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105a61  No.353295

Did you realize tomorrow kicks off the big PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC PSYCHIC PREDICTION FESTIVAL at St. Joe's State Park?


bring your own gallon of cheap vodka

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105a61  No.353296

it's literally a stone's throw away from you…

not that you're likely to throw away a good stone, when you could make up an insane mathematically impossible conspiracy theory about it, and seek attention….

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105a61  No.353297


did ANY of your "conspiracy theory attention seeking tactics" ever fill the void left by being raised by a father who never said he loved you?

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105a61  No.353298

St Joe State Park is GARBAGE

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3e27b6  No.353302

The common root causes of all experiences including emotions are the experiencer's own fixed ideas, preconceptions, own rules, beliefs, biases, memory, judgment criteria, etc. As long as the sense of values does not change, the person repeats a similar experience. The stronger the attachment, the stronger the emotion.

How to interpret, react and deal with information is entirely up to each interpreter. "Disturbance of society, words, clothes, and morals" is a self-projection of the disorder of the person who feels it.

Dissatisfaction, anxiety, discomfort, scary, distrust, discomfort, and mystery are caused by each person's stereotypes, so it is irrelevant to blame others. Those who give inconvenience to others also gain inconvenience.

Therefore, even if you make someone angry, you have no cause for the other person's anger. Conversely, if someone offends you, the person has no cause for your anger.

Tolerant people who punish others, have low independence, have low problem-solving ability, and care about external evaluation need manners, courtesy, rules, and laws for emotional stability and self-defense.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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