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File: 6dfc22aaf7e82a0⋯.jpg (249.51 KB, 1080x1630, 108:163, Picsart_22_09_04_19_18_09_….jpg)

b915d6  No.352172 [Last 50 Posts]


and YES… I accidentally got Hep C

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917221  No.352234


soaking a rig in good condition in 3% sodium hypochlorite solution (diluted household bleach) for 5 minutes followed by a 3% hydrogen peroxide rinse will kill hep C and many other pathogens.

it would not, for instance, kill an anthrax spore.

nothing but 2k degree incineration kills those little fuckers.

if you gotta bang, bang safe.

if you've decided to kick, find an NA meeting and go.

they also have a 24 hour help line staffed by volunteers who have been there done that. it is an invaluable resource for anyone struggling with any substance abuse issue.

AA will also take calls from drug addicts.

don't try to ride the bull alone.

you can go dope sick. they won't kick you out and it could be the determining factor in staying clean for the long haul.

i cry every time.

some ain't gonna make it… but i hope they all do.

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5cc106  No.352242

boot it. but boot it safe.

clean rig. clean dope. (if you can find it)

oh look! FENT!

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29813d  No.352243

"Charlie Freak had but one thing to call his own

Three weight ounce pure golden ring no precious stone

Five nights without a bite

No place to lay his head

And if nobody takes him in

He'll soon be dead

On the street he spied my face I heard him hail

In our plot of frozen space he told his tale

Poor man, he showed his hand

So righteous was his need

And me so wise I bought his prize

For chicken feed

Newfound cash soon begs to smash a state of mind

Close inspection fast revealed his favorite kind

Poor kid, he overdid

Embraced the spreading haze

And while he sighed his body died

In fifteen ways

When I heard I grabbed a cab to where he lay

'Round his arm the plastic tag read D.O.A.

Yes Jack, I gave it back

The ring I could not own

Now come my friend I'll take your hand

And lead you home"

–Steely Dan

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a5453a  No.352394

In the mornin' you go gunnin' for the man who stole your water

And you fire 'til he is done in but they catch you at the border

And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet

But the hangman isn't hangin' and they put you on the street

You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin' 'round and 'round

You go back, Jack, do it again

When you know she's no high climber then you find your only friend

In a room with your two-timer, and you're sure you're near the end

Then you love a little wild one and she brings you only sorrow

All the time you know she's smilin' you'll be on your knees tomorrow, yeah

You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin' 'round and 'round

You go back, Jack, do it again

Now you swear and kick and beg us that you're not a gamblin' man

Then you find you're back in Vegas with a handle in your hand

Your black cards can make you money so you hide them when you're able

In the land of milk and honey, you must put them on the table

You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turnin' 'round and 'round

You go back, Jack, do it again

==( It was Donald Fagan, not Steely Dan who wrote the lyrics to the song you posted )

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a5453a  No.352395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apparently, Jerry didn't follow your advice

Because he got hepatitis C

From a diseased scumbag

Then he gave it to his girlfriend

Because he didn't tell her the truth before having unprotected sex with her

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a5453a  No.352396



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a5453a  No.352397

I'm frightened……

I'm scared Jerry's going to come spit in my iced tea

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a5453a  No.352398

…..since he's not physically capable of participating in anything that requires physical strength……

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a5453a  No.352400

Jerry was SO HURT when Trump LOST LIKE A BITCH

so hurt….. that he hallucinating

He had vivid delusions That he was physically capable of letting himself up off the sofa that he spends his life on, reclined on his back instead of a bed…

Bizarre hallucinations in which he was intimidating….

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a5453a  No.352401



I've been using a completely different speech to text to text feature for the past 2 weeks

It's got some serious technical flaws

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a5453a  No.352402

It's actually slightly frustrating

not hugely frustrating… just slightly….

