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File: 25e942f0a4c1837⋯.jpg (282.15 KB, 1448x1156, 362:289, JN_Celebrates_National_Tru….jpg)

d2f5d9  No.353315

HAPPY National Trucker Appreciation Week!

"Johnny Neptune" Thanks You For Delivering His Slave-Devices From China, and Will Be Showing His Appreciation by Performing Fellatio On Willing Truckers All Week, at a Truck-Stop Near You! — (He REEEally Gets Around…)

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d2f5d9  No.353317

File: cf52616d68339b3⋯.png (9.42 MB, 4009x2145, 4009:2145, JN_Prostitutes_Himself_to_….png)


Just how "SUPERIOR" does this donut-munching unicorn imagine himself to be?

Does it matter?

If you're just out for some sloppy head though, Johnny is right up there with most "trans"-humans… a cut above us mere mortals. And he's hard to ignore, pounding on every trucker's cab all day and night, trying to trade BJs for more meth. He's even been spotted trying to solicit the garbage collectors, like the "white trash" he IS, yet accuses everyone "Else" of Being!

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35ac6c  No.353376



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35ac6c  No.353401

File: 7aaa5c7ad4c268d⋯.jpg (182.48 KB, 1600x669, 1600:669, 2_Peas_in_a_Pod_Trump_Love.jpg)


He and Sally seem like 2 peas in a pod.



Trump Still Loves Them Though.

Trump IS Love.

Trump IS Life.

(at least he is for folks like Johnny, whose entire life now revolves around his contrived revulsion for Trump!)

Just because folks enjoy rubbing your faces in your obsessions, however, does not mean that folks are on the side of everything you hate.

Speaking of rubbing folks faces in shit, the movie "My Son Hunter" was pretty entertaining, and had far more cinematic value than "Elvis", which I couldn't even sit through, as it was so gay.

Also… too easy*

> inb4…

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d0c88c  No.353402

The root of all evil is low-level education that leaves people ignorant, stupid, immature, mentally/personally ill.

Anyone who is inspired or brainwashed by conspiracy theory, fake, pseudoscience, hoaxes, fortune-telling, or religion and is euphoric as "my knowledge is all true" is a victim of inappropriate low-level education.

Since we do not teach philosophy or psychology in compulsory education, children grow up to have a personality that lacks foresight, sympathy, self-control, problem-solving, logical thinking, self-affirmation, and various kinds of literacy.

All inexperienced people need NOT HATRED (information shut-out, jostle, neglect, punishment, exclusion), BUT LOVE (information exchange, hug, respect, forgiveness, tolerance, comfort, enlightenment, advanced and adequate higher-level education, psychotherapy counseling, salvation)

If you can't love them, it means that you need love first.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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706898  No.353405


"Empathy cannot defeat the psychopath. You cannot change them, you cannot reform them, you cannot find the goodness inside them, you cannot show them the way to god, and you cannot teach them about love. All these approaches are doomed to failure since psychopaths can never understand nor can they care about these concepts. While they may lead you to believe that you are getting through to them, in reality, your empathy infuriates them and far from admiring your compassion, they despise you even more. While you try to 'understand' the psychopath, they are secretly calculating how best to cause you the most suffering."

–Stefan H. Verstappen

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35ac6c  No.353409

File: 9ae7539cfb002b8⋯.png (26.67 KB, 646x685, 646:685, 1652487086896_bill_gates_t….png)

File: 2f519d9d138b797⋯.png (18.82 KB, 530x500, 53:50, 1657857198390_blackrock_ti….png)

File: 17b3dcd8e6068be⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, A23E287C_C582_4AB9_89F2_87….png)

File: 62062a58e3fd569⋯.jpg (169.86 KB, 560x1400, 2:5, 1640767490929_communism_co….jpg)

File: b97ce62542ab173⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 408x397, 408:397, statism_1_.jpg)



Many imagine that they are somehow "set apart" from the "evil world" "out there". It is a common stance among the elitist and conformist types, which comprise the vast majority of all psychopaths, and the vast hordes that support them through blind belief and conformity. I actually detest psychopaths less than these simpering hordes who do nothing but the bidding of their masters, and who cannot think a thought of their own. At least psychopaths are largely Authentic (while lacking in integrity and honor), but the simpering hordes lack all three, and more, they lack Agency, they lack power, they lack a voice, they lack a life — they have given all those up — to an IDEOLOGY — an Ideology Contrived For Them by Their Slaver Masters, the Psychopaths. As It Ever Was.

