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File: 0f1b1c040c2399b⋯.png (740.04 KB, 627x960, 209:320, download.png)

55105d  No.353306


The under educated doc got a bad report card so he injected dangerous drugs into IV bags.

REVEALED: Anesthesiologist arrested for 'tampering with IV bags' that contained lethal drugs - killing colleague who used one to treat her dehydration - may have been on revenge mission against clinic for investigating his poor performance

Authorities said footage showed Dr. Raynaldo Rivera Ortiz Jr. tampering with IV bags at Baylor Scott & White Surgicare North Dallas

The bags Ortiz was seen manipulating are believed to have caused the death of an anesthesiologist and the near-death of an 18-year-old patient

At least a dozen other incidents have also been cataloged where patients were undergoing routine surgery but then suddenly suffered 'cardiac' incidents

Bags he handled were found to have been punctured with small holes and spiked with an anesthetic that can cause death in minutes if improperly administered

Ortiz's medical license was revoked by the Texas Medical Board, but he insists he is innocent of the allegations against him

In June anesthesiologist Melanie Kaspar, 55, died of cardiac arrest in June after she brought an IV bag home from work and hooked herself up to

Kaspar had brought the bag home because she was feeling dehydrated, and suffered the heart attack minutes after hooking herself up to it

A Texas doctor who has been accused of injecting drugs into IV bags that lead to the death of a colleague and resulted in medical emergencies in almost a dozen patients, may have deliberately tampered with them because he was unhappy he was being investigated by his surgery center.

Dr. Raynaldo Rivera Ortiz Jr. was arrested on Wednesday one week after the Texas Medical Board suspended his license.


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55105d  No.353307



I wonder what his MCAT, Medical College Admissions Test, score was? If med school were strictly merit based, a lot of people like him would never had gotten in, let alone graduated.

It's the All bean diet.

Not enuff protein in childhood for brane deveolpment!

many such cases

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8fa8f9  No.353308

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55105d  No.353313


When we enter a hospital, we are are like babes in our mom's hands.

She cares about us, so she won't drop us…but passed to 20 strangers?


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37bba2  No.353314


If you live in a quiet safe suburban neighborhood, a hospital might be the most dangerous place you ever go to. I bet you got vaxed and boosted 5 times too. Read ya friggin mong:


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b4b196  No.353316

<Healthcare is a racket.

>A mafia.

"Doctors do not have the courage to stand up for their patients because they have lost their independence; they are simply civil servants; they have sold their souls for a fat salary, short working hours and membership of a wonderful pension scheme. They are so beholden to their employers that they dare not even stand up to bullying, they dare not even speak out when they see things happening which they know, in their hearts, are wrong. Their spirits have curdled. Medicine today has become rigid, like other forms of science, and original thinking is as unacceptable today as it was in the days when Semmelweiss was vilified."

–Dr. Vernon Coleman in his 2014 book "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here's The Proof"

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bf2b50  No.353323

File: bf974abfb0e553e⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1652x1080, 413:270, Picsart_22_09_16_20_58_46_….png)


58 years on this planet, and I've never seen anything more disgusting than the human race…

I'd call that a good start !!….

Somebody give this man a medal!!

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bf2b50  No.353325

File: 2e987b30d2d8397⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1652x1080, 413:270, Picsart_22_09_16_21_07_41_….png)

Sooner we eliminate the entire human race, the quicker The Planet will balance out again…

in the past 50 years alone, The human race has driven70% of ALL LIFE ON EARTH EXTINCT


Not 5,000 years…

Not 500 years….


The human race has literally killed off 70% of all life on Earth in only 50 years…

So what makes you think we deserve special treatment?

in fact, everybody reading my words could use some rehydrating with IV Saline…

Step right up… don't everybody come rushing all at once…

I've got plenty of saline for everybody

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bf2b50  No.353326

File: 326b2c59932d41e⋯.gif (724.02 KB, 416x479, 416:479, Picsart_22_09_16_20_22_34_….gif)

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bf2b50  No.353327

Not sure why they are complaining…

I thought everybody knew :

98% of Medical procedural deaths occur due to anesthesiologists…

Plus, How can they complain if they're dead?

Who's to say They're not OK with it?