But I think I'm going to switch back to the other speech to text soon

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a5453a  No.352403


You almost made it sound like you could simply 'soak' the Exterior surfaces of the syringe and it would be safe…

You completely forgot the inside of the needle

Genius…. Suppose that's why you make the big bucks, right? Because you're a genius

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a5453a  No.352404

And I'm not talking about the inside of the plastic tube

Talking about the inside of the metal needle

Soaking the exterior does nothing

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a5453a  No.352406

File: d60a68e5f258181⋯.png (189.63 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220905_183536….png)


That's why you get the big bucks

Because you're brilliant

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05abe9  No.352407



Im good bro, dont sweat it.

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a5453a  No.352408



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a5453a  No.352409


of course that's what YOU'D say…..



I hope Tucker Carlson never finds out about my needle junkie days….

If he does, I'll never be invited to his mansion for dinner

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a5453a  No.352410

I think Jerry would be surprised exactly what level of white trash Tucker Carlson truly reached….

When you go to Tucker Carlson's mansion for dinner, he serves STOUFFERS FROZEN DINNERS

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a5453a  No.352411


by your logic, rinsing your mouth out with hydrogen peroxide will make DRINKING AIDS SPERM safe and enjoyable

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05abe9  No.352412


imagine not giving the full Banquet experience..

Marie Callender's quik tips and side strokes are homeopathic resolutions.

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a5453a  No.352413

It's hilarious how a needle junkie scumbag Somehow manages to emulate and idolize a creampuff effeminate "elitist" like Tucker Carlson…

Carlson would let Jerry clean his toilet

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a5453a  No.352414



I almost died last week from drinking sassafrass tea

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a5453a  No.352415

I ended up in the E.R. after my blood pressure had reached epic levels

It turns out sassafras is extremely dangerous

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05abe9  No.352416

File: 151d9f20ed0de0a⋯.jpg (401.39 KB, 1200x1653, 400:551, marthie.jpg)


where the fuck is martha when I am in need?


why the fuck wouldnt you consult a professional like martha before attempting such dangerous stunts???

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a5453a  No.352417

Number one it's highly Carson-ogenic

See what I did there?

Number 2 it's incredibly toxic to the liver

Number 3 It's extremely dangerous with your blood pressure

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a5453a  No.352418

That's exactly why it's banned in America

But I didn't realize that

When I purchased a bottle of garbage


They're not even supposed to be selling in America

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a5453a  No.352419


Most likely performing fellatio on Snoop Dogg

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a5453a  No.352420

Wonder if she puts the same motherly care into giving head that she does into making foie gras

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a5453a  No.352421

File: 01203f3b579d912⋯.jpg (390.81 KB, 1200x1653, 400:551, Picsart_22_09_05_18_51_56_….jpg)

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a5453a  No.352422

If you ingest safrole There's a greater than 75% chance you'll be dead within 48 hours

If you are still alive 48 hours later, there is a greater than 75% chance you will survive

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a5453a  No.352423

Sassafras oil is the precursor to MDMA

When I was young, Brown sassafras MDA was readily available…

It was legal…

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a5453a  No.352424

At the age of 15, on Thanksgiving night, I ate almost an entire gram of Brown sassafras MDA

If you're going to claim I would have died would have died, I didn't

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05abe9  No.352425


>If you're going to claim I would have died would have died, I didn't

CH2O2C6H3CH2CH=CH2: lightweight.

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a5453a  No.352426

Keep in mind this was long before MDMA existed

Brown sassafras MDA was SO STRONG. that only a "match head" (the white tip of a match head. Not the red part) was required….

but I ate a giant sticky rock of it

almost an entire gram

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a5453a  No.352427



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05abe9  No.352428

File: 2a1ab39cefc47fa⋯.jpg (67.49 KB, 265x264, 265:264, doit.jpg)




Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

We know what to do.

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a5453a  No.352429



I always danced TO GET PUSSY

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05abe9  No.352430


heard baphomet's got the tightest.

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a5453a  No.352431


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05abe9  No.352432

File: 7ef55cc76edd96e⋯.jpg (272.14 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, charmelucks.jpg)

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a5453a  No.352433


I would the Knights Templar know? They were all homosexuals


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05abe9  No.352434


> I would the Knights Templar know?

by your number son. also, chk.

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a5453a  No.352435


See what I'm talking about with this new speech to text?

