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File: d11a3d81b9f9919⋯.png (507.86 KB, 1366x723, 1366:723, MyOtherworldlyLove_mystery.png)

7f9473  No.353435

Has anyone seen this creepy as hell Youtube channel called My Otherworldly Love? https://www.youtube.com/c/MyOtherworldlyLove/videos

Does anyone have any clue who that woman is and what the hell the creator of those videos is trying to say with the whole thing? I read someone on Discord speculating that she might be a missing person, kidnapped or possibly even dead. Can anyone identify her and hopefully confirm that she is okay?

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399404  No.353438

File: 0f8fea4c1375157⋯.jpg (276.8 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, IMG_20220917_193249.jpg)



the short answer is NO…..

i dont care about this "gossipy girl" garbage…

not even a little bit


you REALLY need to turn off

the computer occassionally


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399404  No.353439


…………but CONGRATULATIONS on the

"finding your inner female" thing

i guess……………………………..

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