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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 325a0a1ac95a82a⋯.jpeg (238.09 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, 06024991_F85A_469E_AC26_3….jpeg)

388487  No.352128

Took an AncestryDNA test (bad idea btw—most of the DNA companies are owned and ran by kikes and their shabbos goyim) and the results came back today. I’m only 75% percent white (various European nations, particularly Ireland and the UK) with the remaining 25% being full-blown Ashkenazi Jew.

Always thought my nose was a little bit too big. Now I know why. Thinking about roping, if I do it’ll be the first time a jew has ever done any good for this world

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1bac65  No.352133

>Part jew—should I kill myself?

Depends on whether or not I can gnaw off the rest, in contrast to drawing short stumps for marginal gain in the previously mentioned shabby race of glory, how many chomps do I have left to center me lollipop goal of center mate?

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ce290d  No.352136

File: a683f5c68fe530b⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 700x720, 35:36, a683f5c68fe530bbc5b079f586….jpg)

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