The old one made typos here and there


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a5453a  No.352436



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a5453a  No.352437

And this is an expensive Samsung phone…. And I would have expected much better technology from Samsung

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a5453a  No.352438

The only reason I purchased this phone Was because my previous phone shattered

It had 128 gigs internal memory

No bloatware at all

A bad-ass processor

Stereo speakers

This one has the same specs

I liked my other phone better

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a5453a  No.352439

My other phone was a Motorola

I've never been crazy about Motorola

But quite honestly I think this Samsung is garbage

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05abe9  No.352440



at least they only apply the AI to target steel.


>How, you say?


>an expensive


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a5453a  No.352441

This one's got stereo speakers like my Motorola

But the Motorola was LOUD AS SHIT

You would have to turn the volume down because it was so loud

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a5453a  No.352442

The Samsung doesn't get loud at all

Yes it's got stereo speakers

But what good are they if they're not loud?

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05abe9  No.352443


guess were ass raping the catalog together, lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

decrypt muh cypher.

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a5453a  No.352444


"Expensive" Is a matter of opinion of course

I'm simply saying it's not a budget phone

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a5453a  No.352445


I've had my nose broken 4 times….

It's not as bad as people think

But the last time it was broken, I didn't go and have it set….

And one of my nostrils is occluded By the deviated septum

This gives me a unique special magical power

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a5453a  No.352446


I create mucus molds of my sinuses

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a5453a  No.352447

Every 3 or 4 days, I can pull a reverse cast mold of my left nostril and sinus out of my nostril and sinus out of my nose

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a5453a  No.352448


There is another problem with Samsung speech to text….


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a5453a  No.352449

I think I'm going to take this piece of shit phone back….

Or maybe sell it to somebody

I was actually going to pay for Jerry's phone service complimentary… we bent over backwards trying to get his phone added to my family plan….

But it turns out he had a bootleg phone

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a5453a  No.352450

I was already paying For 3 lines….

Adding another line was only $10 a month

And this was before he turned into an asshole and made threats after trump lost

This was back when he could still trust me

Because he had not crossed the line yet

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05abe9  No.352451


> still dont have pics and med knowledge on my feet, like you did Marley. Dare you to ambassador me some shoes.

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a5453a  No.352452

He will tell you I cannot be trusted

And I will tell you hes correct….


At that point, only a fool would trust me

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a5453a  No.352453

But I'm actually an incredibly trustworthy guy

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a5453a  No.352454

I'm true blue…. faithful. Loyal….

I'm one of the most trustworthy people you'd ever meet….

Until you make weird threats

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a5453a  No.352455

At which point I will make sure you never forget it as long as you live

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a5453a  No.352456

I can't really do much, Because I'm limited to keeping the punishment based here on this website….

But I haven't even started yet

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a5453a  No.352457

That's why he was so desperate to catch you and persuade you before you had a chance to read my words

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a5453a  No.352458

Is to convince you that whatever I said was going to be a lie

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a5453a  No.352459

That was his attempt at damage control

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05abe9  No.352460


>At which point I will make sure you never forget it as long as you live

I have never received the fulfillment of this promise made, am I doing something wrong?

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a5453a  No.352461

That's why I'm making sure everybody realizes I was joking about him pimping out his daughters and molesting them…

So you'll know the difference between a joke


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a5453a  No.352462


You're doing plenty wrong…..

Not sure where to begin

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a5453a  No.352463


Maybe you should start by voting for a child rapist, and when he is such an embarrassment, that the majority of humans want him sent to another planet, And he loses the election, you can make a fool out of yourself by insisting that he won….


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05abe9  No.352464


holy shit dude, just realized you're the real deal MK ultra.

Whoa, sry I guess, need some support or, er, erder, some?

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a5453a  No.352465



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05abe9  No.352466


and I was right BEHIND YOU.

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a5453a  No.352467


the Cia never gave anybody as much lsd as I gave myself

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05abe9  No.352468



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05abe9  No.352469


purity, quantity, social set, stigs, and set for repro… you didn't do bad mad lad, if you saw beyond.