After all, ever since 2016, I would find death a sweet consolation…

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c4b7e1  No.353333

New dough and fresh bake is in progress.


Except maybe in this case.

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55105d  No.353337


>58 years on this planet

Geeze Andy.

You have become more cynical than me of humanity.

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6c346f  No.353353



Sterile or non sterile?

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249b43  No.353364



Source? Citation? ???

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91a0e8  No.353457


i realized as a small child that i only truly liked ANIMALS….. and not the two-legged ones…


it's readily available data….

ever heard of google?

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91a0e8  No.353459

File: f4b7fa22224c7cf⋯.png (204.8 KB, 1080x1243, 1080:1243, Picsart_22_09_19_08_21_11_….png)


its actually more than 70% if you include insects and other forms of life

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f189e2  No.353460


I have heard of google, yes. I asked for a citation because sometimes google displays results that are providing skewed data. And sometimes, since we've a right to be forgotten, google doesn't display relevant results at all. I didn't mean to offend or challenge you, just trying to source accurate info.

Your not a bot are you? Wait, don't answer.

Bots don't know they're bots and they start giving convoluted replies and that shit just fucks with your head.

I guess an extinction level event wouldn't be all that bad.

I mean I hate traffic jams as much as the next guy and this mess won't clean itself up so, yeah, have a bump :)

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476c2e  No.353461

The common root causes of all experiences including emotions are the experiencer's own fixed ideas, preconceptions, own rules, beliefs, biases, memory, judgment criteria, etc. As long as the sense of values does not change, the person repeats a similar experience. The stronger the attachment, the stronger the emotion.

How to interpret, react and deal with information is entirely up to each interpreter. "Disturbance of society, words, clothes, and morals" is a self-projection of the disorder of the person who feels it.

Dissatisfaction, anxiety, discomfort, scary, distrust, discomfort, and mystery are caused by each person's stereotypes, so it is irrelevant to blame others. Those who give inconvenience to others also gain inconvenience.

Therefore, even if you make someone angry, you have no cause for the other person's anger. Conversely, if someone offends you, the person has no cause for your anger.

Tolerant people who punish others, have low independence, have low problem-solving ability, and care about external evaluation need manners, courtesy, rules, and laws for emotional stability and self-defense.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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f7c9f3  No.353463


the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE is culpable

the HUMAN QUESTION has an answer

a solution

the entire human race must be eliminated

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f7c9f3  No.353464


Small minded… myopic…..

why stop when you're only partially finished?

keep going


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f7c9f3  No.353465

File: 4485978ec5b5e73⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 720x1212, 60:101, Adolf_Niggerdick.mp4)

by the way…….

I've held this belief since I was 12

And I've heard the same reply every time:

"Why don't you start by killing yourself?"

ANSWER : trust me…. If I had a 100% guarantee that the entire human race was going to be in line right behind me, I would be the 1st one to volunteer to jump into an alpo dog food grinding machine….

Because we would need to do something with the gigantic building pile of ground up human parts….

8 billion people would would create a big pile, So as the pile increased in size, the remaining humans could feed the ground up pieces to Hungry animals, and we would Finally serve our purpose…

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b043ff  No.353466

There's nothing like a good dose of cataclysmic misanthropy first thing in the morning. Really get's you fired up and ready to dispense death and disease amongst the plebeians.

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f7c9f3  No.353467

but fortunately, logistically speaking, one of the millions of horrible deplorable traits of the cancer known as "humanity" is the irresponsibility with technology and advanced scientific knowedge, the dichotomy 'progress vs mouthbreathers', (likethe misuse of antibioticsthat basically rendered the greatest medical advance ever moot in only 50 or 60 years)

and that's the GOOD part… it gets much worse when you contemplate things like HUMAN INCOMPETENCE IN BSL4 BIOLABS or military weaponization of viral or biological matters….

So I don't think the alpo dog food company needs to build any new extra large grinders….

As proof of their worthlessness, validation of their need to be eliminated the human race is well on its way to eliminating itself..

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f7c9f3  No.353468

Don't mind me…. I'm just enjoying my front row seat…

self destruction on this level is very entertaining….

And I promise not to pick sides…

I want to watch everybody suffer

Not just a chosen few

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f7c9f3  No.353469


…. Says the man in the chat room which everybody thinks is a neo nazi white supremacist chat room…..

