Skynet/killer satellite/ something nefarious launch - The Artemis moon mission is fake, BANK ON IT.
How come no one knew about this mission even a week ago? Just suddenly one day they announced they were going to launch a HUGE rocket and BOOM, there's a moon mission. You mean to tell me the same NASA that cannot even launch astronauts to the space station anymore (totally dependent on SpaceX) suddenly crapped up a huge moon mission with "the biggest rockets ever?? B.S. But I bet a search of this mission will show tons of articles going back to infinity and beyond, and everyone will say "gosh, how did I miss that?" You did not. The web is increasingly fake. Articles would be planted and probably written by AI.
I believe the Artemis moon mission was paid for with Corona bailout cash, that they slapped the rockets together post haste after having already designed them, and/or the rockets were made long ago and pulled out of mothball for a huge launch that is anything but a moon mission.
What could the Artemis mission really be?
1. Cover for launching a massive hunter killer satellite program, as part of Trump's new "space force". Did anyone forget the Space force? America has one - what, did anyone really think all they'd do is track Chinese satellites and look for UFO's?? Absolutely not. A "Space Force" as part of the DOD will need to put military hardware into space to justify it's existence, and "Artemis" would be perfect cover for that. Let Hollywood handle the public.
2. It could be the platform for getting all the vaxxed trackable globally. Everyone who is not a pet rock to the government knows the vaxxed are transmitting, and even long ago hyper sensitive satellites could easily pick up items like the key scanners on calculators and digital watches (when the watches beep), if someone is transmitting bluetooth out in the boonies where there's no radio chatter messing up a signal that has to be defined and picked out, one of those satellites could probably pick up bluetooth from space and make sense of it. It would not work in the city where 3 million other signals were competing, but if it was out in the boonies with no interference, no sweat. Not to mention trackability of cell phones which are more than a cake walk from space, when they are out of tower range. There's no way anyone would escape such a grid unless they stripped all RFID of all types off themselves, were not vaxxed, and went into the wilderness with no electronics at all.
3. A while ago Bill Gates talked about a way to block the sun from space, to make bible prophecy "come true" or whatever reason he had - What if the mission is for the final installment of "project blue beam" which can fake alien invasions, make cities float in the clouds, etc (the cities happened in China) "project blue beam" tech is well known about, and perhaps they need it to be more stable and this "artemis mission" is for that - it is anyone's guess.
4. How about a system that assists with making weather mod systems work better, and they need to launch nuclear reactors for that because solar won't cut it? That sounds about right for "the largest rocket in history".
I don't believe the Artemis rockets are limited to 59,000 pounds of payload to the moon either. They are bigger than the Saturn 5 Apollo rockets, which, (despite the lies told in the media) the Saturn 5 was the champion by spec, with 90,000 pounds delivered to the moon in a few days, NOT 59,000 delivered to the moon in over a month as claimed by the "most capble ever and biggest" Artemis. Something stinks with the ratings on Artemis. Additionally, the Apollo rockets could put over 250,000 pounds in orbit. MY GUESS:
If the Artemis rockets are really bigger and more capable than the Saturn 5, (and they probably are more capable because they are bigger and 50 years more advanced) I'd bet they can actually put half a million pounds into orbit, And no one wants to explain why they have THAT MUCH capacity, so they are lying.