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a5453a  No.352470

I've got a GREAT story about the day I drank 2 shotglasses full of THE BEST LIQUID LSD I'VE EVER SEEN…

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a5453a  No.352472


I'm not a genius, but it never made me stupid

The stereotypical "burnout dumbass" is a myth


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05abe9  No.352473

>I've got a GREAT story about the day I drank 2 shotglasses full of THE BEST LIQUID LSD I'VE EVER SEEN…

anyone do screencaps anymore? I've a put.

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a5453a  No.352474

I had a HUGE brown apothecary bottle of REAL 1968 LIQUID LSD that had been stored in a freezer since 1968

I lived with a drug dealer…. who…..

well….. let's just say


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a5453a  No.352475


he was going to federal prison, And believe it or not, they allowed him to travel back to Georgia to get his things in order and turn himself in at the federal prison….

That's what he said, "Johnny, I don't know anybody who'd appreciate this more than you"



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a5453a  No.352476

You know a food coloring bottle holds about a 100 hits of liquid lsd

This apothecary bottle was HUGE….

it held thousands and thousands and thousands of hits

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a5453a  No.352477

Is I never sold any of it…. Not even a drop

I gave it away

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05abe9  No.352478




Yet you beseech theirs.

>The stereotypical "burnout dumbass" is a myth.

it's ok to smoke pot bro, motivate youself to accomplish what you're slowing your temperance for to adjust, and then tone it back in the following. Then quit. Everyones fucked and there are no cold turkeys running amuck, thanksgiving comes once a year.

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a5453a  No.352479

At rave parties, I discovered that sugar cubes will finally dissolve after 27 or 28 drops of liquid LSD

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a5453a  No.352480


I believe a selective serotonin reuptake Inhibitor would be in order for you

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05abe9  No.352481


007 deceit, engage consume max illicits

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a5453a  No.352482


Just be careful not to mix them with monoanamine oxidation habiters

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a5453a  No.352483



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05abe9  No.352484

File: f7bc478c91aaa3e⋯.jpg (144.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>monoanamine oxidation habiters

>MAO-A < 20%

She keeps crying.

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a5453a  No.352485

File: 0d77ca595e60834⋯.jpg (231.58 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ANJI_DRUNK.jpg)


it was a year & a half later.. .

There was only about an inch or so left in the bottom of thar huge brown bottle. .

I came home, and my wife Gave me a business card as I walked to the back door

A Is sheriff's department investigators business card

" They were parked in the backyard for 2 days waiting for you "

(I had been out of town on "business")

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a5453a  No.352486


I told you it's amazing Samsung doesn't have a better speech to text voice recognition engine

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a5453a  No.352487

I looked at the business card


I had several life sentences in my pocket

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a5453a  No.352488

I'll be completely honest with you….

I totally freaked out….

I didn't say a word…

It was real weird

I started shaking like a parkinson's disorder patient

I couldn't control my shaking

Couldn't even walk my legs were shaking so bad

I got dizzy and my ears started ringing

I literally went into full blown panic mode


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a5453a  No.352489

If you could see how big the apothecary bottle was, You'd understand there was a little over a little over 2 shot glasses full of liquid LSD In it when I turned it upside down and swallowed it in one gulp

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a5453a  No.352490

I became the Premier LD50 experiment

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a5453a  No.352491

It's really hard to explain……

If you remember the old 1960s Batman show with with Adam West….

Then you'll remember the way they always had diagonal camera shots

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a5453a  No.352492

That's what happened….

Everything became diagonal

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a5453a  No.352493

not just my vision


Audio, touch, my entire perception, all of my senses became diagonal

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a5453a  No.352494

I was phase shifting

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a5453a  No.352496

File: ac6b6daaac37748⋯.jpg (46.57 KB, 833x754, 833:754, IMG_20220905_195909.jpg)

I had a car called THE UFO

And I couldn't even walk from my door to the car, so my wife literally dragged me to the car

She pushed me in the passenger seat

She jumped in the driver seat

And I told her "get me out of here fast!!"