And folks are still lining up to line the pockets of every kind of charlatan and witch-doctor that psychopathy can develop, throughout the ages, for some unknown reason — but I suspect Fear — Fear of the Unknown. It's a highly motivating factor. Expect much more of it to be ramped up the more that the powers-that-be feel desperate to retain their somewhat fragile grip on power.

But,Now Is NOT the Time to CONFORM.It is time to "Strike While the Iron is Hot."No better time to remove the fetters of Worldwide Slavery Than NOW!

These young Globalists who've just gotten control of their Daddy's money and power don't quite knowwhat their doing! It's OBVIOUS! Time to take that money and power away quick, beforetgey spend another several millenia enslaving us! But those frickin' MINIONS, that do their bidding, freely working to enslave "Others" — yeah, it starts with THEM. With That Stance of Blind Belief & Conformity to an Ideology. Psychopaths are few, and have no power without their minions. Most minions don't even know that's what they are; they're so caught up in the furtherance of the Ideology, by any means necessary — even at the expense of their autonomy, and indeed of their humanity itself.

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2c15ff  No.353411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


k. go rescue cinderella. he she or it is the current thing. the ultimate example of the dominion of science. science being the mind of god gifted and cultivated for millenia to acquire the polished stones and the final and acceptable generation unto the lord.

they will defend their work and are prepared to die for it.

fetters? you're going to need a bigger boat m8.

your words are correct.

doing them will be a heavy lift.

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35ac6c  No.353413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See, that's the thing.

Cinderella never needed "Saving".

> embed related

Grateful Dead- Desolation Row- 10/4/1987


Why this version?

No reason really. I just happened to be there at that time. I'm here now.

I'm also way more here now than I was there then. I hope that remains the case.

> inb4 psychedelics

That was actually not part of the experience; but it can be for you, if you want!

> inb4 postal deliveries


Some folks are more imaginative than others, I suppose!

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7094c2  No.353420


>Cinderella never needed saving

You have no idea what you've just said.

Jim lets you post any how.

>grabs muh dick

>burps muh worm

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7094c2  No.353421


on your face

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7094c2  No.353422

going completely insane.


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d629c1  No.353423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

k? k.

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0528eb  No.353424


when "THEY" break tradition…

<WE have a problem

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35ac6c  No.353451

File: 264b1298353a86d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1512x1080, 7:5, JN_thank_a_trucker_postcar….png)


He's not "breaking tradition" though. It's become a habit with him — showing his appreciation for Truckers — he'll not only be doing it all week, he's petitioning to make every week "Trucker Appreciation Week"; and he's promised to make as many truckers feel appreciated as he can!

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9ebc0c  No.353482

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230259  No.353571

File: 48cca7f6fed9b12⋯.png (155.61 KB, 327x251, 327:251, JN_WaaahTILL.png)


I knew (You) would.

**inb4 edits'''

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dc0d71  No.353598


not who you think i am

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6eb9e0  No.353625

File: 13c8bfc3c915391⋯.png (122.99 KB, 768x763, 768:763, 3vfxcv.png)


vid pic lolita


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72b758  No.353863


I'm not who (You) think I am either.

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1f3fab  No.353985

Thanks to all the truckers for doing their best to defend freedom, unlike most absolute cowards and glow in the dark nigger traitors who don't deserve any respect and rightfully belong in hell.

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c0138b  No.354049


Looks like Johnny is showing them the way.

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