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23c04c  No.353300

Google and Youtube are defeated not by their rivals but by content farms that take advantage of their own algorithms.

The same tactics is used by 8kun haters to make 8kun almost useless. This time it's what 8kun exists for, freedom of speech.

The same tactics and the same victory. Satan wins.

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98cb77  No.353301


Google and Youtube are doing just fine and there is no Satan.

Stop living in a fantasy world, faggot.

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23c04c  No.353305


>there is no Satan

If you look in the mirror, you will see satan.

Don't believe? Try it now.

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98cb77  No.353318


Nope, just me. Satan doesn't exist, there is no God, and Jesus would slap you and call you a faggot.

Kill yourself.

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f0e2e4  No.353334


Jesus would grab you by the neck and shatter your polished cup with the force of 9000 white hot blazing suns.

<wait for it…………..

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