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05abe9  No.352497

I am not passively aggressive being a wamwam.jstsyn

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a5453a  No.352498

I had been tripping for over a year and a 1/2 nonstop

Of course when I was young I took LSD from the age of 12 until the age of 15, almost every day

But this was different

I was drinking copious amounts of of this amazing 1968 liquid LSD every single day since Dennis gave it to me

So I had built a really big tolerance


I probably ingested a 1000 hits hits in that 1 gulp

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a5453a  No.352500


There's no way to say how long it took me to come down

Days… over a week

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a5453a  No.352501

File: aad773692259dcc⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_20220901_131608.jpg)

100% true

(and I still never told you about Anji and I fucking the girl next door during my overdose)

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05abe9  No.352502


007, bro you never came down

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a5453a  No.352503

File: 95caa02a73b0946⋯.png (376.75 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220905_200725….png)


sure I did………


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a5453a  No.352504

File: 94c1d129dc109b6⋯.png (376.88 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220905_200735….png)


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a5453a  No.352505

File: 43313215f9c944b⋯.png (427.97 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20220905_200759….png)

how strange that that would be my captcha

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a5453a  No.352506

We ended up fucking the girl next door a couple hours later

It turns out the police wanted to speak to me about something completely different

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a5453a  No.352507

The girl next story's name was Lisa

And she had a gigantic Bush

Anji and I made her shave it off

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05abe9  No.352508


those voices are calling from faaaaaaaarr away.

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05abe9  No.352509


still owe me a music edit on op faggot.

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a5453a  No.352510



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a5453a  No.352511

The Eagles were garbage

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a5453a  No.352512

File: 41a261681577731⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, johnnyneptune_JFK_and_boxi….png)

Imagine if JFK was never assassinated….

Got fat, And started a secondary career

Traveling the world, fighting boxing kangaroos

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05abe9  No.352513

>>352510 >………and NOW YOU KNOW



terrible larp.


impressive, to not even say the least.

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a5453a  No.352514

File: 7bf2418d1b79c7a⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 4160x2080, 2:1, 20191126_125507.jpg)

Now imagine me slowly dragging my testicles across your forehead, back-and-forth and back-and-forth and back-and-forth

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a5453a  No.352515


It's A.I.



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a5453a  No.352517

File: c0d5b2e1d464d63⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, johnnyneptune_NYC_times_Sq….png)

I also gave midjourney "abe licoln times Square Vampire watermelon"

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05abe9  No.352518



banner this shit immediately b.

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a5453a  No.352519

File: 89bbda8ac7b126a⋯.jpg (633.14 KB, 1664x1664, 1:1, Picsart_22_09_03_03_53_31_….jpg)


But it created the vampire watermelon separately

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a5453a  No.352520

File: 95e976b9f1f7f07⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, Picsart_22_09_05_20_37_10_….png)

When I prompted Midjourney with NEON EVEL KNEIVEL SONNY AND CHER ON FIRE UNDERWATER, It created an image that resembles slim Whitman's Corpse after being exumed

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a5453a  No.352521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a5453a  No.352523

The other day a blonde small breasted breasted teacher was jogging in Memphis, When a black SUV pulled up , And a couple black guys forced her into the car and kidnapped her…

It happened less than a block from where I grew up as a child…

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a5453a  No.352524

They already arrested a nigger for the kidnapping, and they know she was seriously injured it was seriously injured because of the blood in the vehicle….

But he won't say where her body is

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a5453a  No.352525

I guarantee if you gave me 15 minutes with him……

You would either tell me where the body was

Or they'd remove his body from the room

After I removed his face piece by piece with a pair of pliers

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a5453a  No.352526

I promised by the time half of his face was gone, hed do anything To keep the other half of his face

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a5453a  No.352527

In fact, a pair of pliers is all that's required

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a5453a  No.352528

I could make any human do anything I wanted them to do with a pair of Is Ammon household pliers

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a5453a  No.352529


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a5453a  No.352530

WOW !!!!!!!



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05abe9  No.352531


The other day a blonde small breasted breasted teacher was jogging in Memphis, When a black SUV pulled up , And a couple black guys forced her into the car and kidnapped her…

It happened less than a block from where I grew up as a child…

I'm sorry for you your childhood trafficking, feels.

Even Ssamfucking Son, son. It's Sonthing isn't it?


