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804e34  No.352381

I didn't even know what a ghost gun was, until Jerry told me he assembles them at his house in the Tri-city area of Washington State….

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552165  No.352389

If I'm not mistaken, he told me he has different parts delivered to him through the United States Postal Service

Then he assembles them there in his house next to the chicken coop

I'm pretty sure at that point he sells them

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552165  No.352391

I think he intends on using his multiple ghost guns in his alleged "upcoming Civil War", Is in which he has threatened to overthrow the United States government

Because he thinks the election was stolen

Because hes stupid

And hes a coward

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552165  No.352392

Jerry literally struggles to get up off the sofa, much like a praying mantis…

It would be HILARIOUS watching him try to walk to his mailbox, let alone participate in a Civil War…

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552165  No.352393

when your biceps resemble angel hair pasta, nobody is intimidated by you

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