A chat room in which it's expected expected to hear opinions that certain races need to be eliminated….

A chat room in which it's expected to hear people idolize a loser like Adolf Hitler….

But he finds it extreme dream when he discovers hes also on the shit list

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f7c9f3  No.353470

Not to sound trite, but…….

I've yet to meet a human who deserves to be excluded from the euthanization list

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f7c9f3  No.353471

File: ec2442610d1be5e⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_22_09_19_10_38_54_….jpg)

by the way…


It's really hard to describe exactly HOW good they taste, but let it suffice to say they not only equal the real thing, but SURPASSED the real thing in orders of magnitude

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f7c9f3  No.353472

god DAMN those motherfuckers are delicious!!!

i just smashed those 4 Beyond Patties and WOW !!!!!!!!

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f7c9f3  No.353473

motherfuck !!!!

now im thinking about running

to the store and buying another

2 boxes of that shit

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f7c9f3  No.353474

by the way,i realize JERALD IS TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO WATCHand i realizeKILLCEN IS TOO INSANE TO WATCHbut i am about to create a thread featuring perhaps one of THE MOST INFORMATIVE, EYE-OPENING, INTELLIGENT INTERVIEWS you'll ever see…

and im hoping that YOU are NOT too much of a coward or too insane to listen carefully to the interview…

because you will learn TONS if you simply listen

And I don't have you pegged as an ostrich who sticks his head in the sand…

That's the behavior expected from Jerry and Killcen…. but not you…

especially the part about Ted Cruz, which begins 12 MINUTES into the video

its brilliant, and very very fair…… .

youll see

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5d6b6a  No.353486


By Dr. Lars Aanning


• Your Death Certificate will always state that your death was from “Natural Causes” – and never state the sentinel adverse event that led to your death

• Your hospital chart will never mention the word “complication” or describe or implicate the mistake, error, or accident that led to your death from, for example, sepsis

• The surgeon/physician will recite loads of “I’m sorry!” expressions, but will never tell your family he/she was responsible for your death, or explain exactly why you died

• The hospital will never voluntarily report the complication that caused your death to Medicare or other quality improvement organizations (QIOs) – even if the hospital participates

From my experience reading medical charts…have yet to encounter an exception, and welcome any examples…

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129ac5  No.353639


"Caregivers believe and argue that they report everything. Patients need to worry when their care is entrusted to people so out of touch with reality.

The nurse fired off one last fusillade ending with the admonition for me not to respond. She knows she is right and patients are wrong and does not want to hear any thoughts patients might have to the contrary. That's a typical response to which we are accustomed. We just don't usually share them on the web. Merely posting pages like this gets me banned from discussions, even in places like facebook, even without quoting here the people doing the things that are the subject of the discussions.

The Clinton, Indiana hospital changed its name from Vermillion County Hospital to West Central Community Hospital. This nurse apparently still has a job there. There is no way to find out how safe patients are this time around. We would need to create something like Community Patient Agencies to get the information necessary to know about that."

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0b3202  No.353647

Healing Dangerously

"If you live in a safe suburb, medicine might be the most dangerous place you go in terms of people being able to commit crimes against you with impunity. The statistics on the crime rate in medicine are known, and yet the people charged with doing something about it respond as though there is no problem.

People tend to judge the likelihood of occurrences of events in terms of how readily instances of it come to mind. A cognitive rule-of-thumb for it is known as the "availability heuristic." We don't think in terms of statistics. We think in terms of stories. The stories need to be known in order for the community to think about problems.

Part of the problem with crimes committed in medicine is the fact that the crimes often are committed by very smart people who know what they can get away with. They can cause physical harm that is slow to develop. For instance, damaged blood vessels take years to become entirely clogged. An angry surgeon merely has to injure blood vessels now to disable someone in the future. The consequences are not sudden like an injury from a gun shot is, but are just as life-ruining."


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75f082  No.353719

good thing covid came along and made them all heroes

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c01986  No.354860

You can do lots of fun things with saline.

Every little bit helps.

Or do you LIKE global warming?

Too many plebeians as it is.

So why's everyone getting upset?

They're all gonna die anyway.

He's just expediting the inevitable.

Learn to medical ethics ffs and stop acting like little children.

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