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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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e8656d  No.352143

'Extremely dangerous' man with swastika tattoos on face wanted over Christchurch shooting


>police are hunting for an “extremely dangerous” man with a swastika tattoo on his face in relation to a shooting in Christchurch last week that saw a man injured in both legs

>detectives have a warrant out for the arrest of Hendrix Rawiri Jury, 27, who is wanted in connection with the shooting on Hereford St on August 30

>detective Senior Sergeant Tania Jellyman said: “He is considered to be extremely dangerous and should not be approached”

>jury has distinctive facial tattoos, including a swastika between his eyes flanked by the Nazi salue “sieg heil”, as well as a bulldog on his forehead and what appears to be the word “Mongrel” across the lower half of his face

>he also has two more swastikas above his eyebrows

rock 'n' roll cunts

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