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5ed5b8  No.353382

Would you believe there’s a woman running for governor of one of the most left-wing American states—not a write-in, on the ballot—who goes on BitChute streams with a ‘Rabbi of Is-Ra-Hell’, a ‘Minister of Third Reich Advocacy’, and a ‘Minister of Hate’, and displays art of them, ‘The Four Amigos’, as Hoaxbusters at Auschwitz to debunk the Holohoax? Cannot get enough of Dianna Ploss. This is the video:


Self-respecting White nationalists are always putting up with candidates who are very much deficient. This is the cycle where long-suffering Bay Staters can finally show the heebs just what they think! While 2022 looks to be a promising year with many close races, the MA gov. race isn’t one of them. Geoff Diehl doesn’t deserve our votes either: despite what some may expect with the Trump endorsement he is pro-Sodom.


Be sure to tell your trusted friends to pass by the k!keservative, and vote Dianna Ploss November 8!

Her website:


Kinda a boring site honestly, the most funny Ploss stuff is reading up on her lulzy attacks on the establishment. She a sort of counter-Semitic Karen.

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423fca  No.353383


Nobody cares…. You have never accomplished anything in your life, Which is exactly why you're all alone again on yet another empty Saturday night…

You can't get any pussy because you're not a man… Women don't perceive you as being a man…

Is women consider you to be an irrelevant little boy

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423fca  No.353384

You're sitting in front of your computer, early Sunday morning, With no woman who considers you to be interesting enough to hang out with…

So why would your opinions matter to anybody?

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423fca  No.353385

Dianna Ploss doesn't stand a chance of succeeding.

Which reminds me very much of you.

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