Over where bruce once inhabited these private spaces.

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a5453a  No.352532

I don't care. They still need to let me go into a room with him with a pair of pliers

I would begin with his fingers

And work my way up to his eyelids

Literally ripping his face off

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a5453a  No.352533


Back when I grew up in Memphis, it was a GREAT CITY !!!!

It was a perfect place to grow up

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05abe9  No.352534


come have drinks and take a break from black ops B, my buy, Ill comp. come home scatman..

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a5453a  No.352535

I grew up right on the corner of the Memphis state University campus

Now called the University of Memphis

It was perfect. Those were the days

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a5453a  No.352536

They just found the body in South Memphis

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a5453a  No.352537

Memphis is the most dangerous city in America now

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a5453a  No.352538

Her grandfather was a multi billionaire

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a5453a  No.352539

He had just gotten out of prison after serving 20 years for kidnapping

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a5453a  No.352540

His nigger name is CLEOTHA

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a5453a  No.352541

It's going to be hilarious watching trump get arrested

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a5453a  No.352542

That's so strange…..

I was just mentioning the kidnapping

And I got the notification

They found her body

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a5453a  No.352543

I'm contemplating pulling another world famous WHOOPSIE DAISY on my wife tonight

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05abe9  No.352544


the fact that you need to talk about your count means "means" you dont have one worth questionable.

You're the best larp I can internet into tho, thx. We dont want more ami?




>It's going to be hilarious watching

Nah and nah. Only serial killer's take pleasure in killing you sick fucking piece of shit, get a paycheck, address motive with a moral imperative and prerogative faggot.

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a5453a  No.352545

WHOOPSIE DAISY = Intentionally popping from vagina to butthole and back again over and over and over

And lying

Saying it's an accident

Even though she knows it's not an accident

I've been doing it to her for almost 10 years

Obviously it's intentional

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05abe9  No.352546


hits unequipped to shitstream blind for that 44

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a5453a  No.352547

Uhhhhh..I… okaaaaayyyyy

Maybe something stronger than a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor…….

Maybe Rat Poison?

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05abe9  No.352548


dub me b

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a5453a  No.352549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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05abe9  No.352550


whered you get your bio bachelors?

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a5453a  No.352551


the University of Deez

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05abe9  No.352552

File: 4a9140870f4306f⋯.jpg (6.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, iseeurnuts.jpg)



Also how much to watch a fag like me all day? I know it's good and your skills are wasted to gta degrees on someone whose willing to let you know so in front of the entire world, that, gay. Going back to the fascinating part is, the irrecognition (is this a word?) of what you were informed of. I mean ignorance is one thing but, you we're informed.

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a5453a  No.352554


Sorry I'm on the phone with the police…

I have to report somebody

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a5453a  No.352555

It has nothing to do with this chat room

Somebody did something here, a neighbor

Now they're going to jail

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a5453a  No.352556

Can you believe I'm on hold with 911?? After somebody pulled a gun?

That's OK because I know where they live

They ran back into their house

And now they're going to spend the night in jail

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a5453a  No.352557

Obviously I still feel poisoned from that sassafras garbage

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a5453a  No.352558

Samsung speech to text sucks balls

I said the word HONESTLY

And it thought I said OBVIOUSLY

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05abe9  No.352559

File: 4a9140870f4306f⋯.jpg (6.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, iseeurnuts.jpg)

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05abe9  No.352560

File: 151d9f20ed0de0a⋯.jpg (401.39 KB, 1200x1653, 400:551, marthie.jpg)


I've got 5 eyes, feel it, know it, can see it. Almost Martha lvl, without the extra creme on the cupcake, in the basement.

Can we get one more hand for martha folks?

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a5453a  No.352561

File: 02fbaf236722130⋯.jpg (120.88 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Picsart_22_09_05_21_45_13_….jpg)

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a5453a  No.352562



The scariest part is realizing I'm the only sane one in here…..

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a5453a  No.352565

trust me…. whenI'Mthe only sane one, that's not good

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05abe9  No.352566


>The scariest part is realizing I'm the only sane one in here…..

The scariest part is realizing I'm the only unsane one in here…..

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