest real estate values in the entire state of Georgia

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0aaa4f  No.353619


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5f6277  No.353738

File: 7f23f3e0f9eca56⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 497x642, 497:642, affiliated.jpg)


>Atlanta is by far the best city in the entire United States





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5f6277  No.353744

File: 47805e2688be27e⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 300x290, 30:29, love.jpg)


You'd clapped with me at one point in our lives visiting this band's variable concerts together, before your hiring date, didn't see me but you clapped. We knew then that candidate's openings in that moment, we're concluded. You we're (our guy). You looked me in the eyes, do you remember? We clapped together during the bridge. It was everything we we're seeking, and you'd more than fitted the bill. Felt like a free meal to get tipped for eating, Alas, I'm no longer allowed to find my luminescent date nights on books. Please forgive me, I cant stop loving you. It's getting better, no one can better this.

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5f6277  No.353750

File: 6078dbdd75303b2⋯.jpg (283.39 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, funer.jpg)


>by far

you didn't get into over-saturation of adjective redundancy class?

damn, you got played and flayed good sir, but you're still appealing to me my "good sir". Remem that one? "Good Sir" ops. well, good times, and time expired means more good times I'd say. You knew the risk, took the afford, lended a fiasco, for a forgotten friendship…Miss you, might hang up on pressure and verboten, godspeed.

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5f6277  No.353771


You cant tell me, garbage is not worth removing.

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ebcfb2  No.353786

File: 0f1b1c040c2399b⋯.png (740.04 KB, 627x960, 209:320, download.png)

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